"They're both fine, sweetie. In fact, I'm inviting you over for dinner. Noah’s dying to check out your new ride by the way. Sounds like Simon did well. I like it."

"Yeah?” I smiled. “He did, didn't he?" I couldn't stop the blush that spread, but thankfully my mother didn’t appear to notice. "So, dinner, hmm? Yeah, I think I can fit you into my schedule,” I laughed. “I'll stop by after work. Though, you know, there is this thing called a telephone, you could've just called."

"What's the fun in that?” She grinned, clearly up to something. ”Besides, Simon has some products for me next door, so it was a win-win for me. I get to see my daughter and get some goodies. Plus, I made some muffins for Mr. Evans to thank him for helping me last week."

"I never understood why you liked him so much. He's always so mean to me."

"Now, honey. I know that's not true. He gave you this job and is always willing to help. He's a little prickly around the edges, but he has a good heart. I can tell these things, you know."

"Uh, huh. Your superhuman lie detector," I snarked, rolling my eyes. My mom claimed she could tell when people lied and whether or not they were good people. "It's nice of you to do that, but he’s not here.”

“Oh, it’s not a problem. I’ll just leave them on his desk. He told me he’d be back soon.”

“Shut the front door! He answered you? Well, that’s so nice of him to callyouwhen he's avoiding me," I groused.

Crossing my arms, I walked back around to the counter, annoyed now that my mom was considered more important to Slade thanme. Guess I needed to accept all the signals he was throwing me. It really had meantnothing.

I retreated back to my book while my mom patted me on the shoulder before walking to the back. The door chimed again, and I decided to wait this time to engage. I was at a crucial part in the story, and I didn't want to lose the rhythm of the scene getting pulled out of it again. Besides, if one more person annoyed me today, I might just lose it, my southern hospitality be damned.

Yeah, if my brain was cussing, everyone should steer clear of me today.

A throat clearing a moment later had me rolling my eyes. Sighing loudly, I groaned as I made a dramatic move to bookmark my page and shut my case before lifting my head. The words, "How can I help you?" were on the tip of my tongue, but as I came eye to eye with the person, I lost them.

"Good to see you too, Lennox."

This man was so beautiful, I found myself going speechless in his vicinity. His smile was radiant as he grinned down at me, and I found myself blushing. Pushing my hair behind my ears, I casually smoothed my blue flower dress, my nerves skyrocketing.

"Hey, Thane. What brings you here? You're not like, stalking me, or something?" I joked, laughing awkwardly at my attempt.

His face screwed up at the word. "No, of course not. I was stopping by to see my brother, actually. I didn't even know you worked here. This is the shop you were talking about?"

"Yep, the one and only."

He walked closer, leaning against the counter, bringing him even closer to me. His citrusy scent washed over me, transporting back to the night we kissed against his Jeep. "So, what's it like working here?"

Leaning forward conspiringly, I whispered, "It's great. Well, everyone but the owner. He's a bit of a prickly pear that I want to squash on a daily basis."



He moved closer, and I found myself moving closer as well, drawn in by his magnetism. There was just something about Thane that both scared and excited me, making me lose focus of everything else.


Simon's voice sounded behind me and had me jumping back, knocking my knee against the counter. "Ow! Oh hey, Si. What brings you here?"

My face flamed, the position he found me in not looking well, despite how quasi-innocent it was.

"I was coming to bring your mom’s goodies when I saw her car out front and see if I could persuade you to go to lunch." He had an odd expression on his face, and I knew I needed to fix this quickly. "But I guess you're busy."

"Nope, I'm not busy. This is Thane. We, uh, met the other night at the bar. He's here to see his brother. So, let me get him, and then we can go. Sound good? Perfect," I practically shouted in my need to say it quickly, I didn’t even wait for him to respond. Turning, I addressed Thane this time. "So, what's your brother's name?"

As I asked this, my mom walked up and noticed Simon, giving him a hug before taking the bag he had for her. The distraction caused me to miss what Thane said.

"Oh, sorry. Who did you say?"

I focused back on Thane, the smirk he had throwing me. "Slade's my brother. He in?"