Thankfully, the bubbles started to move, and I was relieved when he responded back immediately.

Si:Can’t, perm. Can we grab dinner together tonight, though? There’s something I wanted to talk to you about.

Me: Yeah, that sounds great. There’s something I want to talk to you about too.

Si:Cool beans. I’ll pick up Mancino’s. Your usual?

Me:Yep! You know me.

Si:Yeah, I do, babe.

Si:I’ll see you tonight. Mrs. Fleming is getting antsy.

Me: Can’t wait!

Okay, so maybe one conversation would finally happen. Feeling a little more settled, I got into my car and drove out to a country road I knew had a lot of hills but wasn’t heavily traveled.

On my third pass-through, I felt more confident with shifting gears and started to head back to the shop. I was feeling better as I cruised along and even had the radio blaring. A classic country song played, and I skated my arm on the wind as I sang along with the lyrics. I was close to town when it happened.

A cat ran out in front of me, and in my panic, I forgot all about the clutch, and I skidded as I attempted to stop. The thump I felt didn’t bode well. Throwing my door open, I hurriedly climbed out of Sunny and rounded the bumper.

“No, no, no, no, no. Please, be okay,” I mumbled in fear.

Kneeling, I placed my hands on the cat and felt reassured when I felt its chest rising. A car door slammed behind me, and I exhaled, relieved I wouldn’t have to make any decisions on my own. The only thing that scared me as much as storms was having to make decisions. Like, ew.

“Everything okay?”

The voice sounded familiar, but I didn’t turn to look, focused on the cat.

“I’m not sure. He came out of nowhere, and I’m still learning how to drive with a clutch, and I skidded. I think I just bumped him, but he’s not moving too much.”

The stranger knelt down next to me, and when I looked up, tears I didn’t realize were in my eyes fell down my face. The water blotches inhibited my gaze, and I had to blink a few times to see. His blonde hair fell over his forehead as he bent down examining the cat with gentle fingers.

“What should I do? Do you think it’s going to make it?”

“Yeah, I think the cat will be fine. We can take it to the vet up the street. I know him, and we can just make sure. Okay?”

When he looked up, I found myself mesmerized by soft blue eyes. I didn’t realize he was saying my name until he snapped his fingers in front of me. I’d gone a little goo-goo there for a second.



“Yeah. What’s up?”

He chuckled, and I liked the sound. A memory tugged at me, but I couldn’t grab on to it. I shook my head trying to shake it loose, but he interpreted it as a no.

“Wow, I didn’t think I was that unmemorable. It’s me, Thane. We met at Rookies last week? Shared a pickle appetizer and strawberry lemonade?”

“Thane,” I mumbled, trying to put the pieces together. Suddenly, a sharp pain could be felt behind my eyes. “Ouch,” I groaned, grabbing onto my head, and standing. Unfortunately, that turned out to be a horrible idea as I wobbled, light-headed from the sudden movement. His warm palm settled on my forearm, steadying me.

“Careful, Cherry.”

The kind gesture and touch brought back the memory, and I found myself blinking up at Thane, remembering our date. “Oh my God! Thane!”

I hugged him, recalling the amazing kiss we had. In the chaos of everything that unfolded it had gotten pushed to the back burner of my mind. Pulling back, I began to talk a mile a minute. “I’m so sorry. I hit my head the next day, had a bit of memory loss, and then life kind of blew up in my face and I just forgot, pushing our date aside.”

“Wow, that’s kind of the most unique way I’ve ever been told a girl isn’t into me, and in person,” he smirked.