Everything went quiet as I stared at him, my mouth frozen in a shocked expression. Words weren't making sense today because I could’ve sworn he’d said Slade. Perhaps it was a lame joke.

"Ha, ha. Very funny. Slade doesn't have a brother."

"Uh, yeah, he does. It's me."

"Well, it’s nice to meet you, Thane," my mom stepped in, her Southern hospitality ringing through. "I'm Robin, and this is Simon. But I'm afraid Slade isn't here."

"He's not? Oh, well, dang it. I came into town and wanted to surprise him. I guess that's what I get for not asking first. Man, it sucks, though. I was really looking forward to seeing him and catching up and everything."

I'd officially given up at this point. I was tempted to pull my kindle back out and start reading and hide away. Clearly, the universe wanted to dump dog poop on me and remind me of my curse. Not only had I slept with the one and only Slade a few days prior, but it seemed I’d kissed his brother a few days before that. Andnow, I was secretly dating my best gay friend behind everyone's back.

I'd seriously lost the plot. What was I even doing? I think I needed to have my head checked again. My life really was a sitcom!

The chuckle slipped out of me, drawing their attention. Once it was loose, I couldn't bring it back and more tumbled out. Bending over at the waist, I let myself laugh until I couldn't breathe, the high-pitched squeal leaving me as I tried to catch my breath. Everyone in the store looked at me now, but I didn't care, it had felt nice to laugh. Wiping my eyes, I calmed down and looked at the three people upfront, who were looking at me with varying degrees of concern.

"Sorry, it's just a little too much."

"You sure you’re okay, sweetie? You’re not trying to do too much after your injury, are you?"

"Yeah, Mom. I'm fine."

"Okay then. Now, give me some sugar, I need to head out and pick up Noah."

Walking over to her, I kissed her cheek and gave her a quick hug, her rose scent comforting. "I guess I'll see you tonight for dinner."

"Yep. I invited Thane and Simon as well. Hope that's okay with you,” she winked. “Be good." She quickly made an exit before I could protest. Well, thank you very much, Mother! I couldn’t believe she was matchmaking! Looking between the two men, they eyed one another.

"Um, so, yeah." It was all I could get out before the words just left me.

"Well, I'll let you get to your lunch with yourbest friend. I'll see you tonight."

I didn't miss how he emphasized best friend or how Simon's nostrils flared when Thane leaned down to kiss my cheek. I'd been too stunned to stop him at that point. Simon crossed his arms, an eyebrow raised as I watched Thane leave. Ignoring him, I walked around and grabbed my purse before hollering at Bubba.

"Taking lunch."

"Okay, sweetums, be good."

Laughing, I grabbed Simon's hand and pulled him out the door. I had a feeling lunch would be another difficult conversation I’d want to hide from.

* * *

“Mom, where’s the strainer?”

Robin James turned, an uncharacteristic furrow in her brow. “I’m sorry, what, dear?”

“The strainer?” I motioned to the pot I was currently holding up, waiting to dump. The movement caught her attention, and she jumped into action, grabbing it out of its new hiding spot. Sighing in relief, I dumped the pasta into it and tilted my head to avoid the steam. Once it was done, I put the empty pot down and tended to the noodles.

I’d come over early to help her with dinner, the anxiety coursing through my system all afternoon. Simon had been quiet at lunch, asking the bare minimum of questions and then barely giving me any affection when we parted. I felt like I’d already screwed up our relationship two days into it.

I was beginning to understand that I wasn’t cursed.I was the curse.

“Okay, Mom. They’re ready for you.”

“Thanks, dear. Now, go and play with Noah. He’s missed you. I’ll holler if I need anything else, I promise.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Distractedly, I wiped my hands and headed out of the kitchen. I’d hoped being here would’ve settled my nerves, but my mom appeared as distracted as me. My phone beeped, and I anxiously withdrew it from my pocket. This dress was one of my favorites for that reason alone.