He stared blankly at me, shock on his face before he recovered. “Who the fuck says sexual intercourse? It’sfucking, Peach. If you can’t say it, I doubt you’ve ever done it.” Slade’s jaw ticked as he breathed in. “But I don’t care about every blow job you’ve given, just how many cocks you’ve ridden. How many dicks have you wrapped your cunt around?”

Squishing up my nose, I leveled him with a look. I knew he was attempting to disarm me, but really,cunt? “Why do you have to be so crass? No one talks like that! Not in the south anyway. And I can say the f-word, I just chose not to. You bullying me isn’t going to make me do it, either. I’ve dealt with far worse ones than you,Evans.”

I hadn’t meant to get so worked up over it, but the indignation coursed through me, and I found myself breathing rapidly. “So, for your information and the game only, I’ve slept with, bumped uglies, and done the horizontal tango with four people.”

Leaning back on my arms, I wanted to give the look of nonchalant superiority, but the shifting of my legs probably diminished it. I didn’t want to be affected by his words, but hearing him say it next to my name, and then describing it, aroused me. I wouldn’t admit he was the one currently featured in my fantasy.

He observed me, almost as if he was assessing my honesty. Every now and then, his eyes would drop down to my legs, or more specifically, the area between my legs where the shirt hit. It was too dark to tell, but he seemed as affected as me by his words. It alleviated some of my own guilt, knowing my plight was reciprocated.

“Is my answer satisfactory, Evans?”

“Hmph,” was the only response I got.

Twisting my legs sideways, I leaned forward as I prepared my next attack. “Truth or Dare?’

“Truth,” he challenged. Ah, so was that how it was going to be? He’d do whatever I did? It gave me a whole new approach.

“Hmm, let’s see. Oh, I know,” I grinned. “Why won’t you let me be an apprentice?”

He seared me with his espresso eyes, swallowing while he debated answering. Keeping my face neutral, I blinked my eyes slowly, offering my best puppy dog eyes. It did nothing, as usual.

“Becauseyou’re not ready.”

That was it. The same darn answer he’d given me over and over. Huffing, I crossed my arms, forgetting I only had on a t-shirt. The movement drew it up under my breasts, the hem rising higher, barely covering me now. He swallowed, and hot fudge sundae, if that wasn’t one of the sexiest gestures I’d ever seen.

“Truth or dare?”

I’d wanted to do another truth, but with the new knowledge I had, perhaps a dare would be better this round. Outside of tattooing, I didn’t think there was anything I wouldn’t do that we had access to. Being stranded and without power did give some restrictions.


“I dare you to sing for me.”

I gasped, not expecting the request. It was on the tip of my tongue to decline it, but then I saw his smirk. Slade thought he had me again, he expected me to turn it down. My stubborn pride reared its ugly head, and I justified it was only him. I didn’t care what he thought, so he couldn’t be that scary. Or at least I tried to convince myself that. Without giving it much more thought, I started singing before I could change my mind.

It was weird. My voice came out strong, my confidence solid as I held eye contact. It was quiet all around us, the rain and thunder the only sound. None of the usual noises, the computers or equipment could be heard with the electricity out. So, my song filled the space, echoing off the walls almost, the acoustics almost ideal.

“Foolish Games” by Jewel, an old favorite, fell from my lips, the words hauntingly beautiful and oddly relatable to me and Slade. You know, if I was in love with him or something. Which I wasn’t. Nope, not this girl.

As the last note rang out, I transported back down to the plane I’d been in. Slade looked slack-jawed, and I didn’t know how to feel about it. Directing the attention off my emotional tune, I pounced. “Truth or dare?”

I hoped by not commenting, he’d drop it. He studied me, something shifting in his gaze, and he held it as he made his choice. “Dare.”

“I dare you, to let me tattooyouand prove I deserve the apprenticeship.”

If I had a dollar for every time I’d shocked Slade tonight, I’d be at least twenty dollars richer. I watched as he debated before pulling the bottle to him and swallowing. He was up to two shots now. I’d wanted him to drink on that one, but as the tequila slid down his throat, disappointment covered me.

“Truth or dare, James?”


“Who was the last person you hurt?”

I cocked my head, wondering the purpose of his statement, not missing the thinly veiled anger. When he didn’t budge, I thought about my answer. “Do you mean physically or emotionally?”

Slade gritted his teeth, not wanting to give me direction. Rolling my eyes, I answered it both ways. “No one emotionally. But physically, Simon when I hit him with the door.”

“Yousureabout that?”