Your shining star, Nox

I threw the whiskey back,the liquid burning my throat, making me grimace. I didn’t particularly like the stuff, but it was one sure fire way to get drunk. And Ineededto be drunk. It was the only thing that would dull the memories. But even as I sat here, three whiskeys deep, I couldn’t dampen them.

Peach’s moans, the feel of her skin, the way I felt inside her, and the way she smelled, all rolled around in my head on a constant loop punishing me. I’d woken up the happiest I’d felt in forever before reality crashed down around me at my circumstances.

It’d been a horrible mistake. I shouldn’t have given in to her.

Once again, I’d been sucker punched by Lennox James’ charm, making me crave her even more desperately and despise her all the same for it. I needed to remind myself of all the pain she caused me instead of the immense amount of pleasure the other night had been.

“You want anything else, mister?”

Grunting, I ignored the friendly bartender and threw some bills down as I stumbled out the door.Shit. I guess the whiskey had done its job after all. Bracing a hand against the wall, I waited until the floor quit spinning and kept going on my journey out of the Honkey Tonk bar.

The sounds of downtown Nashville hit me as I stumbled out onto the sidewalk. The street was packed with people, a constant traffic flow of cars sped by as the city started to come to life. It was only 9 pm, but I was drunk as a skunk. I started down the familiar block, shoving my hands in my pocket to appear aloof until I came to the brightly lit shop.Equinox Ink.

Walking in, Post Malone’s newest song greeted me, a drastic change from the country on the street. The chatter of the people filled the space, creating a lively environment. I always loved that this shop was a full social experience being located where it was. When Adam noticed me, he perked up and walked over, grinning wide as he greeted me. His cheery nature wasn’t what I wanted tonight, and it only made me scowl harder.

“Slade, my man, what brings you in?”

He went to grab my hand, preparing for one of those man slaps, but I kept mine in my pockets, not wanting to touch him. He’d worked for me for four years, and I’d known him a little longer than that, having roomed with the guy when I first moved to the city. He’d been a bartender back then and I stayed in his spare room before I bought this place. But I’d never really liked him.

Something about him creeped me out, his over friendly demeanor was too much for my sourpuss one, and he was justtoo pretty. I found myself wanting to mess up his face with my fist. Adam had proven himself, though, and in the end, I had to put my preference aside and do what was best business wise. He’d hung around the shop when it first opened, begging for a chance to apprentice, and he turned out to be a hard worker and a talented artist. So, I gave him one, unable to deny his skills. Eventually, I’d made him manager of the place when I opened the second shop. I didn’t have to like him for him to run the place thankfully.

Grunting, I forced myself to answer him, despite wanting to do nothing but find a flat surface. “I’ll talk to you about it tomorrow.” Well, it hadn’t been a full answer, but it would suffice for now.

His face fell, and I noticed how his eyes hardened for a second before his usual smile reappeared. Mr. Good Guy didn’t like being dismissed. The part of me that liked misery relished in the fact he was angry.

“Right-o, man. I’m assuming you’ll be in the apartment?”

Nodding, I didn’t expand on my plans. I was the boss, I could do whatever the fuck I wanted.

“Cool, cool. I’ll make sure no one uses it tonight, then. Got anyone joining you?” He winked like we were in on something, but this idle chit chat was the bane of my existence. It was the last thing I could tolerate right now, and I knew I’d hit my threshold for bullshit today. Ignoring him, I moved past, nodding at the other guys who shouted out a greeting as I passed. This place had been my first shop, and then I’d expanded in Bowling Green. It sounded backward, but I’d had a dream at one time.

Now, it was a reminder.Everyone lies.No one was who they said they were.

Every day I asked myself why I stayed, why I endured the torture, why I continued to slice my heart open and pour salt on it. It was always the same answer. Because I deserved it. Because ofPeach.

Unlocking the door to the apartment, I stumbled in, hitting the light switch. The place reeked, and trash littered the floor, dishes flowing over in the sink. I scowled, annoyed at the disaster the crew had left it in. I’d need to talk to them tomorrow about common decency and cleaning up after themselves. I didn’t care if they used the place for hookups or sleeping during off times, but this was unacceptable.

James would’ve never let Emblazed Tats get this way.

The thought had been simple, a recognition of how she added to the shop, and yet, it was the last bit of pressure needed to crack me open. Falling face forward on the bed, I prayed the sheets were clean as I tumbled into the past, my drunkenness finally dragging my ass under.

“You know this is stupid, don’t you?”

“No, Thane, it’s not. It’s stupid not to try. I’ve been talking to Nox for years. I want to meet her.”

“How are you going to explain your personality change, huh?” He lifted his eyebrow, his perfect golden retriever expression annoying me.

“I didn’t ask you to do that. You took it upon yourself, so as far as I’m concerned, I’m the innocent one here.”

“Yeah, I doubt she’ll see it that way. Besides, you don’t know she’s who she says she is. Haven’t you seen Catfish?”

“How can someone catfish me for eight years? You’re just mad I’m not inviting you. Admit it, you're jealous.”

Thane rolled his eyes, his perfect exterior cracking for a second. “Whatever. It’s your funeral.”

He stalked down the stairs of the apartment, slamming the door that led into the shop, his words echoing out around the place. I smirked, not caring he was pissed. He should just be glad I was talking to him. I’d been living in Nashville for over a year now, and I’d been tempted to reach out to Nox or even Fish the entire time. I knew they were only an hour’s drive north, but I hadn’t ever spilled my secret.