“Yeah, I’m sure.” Questions lined my brow, not understanding his tone.

“You might want to rethink that, or perhaps we have different definitions.”

Rolling my eyes, I dropped it, not wanting to get into it. “Truth or dare, Evans?”


Feeling slightly happy he’d deviated and leaving my truth question for when he was a little more imbibed, I needed to think of a dare. Tapping my finger on my lips, I thought of the perfect one. “Let me dye your hair!”

“Why is every dare you give me have you doing things to me, James?”

He sneered, grabbing the bottle this time, and throwing it back for a long drawl before sitting it back down. I could see him starting to sway finally. Lifting my shoulders, I kept his weird back and forth to myself.

“Truth or dare, James?”


“I dare you to sit on my lap.”

Laughing, I realized afterward it wasn’t a joke. Shrugging, I crawled toward him and straddled his lap. I’d temporarily forgotten I didn’t have any bottoms on. So, when my bare pussy settled on him, I sucked in a breath. Slade didn’t touch me, but there was no denying he was stiff beneath me. As I relaxed, my hands bracing on his shoulders, I felt him grow even harder. A silent dare passed between us now, whether or not either of us would say anything about it.

This proximity was more intimate than I’d expected. All I could see were his eyes, the smoky dark espresso depths swirled with emotions. The light of the candles flickered over the walls, casting an eerie glow around us. We sat quietly for a few minutes while we drank one another in, and I wondered what was happening between us, this shift. Things were changing, and I didn’t know how to process them.

“Truth or dare, Slade?” I whispered.


It was the moment I’d been preparing for, but now, I debated if I wanted the answer or not. This closeness made it feel like he was speaking to my soul, and I wasn’t sure I could handle the information. Braving the recourse, I asked anyway, needing to know.

“Why do you hate me?”

He paused, the question familiar to me, a sense of deja vu washing over me causing my body to shiver as I waited, holding my breath. Slade regarded me, his jaw tight and his eyes searching, and I didn’t think he would answer. I was about to move off him and grab the tequila when he answered.

“I don’t hate you, James. Ishould, but I don’t. It kills me how easily it is for you to pretend. I know it would be easier if I could too.”

I started to follow up, confused by his response, when he placed his finger on my lips, halting me. “Nope. One question at a time. It’s my turn.”

Blowing out a breath, my tongue tasted his finger briefly as I did, and I waited for his response. The contact zinged through me, hitting my clit directly, and I found myself involuntarily rolling forward, brushing against the hardness below me. I managed to hold in the moan, but only barely. My breath stopped in my chest as I waited for his question.

Through gritted teeth, Slade managed to get out the words. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth.” It came out so breathlessly, I was surprised he heard it.

“If I were to check right this second, would I find your pussy dripping wet, begging for my cock?”

Gasping, I found myself unable to answer as I stared at him with my mouth open.

“What’s it going to be, James? Are you going to answer honestly or take the shot? Either way, we both know the real answer. I can feel you soaking through my shorts.You want me, Peaches. Admit it.”

His taunting had me biting my tongue, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a response. Slade was right though, I was in a bind. If I took the shot, I basically admitted to it and made myself closer to the edge of losing control.

On the other hand, I was a notoriously horrible liar. Out of the options, I had to try it to see if I could get away with it. There was no way I could admit how true his statement was. He’d had a lot to drink at this point, so perhaps it would be easier.

“The only wetness you feel is your own snake charmer leaking. Don’t pretend you weren’t hard before I even sat on your lap. Don’t project your attraction onto me,Slade.”

I wanted to high-five myself for the snark I just delivered, even if my soul was dying a little at the lie.

The satisfaction was short lived though, as I started to doubt myself and wondered if losing a part of me was worth not admitting my desire. This battle between us had gone on for so long, it was my knee-jerk reaction to deny everything. Still, as I saw the hurt flicker in his eyes and his question ringing around my head about hurting someone, I wondered if I was only deluding myself.