“Did you really threaten my date to Homecoming?”

Simon wore a sheepish look and slowly nodded. “I’m afraid it wasn’t just your Homecoming date. I kind of threatenedallyour dates. I couldn’t help it. If I didn’t get to be with you, then I wanted only the best. I’m afraid I’m partially responsible for your curse. Do you hate me?”

“Never. It makes me feel a little better. At least, it wasn’t completely all my fault.”

“Are you kidding, Lenn? I had to fight the guys off in high school. You have no idea how sexy you are, do you, pretty girl?”

“I mean, I think I’m pretty, but nothing crazy. I feel I have an accurate reflection of my self-esteem.”

“Oh, Lenn. That’s where you’re wrong. No man can come into contact with you without flirting. You just don’t realize it. Which has saved me from having to beat up half the population.”

Laughing, I shook my head, unable to believe him. “So, have you been with any other girls since then?”

“No. I tried once, but it didn’t feel right, and I stopped. I’ve been with guys, though.”

Nodding, I kept running my fingers through his hair, happy to just be free to touch it. “I want to shake us both for not saying anything sooner, but I’m not sad we ended up here. I like it. What does this mean now?”

Simon laid us down, pulling me close, but kept us on our sides, looking at one another. “It means whatever we want it to mean. I know I don’t see a future without you in it.”

“Maybe,” I hesitated, tracing my fingers on his chest. Peeking up, I stopped, briefly mesmerized by his grey eyes staring at me. He kissed my nose, smiling, and pulled back.

“Yes, Lenn?”

“Maybe we just keep it between us for a bit, so we can figure it out without everyone weighing in on our relationship.”

“If that’s what you want, we can do that.”

“I think I’d like that. Keep it perfect and between us for some time. No curse involvement. I don’t feel like dealing with the looks either.”

“There’s not really a curse, Lenn,” he paused, understanding what I was really saying. “But we can keep it between us until you feel ready.”

He pulled me closer to his chest, and I laid my head there. My eyelids fluttered, and I knew sleep was coming now. I wanted to believe him on the curse, but something in the back of my mind told me not to trust it. He kissed my forehead, and I heard him whisper before I fell under, “Love you, my Lemon Drop.”

Purple Blaze,

While I don’t relish you having a bad day, it did make me feel good that I was the one making you happy. Though, I do not sound like that! The audacity! Seriously, I’m not my mamaw. She’d tell me to stop being ugly right now, but yeah, I’m not an eighty-year-old woman for crying out loud!

I went on a date this week. It was horrible. The guy kept trying to look down my shirt! I hope not all guys are like that. My best friend isn’t, so I guess there’s hope for mankind. I think I’m cursed though. It’s the third person I’ve gone out with, but I never get a second date. Granted, I didn’t want one with this loser, but I’m starting to think something is wrong with me. Maybe I should ask Simon?

My mom had another episode today. It wasn’t as bad as the one last year, but it makes me worried. What if I hadn't been here? What if something had happened to Noah? Or her? I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure it doesn't happen.

I came home to find the house in complete disarray. The burners were on, and the house was filling with gas. Mom had just left, and it took a few hours before Dad found her. The scary part was that she’d left Noah. He was safe in his crib, but he’d been crying when I came in. I don’t know how long she’d left for, but it worries me.

Dad said he’s going to get her a new therapist here so she can see them each week and not have to go back to the facility. I just hope it helps. I complain about my brother, but he’s my loveable turd. I don’t want anything to happen to him. Apparently, they were weaning her off her meds to start a new trial and it had been going well until it wasn’t. I hate that one little thing can flip it for her. I’m sure it’s very scary living that way. I just wish everyone else would realize it too. Instead, they just think she’s crazy or irresponsible.

Anyway, enough sadness for today. I’m glad I have you to share it with though. At least you won’t turn on me for staying by my mom.

My favorite food? Well, it’s cheesecake, but lasagna is a close second. Tacos are good too, but I doubt we have the quality you do. I’ll have to try one on the beach one day to know the gloriousness you speak of.

I think the worst thing I’ve done, well, at first, I didn’t stand up for my mom. I let the kids say whatever they wanted. I wanted them to like me and to fit in. One day, after hearing Shelley call my mom “freak baby killer” I blew it. I slapped her and was sent to the principal. I felt bad on two fronts then. I hated letting my emotions overcome me and I hated that it took that long for me to do what was right. When I told my dad what happened, he took me out for ice cream and didn’t punish me. When I asked him why, he told me I’d already learned my lesson and nothing he did would prove as effective and be overkill. Besides, he was proud of me for standing up to the bully. He taught me how to throw a punch that day too.

This one is hard for me. I don’t know. Both options sound like a nightmare. I’m not good at being alone, so I guess, surrounded by people.

What’s your dream job? Mine is to be an art teacher. I love art and I think I’d be good at teaching it to kids. Though, if I could be anything, it would be a country singer, but that will never happen. My parents think I should do something with math though. Sounds boring.

Would you rather have to hopscotch everywhere you walk or jump rope? Lame one, my creativity is shot today. I’d rather hopscotch. I’d end up killing myself tripping over a jump rope.

How do you know if you’re a good person? I wonder about this every day.