Spread out on the driveway, a piece of chalk in my hand was how Thane found us twenty minutes later.

“Wow, is that The Wizard of Oz?”

“Mother of Pearl!” I screeched, clutching my chest. “Geez, you’re quiet.”

Noah laughed his little twelve-year-old head off at me, always finding it hilarious when I was surprised. I’d like to blame Thane, but it was just me.

Pulling my legs under me, I tried as ladylike as possible to keep my bum covered while doing so. It hadn’t been a great idea to lay down in a dress, and I was kicking myself now over it. As I discreetly tucked my dress under, a hand appeared in front of me.

Like a knight in shining armor, Thane held out a hand to help me rise. His head was backed by the sun, and he looked like an angel with the gold light radiating around him. His smile twinkled like a toothpaste ad, and his blue eyes shimmered like the sea, and I wondered if he could be any more perfect.

Placing my hand in his, I gracefully stood before wobbling a little when both my feet were under me. He reached out and steadied me, his hands grasping my hips, and I clutched his arms as I tried to steady myself.

“Who are you?”

Noah’s voice cut through the air, and I found myself laughing, effectively breaking the spell I kept falling under in his presence. It was odd how disarming he was in person, when I spent little time thinking of him otherwise. Dropping his arms, I was surprised when I saw him grabbing my hand and linking our fingers. Looking down at them, I frowned. Was I okay with this?

“I, uh, this is my brother, Noah,” I introduced when Thane didn’t say anything to Noah’s question.

“How do you know my sister, stranger?” Noah asked, tilting his head up, taking Thane in. He had an assessing glint in his eyes I’d never seen before, and I wanted to shout at him for being rude, but he wasn’t wrong, and I found myself chuckling under my breath.

“Apologies, bud. I’m Thane.” He smiled. “I met your sister the other night and saved her from sitting alone. Now, who drew this munchkin over here?”

His answer wasn’t wrong, but something about it tugged at me. Noah surveyed him carefully before smiling and puffing up his chest in pride at his drawing. He’d spent almost a whole day working on his Lollipop Guild and it was really good.

“I did.”

“Well, that’s amazing!”

“Thanks,” he blushed, and I knew Thane had endeared himself to my brother.

“I guess we should head in, little man, and see if Mom needs any help with finishing dinner.”

Noah stood, brushing off his pants, and placed his chalk back in our container. Picking up mine as well, he gathered the items and carried them inside with us trailing him. When we started toward the sidewalk, Thane stopped and bent down to grab something. Quirking an eyebrow, I tried to look at what he was hiding.

“Did you bring something?

“I did, but you can’t see it yet.”

“Oh! Is it a gift?”

“You’ll just have to wait. Now, come on. I’m famished!” He grinned wide, and I found myself feeling lightheaded again. Cheese on toast, this man was too charming. I’d need to be careful.

Mom was putting the last of the dishes on the table when we entered. Thane dropped my hand and pulled out the bouquet of flowers he’d hidden there. Smiling, I felt my heart take off at the gesture until conflicting feelings of guilt arose. I couldn’t like another guy, especially Slade’s brother, but more importantly, not now that I was with Simon. I needed to reign it in before I lost everything again. I didn’t think I would survive it this time.

Mom looked up in surprise, and I couldn’t help but like the guy. Anyone who could make my mom look that happy had to be a winner. Just not the one for me, I reminded myself.

“Mrs. James, thank you for allowing me to crash your dinner. I hope these are a presentable hostess gift.”

“Oh, they are lovely. Thank you, and, please, it’s Robin.”

My mom took the flowers and walked back into the kitchen, giving me a look. It was then I realized how idiotic it was to keep me and Simon a secret. My family was going to be rooting for Thane now and not understand when I didn’t reciprocate, especially if I kept giving off mixed signals like holding his hand. Distancing myself some, I watched as Thane turned back to me and smiled.

“That was really sweet. Thank you for making her smile.”

“Well, I don’t know if you know this, Cherry, but I kind of like you. And I did promise I was good with mothers.”

“You’re right. You did,” I laughed, trying to avoid his mentioning of liking me.