Blazey Blaze, my purple haze,
How is your new place? Do you get your own room? Are you close to the ocean? I want to see the ocean. I think it sounds magical. One day, I’m going to make it there and put my toes in the sand and dance in the waves.
I don’t even know how to thank you for the necklace. It’s perfect. I love it. The crescent moon now hangs around my neck, and I feel like a little piece of you is with me. Hopefully that doesn’t sound too dorky. School starts back tomorrow, and I hate that I still have two years. I know I’m not supposed to tell my age, so just pretend you can't do math. I mean, it’s not my favorite, so there’s no way I’d be able to figure it out. Nope.
I heard a new song today and I thought about singing it at the talent show. But then I tried to practice in front of my best friend, and I couldn’t make it past the first verse. I’m never going to be able to if I can’t even sing in front of him!
I’ve been making some progress on my sketches though. I hope you enjoy this one I did of the night sky. It’s called Nocturne Beginnings. My art teacher taught me about that word. It means a picture of a night scene, or a soft romantic piece of music of night on the piano. I found it fascinating. Now you’ll know what my sky looks like. There’s also a hammock where I often lay to look at the stars. That’s me, but obviously, I’m the one laying down, so you can’t see me. See? Still a mystery, even in my drawing.
You know what we haven’t done in a while, questions, so I’m going to restart.
What’s your vehicle of choice? So, this might sound dumb, but I really want a Volkswagen Beetle, but not like the new ones, an old one and it needs to be yellow! I just think they’re so cute. I know it won’t talk to me or drive itself like Herbie, but I just think it would be fun, and totally be me.
Do you think it’s better to tell someone something that might be hard to hear or keep it to yourself? I’m hoping you have an answer. I struggle with this every day.
If you were an animal, what would you be? I honestly want to say a dog, but I’d probably be more of the hairless mole rat, knowing my luck.
Hope your new view is good.
Shine bright Blaze,
No amountof caffeine seemed to be helping this morning. My head pounded from the lack of sleep, dizziness sweeping over me. It was Friday, which meant it was busy and I alone had three piercings today. I really needed to keep my eyes open if I was going to make it through them, or I would become my dream version of myself with clients running out on me. Nothing like stabbing someone in the wrong spot to ruin your day, well, and theirs.
Of course, as luck would have it, it was also the day Slade decided to grace us with his return. He stormed into the shop like a thunder cloud, the darkness surrounding him like a visible cloak. The poor door closed quietly, too scared after being almost wrenched off its hinges to squeak in protest.
Everyone froze as we waited to see what he’d do, the prodigal bossnemy returning. Slade stomped past me, a glower covering his face, and headed straight to his office, ignoring everyone. The others had jumped out of his way, no one tempting his foul mood. Bubba arched an eyebrow at me once he was behind closed doors, but I didn't have it in me today to gossip, so I shrugged before turning back around.
The poor sleep, the anxiety over the messages I’d received, and now Slade's return had me wanting to run and hide. Perhaps a dark hole would suffice. Or a cabin in the woods. Oh, I know, one of those bunkers! I would definitely be able to hide from all my troubles there and hope they went away on their own. Sounded like a solid plan to me.
My phone vibrated on the counter, but I couldn't bring myself to look at it. Touching the darn thing instantly gave me hives, and I'd been avoiding it all morning. I couldn't read or even draw. I'd been staring at the door and answering the phone like a responsible employee all morning! It was kind of sickening. I needed to get past this before people started expecting it out of me on the regular. Carefully, I reached out for my phone to see who it was. It was a text message from Tatzilla.
bossnemy:My office. NOW.
Rolling my eyes, I had half a mind not to bother with it. If he couldn't say hello to me, what did I owe him? Nothing. He'd ghosted me, left me alone after a night together, and now demanded me to follow his instructions. Through text messages. Not even in person.
Nope. I was not having it today.
Slamming it down, I shoved it under some paper, going back to avoiding it. What had facing my problems ever gotten me anyway?
Outside of Simon, nothing! Andthathad just happened two days ago. Clearly, it wasn’t an accurate reflection of success. Twenty-five years of disasters were what I had to go on. One good thing did not void them.
So, no, thank you. I would not be facing my problems today. I’d go with hiding all the way. I much preferred to avoid broken hearts and trauma.
Twenty minutes later, my coffee was empty, and my eyes still wanted to close on their own. Pulling out a magazine from the other day, I casually flipped through it when a door slammed behind me, and Tatzilla marched up to me.
I could feel him breathing behind me, his eyes laser focused into the back of my neck, but I ignored him. Even when he moved into my periphery, I let him stew at the end of my counter, focusing on my magazine instead. If he wanted to talk to me, then he could treat me like a person.
I jumped at his shout, my face flaming in embarrassment as everyone in the shop turned and looked as well. Turning my head, I narrowed my eyes at him, but I still said nothing. He was seething, and for a second, I feared what he might do. Covering the fear, I iced him out right back. I didn't say anything, giving him only my glare, waiting for him to tell me who'd peed in his Cheerios today.
"I've. Been. Texting. You."
Words have never been gritted out through teeth as painfully as now.