“Ew, gross!”

Noah’s shout had me opening my eyes, as a bucket of cold water figuratively drowned me. Simon had stayed perched over me, and using Noah’s distraction went in for the kill. Licking up my nose, he jumped back, a proud look on his face.

“And that’s how you teach your sister a lesson, little man!”

“Uh, no thanks. I don’t want to lick any part of her.”

He scrunched up his nose, making a gagging sound and Simon doubled over in laughter. I was still frozen in my chair, not having it in me to argue. Had I imagined that? If Noah hadn’t walked in right then, would we have kissed? Was my eyesight waning as well or had I imagined the bulge in his pants when he got up? Blinking, I focused on the two laughing hyenas and decided to ignore it for now. My head hurt too much anyway.

“Did you need something, Noah?”

My question had them sobering, and Noah turned back, remembering he’d come in for a purpose.

“Oh yeah, dinner. Simon, you’re staying, right?”

“Uh, yeah. Sure, bud.”

He looked at me, an odd look crossing his face, but I had no idea what it was in regards to. I hated feeling like I’d missed something. Especially when it felt like a significant thing. Placing my book down, I followed them into the dining room. Everything smelled great, but as I sat at the table, my appetite was lacking.

Conversation took place around me, but I zoned out, the sounds becoming background noise as I tried to piece things together. A bang a while later had me jumping, and when I looked up, everyone at the table was looking at me, the dishes held aloft in their hands.

"I asked how are you feeling, Lenn? Any memories return?" Simon stared at me, concern edging his face.

"Um, I'm feeling better. A little dizziness here and there, but nothing to be concerned with.”

"How did you hurt your head anyway?" my dad asked.

"Oh, um, not sure. But apparently, I fell off my stool and hit it on a filing cabinet."

"Was blood everywhere?" Noah asked, a grin on his face.

"Yeah, there kind of was," Simon supplied, making a face at him. Those two had become thick as thieves over the years.


Rolling my eyes, I went back into my zone until I heard my mother ask a question. Playing with my fork in the mashed potatoes, I eavesdropped as I peered up from under my eyelashes attempting to appear innocent.

"So, Simon, are you seeing anyone new these days?"

Simon looked baffled for a minute, stunned he was being asked. "Um, nope. I'm not."

"Oh, that's too bad, sweetie. I know the one’s out there for you," my mom reassured.

"Yeah," he swallowed, looking at me. I raised an eyebrow, unsure what he was getting at. If I hadn’t known he was gay, I'd swear he was looking atmewith longing, and lust.

Noah took over the conversation after the awkward pause and proceeded to update us on the moves he could now do on his skateboard. It was a nice break from the leading questions, at least.

When everyone was finished, I felt relieved and quickly cleared my plate from the table. I started gathering the other dishes, needing to do something active. My mom joined me, and I could tell a question was on her mind. Waiting her out, I kept washing as I scraped off the food.

"Honey, have you ever," she started, but I stopped her before she continued.

"Mom, drop it. Simon doesn’t have feelings for me. He told me to my face after we had sex together, both our first times, mind you," I reiterated. Giving her the eye, I used my soap covered fingers to make air quotes. "That he, and I quote, 'likes boys'. So, please, tell me where that’s open for interpretation. He had sex with me and was like, ‘nope, vags aren't for me, dick all day’."

"Lennox Elaine! Language."

My face heated as I realized how many body parts I'd just said to my mother. I focused back on the dishes and hoped she would drop it.

She did not.