I caught a glimpse of her raven hair whip around the corner a while later, and I followed, wondering if her friend had ever found her. It was idiotic of me to keep following her, she clearly had enough guys chasing her around. But something in me propelled me forward. When I came around the corner, though, I found her up against the wall, a guy standing over her. Something about it bugged me, and despite not wanting to interrupt an intimate moment, I found myself watching.

Okay, so maybe our moment had been one-sided, but when he put his hand around her throat and she thrashed, I couldn’t stand by and let her be assaulted. Before I could step in, some guy stepped in from the shadows and the douche stalked off, practically running into me. He saw where I was looking and rolled his eyes, laughing at me.

“She’s all yours, dude. Get in while you can, but beware of the lies she spews. She’s a whore and a liar. I heard she’s been playing guys all over Nashville. I’d stay away from Lennox James if I were you.”

Something about what he said clicked in my head, penetrating the alcohol, and I grabbed his arm. “Wait. What did you say her name was?”

“Lennox James. Why? You heard of her?”

“No,” I lied, bile crawling up my throat. “I just wanted to be sure I didn’t sleep with her and get trapped, you know.”

“Right, man. Yeah, stay away from that one. She’s a mental case waiting to happen.”

He clapped my shoulder like we were friends and left. A ton of bricks sat heavy on my chest as I realized the girl I’d fallen in love with was nothing but a liar. The name the girl at Layla’s had given me earlier echoed around my head, and in some weird twist of events, I’d casually ran into my pen pal. It couldn’t be that coincidental, could it? Only one way to find out.

Walking around the corner, the guy was gone, and I found her on the ground. Tilting her head up, I smacked her cheek to get her to wake up. She blinked, a smile lifting as she caught me.

“Tattoo man. Ow, that hurt. You’re not very nice, but you’re really hot,” she slurred, touching my face.

I hated how my body responded to her touch, wanting to lean into it. How could this be the same person who’d stolen my heart? The same person who’d sent someone else to meet me at Layla’s? Had everything we had really been a joke? Only one sure way to find out.

“Starry Nox?”

I held my breath as I waited to see if my heart would be crushed.

That was the moment I quit believing in love.

Dear Fish,

You make a good point, I shouldn’t assume you’re a fish. I chose Blaze because sometimes, I feel like my light might be snuffed out if I don’t come in like an inferno and set ablaze all my enemies. My brother says my need to push people away is a defense mechanism, but I don’t care. He makes friends easily, whereas I’ve always been seen as the problematic kid. After a while, I just gave into the stereotype. It was easier than trying to fight it, sadly.

I’d like to say I’m strong and able to stand up, but most days, I’m just happy to make it through without being noticed. I wish I went to school with a friend like you, it would have to be better.

Ah, my secret. Well, that’s a bit loaded. I feel like I have a lot. The one from the other day, well, I’m not sure if I’m heterosexual. Well, just heterosexual. I like girls, but I think I like guys too. It’s part of why I avoid everyone. Even in California, no one likes a gay bad boy. I’ve just started noticing my attraction to both sexes. I tried to tell my brother, but I failed. We got into it about our parents again and as everything with them, it ended in a fight.

The more I hear of this Lemon, the more intriguing I find her. You’re really lucky to have such a good friend, even if it doesn’t develop into anything else, you at least have that person. I think you should tell her how you feel. Though, I’m the wrong person to take advice from since I hide from the world myself.

Will you tell me more of your secrets? I kind of like the idea of scribbled confessions, our ink whispers flying across the country.

I’ve just finished Ghost World and loved it. I’m also a Marvel fan. Which is your favorite? Would it be okay if I sent you one? It’s really hard to find, but it’s my favorite.

Thanks for listening, Fish.


It had beenthree days since I'd slept with Slade, two days since I kissed Simon, and one day since I realized I had no clue what the heck I was doing.

Sighing, I flipped the magazine, a scowl on my face as I glared at the beautiful couples in it. All it did was make me angry. I tossed it to the side and pulled out my kindle instead. Some more of that juicy book would be what the doctor ordered.

The door chimed a few minutes later, and I groaned, having gotten to a good scene. When I looked up, though, it was to find my mother standing in front of me.

"Mom? What are you doing here?"

Hopping off my stool, I rushed around the counter to give her a hug. It had been a few days since I'd seen her, so it was nice she'd stopped by. Even if it was a little suspicious.

"I just came to see how you were doing. Nothing nefarious, I promise."

"Well, I'm good. How's Noah? Dad?"