Would you ever get a tattoo? I kind of have an obsession with them, but I also can’t decide on anything significant enough to commit to.

Would you rather squirt milk out your nose every time you laughed, or out of your armpits every time you farted? Oh wow, I’m laughing at myself for this one. Umm… nose?

What superpower would you want? So, I've thought about this one for a long time. Simon and I have this discussion a lot, and I honestly think I’m landing on teleportation. Being able to get from one place to the next just by blinking or whatever? Sounds awesome to me.

I’ll be looking at the stars too.


The word daretumbled off my lips before I could snatch it back. Every encounter with Slade felt like a game of chicken, so ending up in this position shouldn’t have been a surprise. Yet, as I pierced him with a challenge in my gaze, my heart beating erratically and my palms sweaty, I wondered what the fudge was wrong with me.

I was starting to think I enjoyed his torture.

“Peach, I dare you,” he said, deliberately pausing to drag out the anticipation. “I dare you to let me tattoo you.”

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the shot glass and tossed one back, attempting not to think about the possible consequences. The tequila burned as it slid down my throat, my face scrunched up and my mouth let out a hiss as I swallowed. Sweet molasses, this was dangerous. I calmed my racing heart, subduing my fear that we weren’t going anywhere in this storm, not to mention I didn’t have a car, so we’d be relatively safe inside drinking.

And safety was very relative. The combination of the tension between us, the booze, and Tatzilla’s inherent sex appeal, I didn’t know how well that boded for me. This had ‘bad decision’ written all over it.

But I couldn’t let him tattoo me. I couldn’t. It had already been promised to someone else, even if that no longer mattered. A promise was a promise, and I held a sliver of hope that one day it would still happen.

It was stupid and naive, but I held onto that morsel, snuggling it close at night. It might’ve been a promise I made as a teenager, but it just didn’t feel as special if I did it any other way. I wanted it to be special.

“You’re impossible, James.”

I could hear the hint of anger in his words, but I ignored them. He wouldn’t understand the dream of a teenage girl. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I sat the shot glass back down as I began to think of a question for him. I knew what I wanted to ask, but in order to actually make sure he answered it, I had to delicately build up to it. Which meant I needed a strategy. The simplest would be to get him to drink so he’d lower his inhibitions and hopefully, his ability to hide the truth.

“Truth or dare, bossnemy?”

“Dare,” he scoffed, apparently offended I needed to clarify. Rolling my eyes, I smiled mischievously as I made eye contact.

“I dareyouto let me pierce your junk.”

There had never been a more perfect moment for me to wish I’d recorded his reaction. He sputtered, briefly shocked before his hard mask returned. Grabbing the bottle, he angrily poured a shot and threw it back, slamming it on the ground between us when he was done.

“As if I’d let you touch my cock,Peaches.”

Quirking an eyebrow, I ignored him and the fact he’d made the nickname sound more seductive and waited him out. I’d given him two piercings over the three years I’d been here, his eyebrow and his tongue. He’d been an absolute baby about both of them. I knew he’d never go for the Prince Albert. I was playing the long game, but the way he denied wanting it had me itching to do it now.

Slade sneered at me, and I continued to look at him, determined to do the next one. I needed to stay on top of things and not be tipsy. The tequila was already coursing through me, I didn’t need any more.

“Truth or dare?”


He grinned, and I worried I’d fallen intohistrap. Though, I didn’t have anything to hide, so it had to be the safer option. Right?

“How many sexual partners have you had?”

Relief washed over me at first, happy with the easy answer, but then the tendril of fear, the anxiety of the memory I ignored poked its ugly head up. Blinking, I pushed it back, knowing I didn’t have to remember if I didn’t want to. The pause, though, had Slade grinning in victory, thinking he’d won.

“Don’t tell me you’re avirgin, James?”

Rolling my eyes, I adjusted my legs, stretching them out in front of me as I leaned back on my arms. The shirt lifted up my thighs, getting closer to my bare pussy in the process. I held it, though, watching the way Slade’s eyes tracked the material and the minuscule flare of his nostrils. He wanted to act unaffected and like he despised me, but I was beginning to expect it was all an act. His tiny ministrations gave him away. I didn’t want to admit, I’d become an expert in them over three years.

The bomb ticked closer with each push and pull between us, the inevitable explosion on the horizon, and for the first time, I wondered if the collateral damage might be worth it.

“No, I’m not a virgin,Evans. It just took me a minute to count all my lovers,” I winked. “But, you said sexual partners, so do you mean full-on intercourse or any sexual behavior?”