“Uh, yeah. Sure, it seems easy enough.”

Turning, I did as Simon instructed and did the clutch dance, and I found myself moving forward. Doing a happy dance in my seat, I forgot I had to keep my feet on the pedal making the car stall. Banging my head on the steering wheel, I sat back and tried again. The second time, I remembered to keep it pressed, and made it further out of the shed and down the dirt road. I cringed at the dust getting on the clean yellow but knew I could wash it later. The dreaded hill approached, and the car started to make the grinding sound, and I panicked, turning to Simon for help.

“Now, when you hear that sound, it’s like the gears are shouting at you ‘change me, change me’. So, change them. Engage the clutch and move the gear into the next position.”

Gulping, I nodded and did as he suggested. I stalled the first time, but I managed to get it the second time, and I was careening over the hill, a smile on my face. We drove around the country roads, the windows down, and I knew this car was meant to be mine. Whatever I needed to do to make it happen, I would do it. We pulled back into the farmhouse twenty minutes later, and I parked next to Simon’s.

The old man sat on the porch swing and waved at us as we approached.

“Well, did your friend do a good job or what, missy? You gotta name picked out? A good car needs a name.”

“Wait? I thought it was your car?”

“Oh, no. Simon’s been searching for this car for a few years now. I run a dealership in town, and when I saw one come across an auction site, I called him up. He’s been out here fixing it up for a few weeks. He did a good job, huh?”

I turned, my mouth open as I processed the news. Simon sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, his cheeks a crimson red I didn’t often see on him. “You did this? Why?”

“I knew you wanted one. It wasn’t a big deal. How about those cookies while we think of a name?”

Simon changed the subject, and I let him as I walked into the house behind him. My mind swirled about what this meant. An hour later, I’d signed some forms, had a credit check, and wrangled a deal for Betty with the old man. He’d been a shrewd businessman, but fair, and I felt good about the price of the car. It wouldn’t drain me too much, and I’d be able to pay it off in two years.

Simon walked out the back, leaving me with Gladys as he went to retrieve the last of his stuff he’d stored in the shed. Picking up our glasses, I took them over to the sink.

“That boy of yours sure is sweet on you. I remember when Horace used to look at me that way.”

“Oh, no. It’s not like that. We’re just friends. He, uh, likesboys.”

“Well, that might be true sugar, but he likes you too. He’s been friends with Horace for quite some time now, and I’ve gotten to know the young man myself. You’re the only person he talks about. Well, you and the one other, the angry one, but I can’t remember his name,” she paused, looking up to think before starting again. “But you’re the feature. He’s sweet on you, sugar. The amount of time he’s spent searching and making it presentable, that isn’t someone who just sees you as a friend.”

She nodded toward the door where the men stood, Simon, looking back at me a couple of times, a smile on his face as they talked. I thanked her and grabbed my stuff as I headed out the door. When the men saw me approach, they shook hands, and Horace clapped me on the shoulder as he walked by.

“You take care of Sunny. She’s a real beaut’, that car.”

“Will do, sir.”

I smiled at the mention of the name. We’d landed on Sunshine, Sunny for short. Simon walked beside me as we made our way to the cars. “I’ll follow you home in case you get stuck or whatever, but I think you’ll be fine, Lenn.”

Nodding, I slipped into the car, putting it into first and heading toward our apartment. Amazingly, I managed to switch the gears without too much grinding or stalling. The road was open and flat, allowing me to coast at times as my mind whirled. Maybe things have changed with Si? It was the second time in a few days that someone had mentioned something. Perhaps I’d gotten so used to seeing Simon one way, I hadn’t allowed myself to hope for more out of protection. I knew I’d guarded my heart, not wanting to be crushed again, but had I closed it off instead?

Maybe my curse all along had been my own fault?

I’d geared myself up to talk to him about when we got home, but he called as we were pulling in that his mom needed him to fix a hair disaster, so he was heading over there and would see me later. I laid in bed that night reading my new book, and I began to open my mind to all kinds of possibilities. Maybe, I didn’t have to choose either.

Pulling out my laptop, I wrote back to B.E.R before crawling into bed, needing to say my piece before sleeping. After I submitted, I pulled the covers up and hoped I’d be able to talk to Simon soon. Slade hadn’t answered any of my messages either, but I wouldn’t let him ghost me.

If the curse had been me closing myself off, then I’d open myself up, be damned with the consequences. I was stronger now; I could handle it I hoped. I wanted to believe in a world where love was worth it instead of hiding from it.

Dear B.E.R,

I’m glad you enjoyed the book. There are probably people who think and do those things.

I hadn’t heard of reverse harem until you mentioned it, so I looked it up and downloaded a book. I want to thank you for introducing me to the new genre. I disagree with your assessment, though. To me, love is love, and if you find that with more than one person, why not? Two men can love each other, and two women, and even two men and one woman. Love is never wrong.


Starry Nox,

Today was a rough day. It was one of those where everything felt like it went wrong from the minute I woke up. My phone didn’t charge, so my alarm didn’t go off, which meant I woke up late. Then my brother used up all the hot water and my shower was cold. The last of the coffee spilled on my shirt, and I missed the bus. Well, I had to take the bus because my car was out of gas. It was a pretty shitty start.