“Do you likehim?”

Stopping, I dropped my head before continuing the rest of the way. Carefully, I positioned myself next to Si in the hammock, our fingers brushed, but nothing else. Exhaling, I turned my head to take in his side profile.

“Honestly? I don’t know. I liked him when I met him that first night. We had a lot in common, and he was easy to talk to. We shared a kiss at the end of it, but then I hit my head and forgot about the date until I ran into him again with the cat. That being said, I like how things are with us and that we’re finally getting this chance. I wouldn’t trade that foranything.”

Simon turned, watching me, and I felt his body relax next to mine. His fingers wrapped around mine, joining our hands together, and I exhaled in relief.

“I like where things are too. I just didn’t want you to miss out and then resent me.”

“I could never resent you, Si. Don’t you get it? You’re the boy I’ve been in love with since I knew what boys were, probably even before. Lennox and Simon forever, remember? I might be attracted to Thane, but it holds nothing to the love and feelings I’ve carried for you for over ten years. I’ve only ever felt this way about one other person, and well, that was an epic fail if there ever was one.”

His eyes held mine, something in them shifting at the mention of Blaze, but that was long ago history at this point and had no bearing on my future. He’d broken my heart, and it was now duct taped into pieces.

“You know what I realized?” I asked when he didn’t say anything, the quiet of the night around us. He shook his head, lost in his thoughts. “Maybe I’m the reason for my curse. Well, that and you intimidating guys apparently, but… mostly me.”

Simon chuckled, brushing a piece of hair back, leaving his palm on my cheek. I snuggled into it, liking the feeling of his hand on my face in this manner. “You’re not cursed, Lemon, not at all. Maybe your heart is a little battered, just waiting for the right one to seal it back together.”

“And you think that’s you?” I teased.

“I hope so.”

His eyes did that thing where they dropped from my eyes to my lips, and I knew he was about to kiss me. The look before the kiss was my favorite, the moment where you knew your lips were about to collide, joining your hearts together. That split second where magic seemed to happen as everything hovered on that precipice.

Simon inched closer, his eyes fluttering shut as he did, and I sucked in a breath. We’d kissed the other night, but it had been one of pure passion. This one would be intentional, sealing us together as lovers. No matter what happened from here on out, if we made it or not, we would forever be part of one another’s story.

I hoped it was forever.

Our lips met, and it felt like electricity crackled around us as we pressed them tighter. Simon’s hand flexed in my hair, pulling me closer as the pressure built between us. Tilting my head, I opened my lips to allow him more access. Our tongues swirled, and with each flick, I felt our bodies roll closer to one another. The hammock swayed with us, and I realized how absolutely horrible of a place to get freaky this was.

When it swayed again, Simon pulled back, both of us laughing. “As many times as I'd fantasized about making out here, I never considered the actual physics of it. We’re either going to get seasick, maim one another, or get twisted up in this thing and have to get my parents to cut us out. How about we either move locations, or I don’t know, go back to our apartment where we don’t have to worry about how loud we get?”

“That sounds like my kind of competition, the one where no one loses.”

“Oh, there definitely aren’t any losers when it comes to orgasms in my book.”

“I think that’s the dirtiest word I’ve ever heard you say, Lenn.”

“Oh?” I blushed. The feel of his body pressed into me had my heart racing. I brushed my hand against his stubble, the movement bringing tingles to my palm. Simon closed his eyes, leaning into it. The moment felt so surreal in a way, my dream manifesting into reality. Rubbing my thumb against his cheek, he eventually opened his eyes.

“I don’t think you know just how much I love you, Lenn.”

“Oh, Si, I think I do. My heart beats in tandem with yours. I love you, Simon Fisher.”

“I like hearing that and knowing it’s more than just friends.”

“Me too.”

“I think we should head home now, or we might have to endure our second time together outdoors.”

Popping up, I tugged his hand, dragging him with me. I had no intention of playing twister with the hammock, getting grass stains on my butt, or eaten alive by bugs. Nope, that was not going to happen. Simon laughed at my exuberance but went along with my pulling. Walking in the backdoor, I quickly detoured to the living room where my family were watching a movie.

“Welp, gotta head out. Thanks for dinner.”

Hugging my parents and brother, I made a quick exit before they could say anything. Simon bid his own farewells and followed me out, a wicked smile on his face for only me to see, sending zingers through me. Once we were back outside, I turned to Simon, my keys already in my hand, ready to go.

“Race you back! But like, in a totally non-Fast-and-the-Furious way!”

I’d taken off as I shouted, unlocking my car as Simon strolled casually to his. His carefree attitude was frustrating, but I would make it home first at this rate. Jumping in, I started my car and took off, more comfortable with the gears now that I’d done it for a few days. I lost Simon a few streets over, and I felt smug at winning. Yet when I pulled into the complex, he was leaning against his car, a cocky look on his face.