I should’ve been moreprepared. I should’ve known it was inevitable. I should’ve protected my heart better. But as my Mama always said, you can ‘should’ all you want, but you’d be left standing in a pile of should’s, shoulding on yourself. I always thought it was funny as a child, a genius way to get away with saying something similar to a cuss word. Not so in the moment when I found myself alone.

Waking, the first thing I noticed was how cold it was, my naked skin bare to the cool air. Rubbing my arms, I slid off the table, even more amazed we’d even both fit. Maybe if I was lucky, it would be only a manic dream, part of my head trauma, and manifestation from the other day. But as I looked around for something to put on, the soreness between my legs and the bite mark around my nipple told me otherwise.

I’d been ghosted.

It stung. In fact, it sucked a great big one, but I couldn’t be angry. He’d warned me, told me upfront. I couldn’t even be upset with him just because my heart had decided to get involved. Unfortunately, it meant my curse was indeed still alive and well.

Dressing in my clothes from the day before, I readied myself to make my own escape. It was 6 am, so no one would be here any time soon, but I wanted to go home, put on some pajamas, and watch crappy TV while eating ice cream. At least it was my day off.

Wiping down the table, I had a momentarily crazy thought of leaving it, making Slade deal with it since it was his, but I couldn’t stand the thought of someone else accidentally sitting on it. So, I tossed all the candles, put away the flashlights, and hid the half-drunk bottle of tequila. The shop looked normal again, and no one would know anything had occurred here.

I tried not to dwell on the fact that I could erase a night with me so easily. No one wanted to think of themselves as unmemorable, but my heart reminded me I was. Only one person had ever stayed, and in the end, he left me too. The pain was too heavy, and I didn’t want to tumble down that dark abyss. Walking to the door, I remembered why I was stranded here in the first place.

Geez oh Pete, could anything go right this morning?

I laid my head against the door, exhaustion hitting me like a ton of bricks, as I stood there for a few minutes. Sucking it up, I walked over to my stool, and sat down, praying my phone still had some charge. Thankfully, it wasn’t dead yet and I had messages from Simon. I didn’t want to think about forgetting the whole reason I’d been out was to find him. Fudge, I was a crap friend. Maybe I did deserve to be left.

Si: Lenn, what’s up? I saw your million calls. I’m headed home. Want Chinese?

Si:Lenn, it’s getting bad out. Are you safe?

Si:Lenn, I’m getting worried. Please, call me back.

Si:Lenn, your dad said your car was abandoned on the side of the road. I’m officially past worry and headed straight to scared shitless. Call me.

Si: Lenn, please, come home. I need to know you’re alright. I’m two seconds away from driving and looking for you.

Si: Slade called and said you were safe but stranded at the store. Call me in the morning if you need a ride. That’s if you and Tatzilla don’t kill one another by morning.

There were a few from my dad and mom too, but they all ended the same.Slade had told my family I was safe. I didn’t know when he’d done it, but it was clear he’d taken the time to tell at least one person. I wanted to deny how it made me feel hopeful, even though it shouldn’t have. He'd care enough to let people know I was alive. That had to mean something. Right?

Dialing Si, he answered after one ring. “Lenn? You there?”

“Hey. Yeah, I’m here. Where were you? I was worried.”

“Uh, I went to a movie and had my phone off. When I left, I saw your call, but then you weren’t answering. When it started to rain and storm, I was worried when you weren’t home. Are you okay?”

I didn’t want to admit the care in his voice had me on the verge of tears again, but I stuffed it down, swallowing. “Yeah, I’m fine. A bit stranded at the moment. Any chance you can pick me up at the shop?”

“I’m on my way, Lenn.”

“Thanks, Si.”

As I waited, I checked my blog and found a new message from B.E.R. An excited thrill raced through me, and I clicked on it. We’d been chatting almost daily since I was at my parents’ house. It helped pass the time and gave me something to focus on.

Nox books,

I read the book you recommended, and you were right, it’s fantastic. It had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Do you think people are like that in real life? That focused on other people or deluded? It gave me some Gone Girl vibes. I think psychological thrillers are gripping. Do you read a lot of them? I know most of your posts are romance books.

Speaking of romance, have you ever heard of these books called Reverse Harem? I can’t believe people read that filth. One man, one woman. That’s how love should be.

What are you doing today? Reading a new book yet?

Hope to hear from you soon. I enjoy talking to you. It brings meaning to my day.

I’ll be waiting.

Your B.E.R.