Scrunching my brow, I wasn’t sure how to take his comments today. Everything had been superficial and light up to this point, but today’s message had my stomach feeling weird. Maybe I was feeling guilty after my night with Slade, but that didn’t feel right either. I hadn’t heard of the books he talked about, though. Looking out the window, Simon wasn’t here yet, so I opened my kindle app.

Typing Reverse Harem into the search bar, I was amazed when over 14,000 books appeared. Wow! There was a whole genre I knew nothing about. Clicking on a random book, I read the description and noticed at the bottom it said, ‘why choose’. The words wormed their way into my head, and I found myself rolling them around.Why choose? Did that mean what I thought it meant?

Deciding to educate myself to fully respond back to my blog posts, not for any other reason of course, I clicked on the book. I’d already read through the first two chapters when I heard Simon pull up. Needless to say, I still hadn’t figured out what ‘why choose’ was about, but I was digging the storyline so far of an ice skater flying across the country for a job.

Marking my spot, I left the shop after securing the million and one locks on the door and ran to Simon’s car. Jumping in, I vaulted myself over the middle and hugged him hard. Simon’s arms wrapped around me just as quick, and I felt him sigh into my hair. His scruffy jawline brushed against my cheek, his intoxicating scent that was all Simon flooding me. He was always a unique mixture of shampoo and shaving cream that worked for him. I ignored the way my toes curled or how the smell alone made my heart race.

“Everything okay, Lenn?”

“Yeah, I just missed you,” I mumbled into his neck, not ready to let go. “I got home, and you weren’t there, and I was worried. I don’t know what I’d do without you, Si. You’re my everything.”

I hadn’t meant to be so vulnerable, but apparently, it all flowed out anyway. I felt him tense, so I pulled back, pretending I hadn’t felt it. The hurt slashing against my already wounded heart. I shakily clicked my seatbelt in, my hands wobbling the whole time. Turning, I stared at the window, my lip trembling, but I held it all at bay.

“Lenn, look at me, please?”

Simon’s voice was soft, and I found myself turning despite myself. I couldn’t deny him anything, even if it tore my heart into pieces.

“What’s up, Si?”

Shaking his head, he reached over and wiped a tear off my face. “Why the tears, pretty girl?”

Shrugging my shoulder, I didn’t think I could answer. The last twenty-four hours had been a whirlwind. “It’s just Betty. She’s officially bit the dust. And then you know, I had to spend the night with Slade, and he left this morning, leaving me all alone,” I huffed.

Simon watched my features, surveying them for truth as I rambled. He gently wiped the tear from my face, a crooked smile appearing. “Well, I might have something to make you happy. I found something. Do you want to check it out now?”

“Sure, sounds good. But could we maybe get some food first? I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday.”

“Mama’s or Wild Eggs?”

“Oh, we gotta go to Mama’s. This early, she’ll still have fresh biscuits!”

“Sure thing, Lenn.”

Sitting back, I stayed twisted, so I could watch Simon as he drove. He was just so beautiful. A sigh escaped me at the thought, and I tried to hide it by closing my eyes and pretending I was sleeping. My face heated, but I ignored it and kept my eyes closed the rest of the way.

* * *

After a glorious breakfast,Simon took Nashville Rd past Lost River Cave, and I turned and looked at him. This wasn’t an area of town we spent a lot of time in. He kept smiling, staying mum on the topic of where we were headed. When we pulled up into a long driveway twenty minutes later, I was even more confused. Following up the steps to the classic ranch house, I waited while he knocked on the door. An older man answered, a broad grin on his face at the recognition of Simon.

“Simon! So good to see you, boy! Is this your girl? You're here for the surprise, aren’t you?”

“Yep. Can I take her around back?”

“Go on, you know the way.”

“Thanks, Horace. I’ll stop by before we leave.”

“Make sure you do. Gladys will have some tea and cookies, I’ll bet.”

Simon grabbed my hand and pulled me down the steps and around the house. He walked so exuberantly, I couldn’t even ask him questions. I began to wonder if maybe I was in an alternative universe, or a case of the body snatchers, and now Si was taking me out to be killed in a shed. I tried to lock my heels into the dirt to slow him down, but I didn't have much luck as his 6 ft frame kept dragging me to the shed of terror.

“Si, I don’t think this is such a great idea. I still have plans and things I want to do. You don’t need to do this. We can figure something out, butmurderis never the answer.”

He finally stopped, turning to look at me in confusion, his brow raised as he tried to figure out what I’d said. Sadly, I said crazy stuff all the time, so he didn’t pause long before opening the door. “What are you talking about, Lenn? I’m not going to kill you. Here,” he tugged again, “what I have to show you is in here.”

Simon pulled me in further, as light filtered through the dust particles floating in the space. Shielding my eyes from the reflection, I tried to figure out what it was he was being so secretive about. When my eyes adjusted, I saw a giant blob in the center with a black tarp over it.

“Wow, a black tarp, youshouldn’thave.”