I went to my first class, and I zoned out, not wanting to bother. I was doodling in my notebook when I realized I’d drawn a constellation. The sight of the familiar Cassiopeia calmed something in me and despite never hearing your voice, I heard it in my head. Now, I imagine you as a very southern old lady in my head, so don’t hate on my pronunciation.

“Now listen here, Blaze. Don’t be throwin’ no hissy fit just because you ain’t gettin’ your way. The sun didn’t rise just to hear you crow, so don’t be gettin’ mad when no one listens. You want people to notice you? Then you gotta get off your high horse and make an effort. Now, go and make a friend.”

Regardless of if you would’ve said that, it was helpful just knowing you were on the other side of the world and cared. Or at least I hope you do.

I paid attention after that and didn’t fail my test. The day didn’t magically get better, but it wasn’t any worse either. So, there's that. And I did talk to someone, so that was a win.

Tattoos? Yes, I would get a tattoo. I already have one actually. Something about them draws me in. I see myself getting a lot. Maybe one day I’ll tell you what my first one is. It’s kind of private. You definitely should make it mean something. It’s an important step.

Milk pits vs. burp farts? I laughed for ten minutes straight when I read this one. My brother looked at me weirdly and demanded I tell him what was so funny. He chose farted, but I’m with you, nose all the way.

Superpower? Some days, I want the ability to fly so I can fly away from all the things that I don’t like. Other days, the ability to stop time so I can unscrew up my life. I’m constantly fucking things up. It would be nice to have a redo button.

My questions

What’s your favorite food? Mine is tacos. There’s this amazing taco truck on the beach that has the best tacos ever.

What is the worst thing you’ve ever done? Mine was breaking up my family. I regret that decision every day. Outside of it, I stole my brother's favorite baseball card once and hid it. I don’t know why I took it. I just did. I never told him, and I still have it.

Would it be better to never be alone but hate everyone you’re with, or forever be alone, but have loved once? I think I’d rather be alone than live a life that’s a lie.

I tried not to bring the mood down, but I think I did anyway. I hope you’re having a better day than I am. The stars are pretty tonight.


Tappingmy fingers on the counter, I clicked a pen in the other as I stared at the door, waiting for Slade to arrive. I was determined to corner him today and discuss what happened two days ago. He still hadn’t responded to any of my text messages. He even had the nerve to leave it onread. The more I thought about it, my irritation grew, and I was a raging ball of fury an hour after we’d opened.

Yet, there was still no sign of the bossnemy.

“Why do you look madder than a wet hen, Lennox?” Bubba asked, sidling up to me as he leaned against the counter.

“I have a bone to pick with Slade. I’m just waiting for him to show his face.”

“Well, that might be a while.”

Turning my head in his direction, I almost took him out with my hair as it whipped around. “What do you mean it might bea while? What in the Sam Hill are you talking about, Bubba? Start.Talking.”

He raised his hands, catching the fire in my eyes. Southern men knew all southern women had a scale, and the wise ones were quick to learn the limit and not push a mad one. Itneverended well for them.

“Slade called me early Monday morning, saying he had something to take care of out of town and wouldn’t be back until later this week. Asked me to open the shop and mind things while he was away.”

“Did he say anything else?” My jaw was clenched tight, and I worried the pen in my hand was about to snap.

“Nope. Was he meant to?”


Turning back, I started clicking the pen more aggressively, and I knew I was about to explode. Bubba backing away slowly, only confirmed it.

“We’re slow this morning, sweetie. How about taking an early lunch? I don’t need you back until about 2 pm anyway.” I was nodding before I even spoke.

“Yeah, thanks. That’s a great idea.”

I inhaled and exhaled briefly and gave him a reassuring smile. Bubba didn’t seem sure, though, and watched me as I grabbed my purse and headed out of the store. When I spotted my car in the parking lot, I instantly smiled. Sunny brought a feeling of euphoria, and I knew what I needed to do. I’d go and practice driving. It would be a good use of my time and keep me calm in the process.

Checking my phone, I decided to see if Simon was free. His schedule varied like mine, and some days, he could take a long lunch too. I hadn’t seen him since we picked up Sunny yesterday, and I still wanted to talk with him. It was bugging me that I didn’t know where we stood. Everyone was getting in my head and changing how I saw things. Nothing was safe anymore.

Me:I’m taking an early lunch and going driving to practice. You wanna join?