But as everyone knew, my weakness was manners, and no part of me could deny her generosity. So, I begrudgingly took the brownie as I gathered the drink trays. And people wondered why I was so sarcastic at times? This was the reason right here.

Looking down at the tray, I realized she'd given me Simon's too. I felt weird dropping it off today after how this morning had gone. I didn't know why, or what had done it, but things were off between us.

Deciding to stop acting like a scared little girl, I choose to face it like a grown-up. Using my hip to open the salon door, I ignored Crystal as I made my way to his station. Simon’s back was to me since he was talking with someone I couldn’t see. When I heard my name spoken, I slowed my steps.

"It's literally killing me. I don't know if I can live with her anymore. Not like this, man."

Pain shot through me at his words, and the tears were falling before I could even stop them. Pulling out his coffee, I walked around him and squeezed between the two of them. Quietly, I placed it down on the counter as a hush fell over us. Continuing to ignore them, I pivoted and kept walking out the back.

Taking advantage of the back entrance, I scurried to the door making a quick exit if only to hide my tears. I heard Simon calling my name, but I didn't stop. I just kept walking. I stepped into the alley and quickly made my way over to the tattoo shops' door. It was hard to open with my hands full, but I managed to get it just as I heard the other door. Pulling it closed, I threw the latch to lock it and leaned back against it.

Tears streamed down my face in silent tracks as I stood holding the coffee trays. I was kind of amazed I hadn’t spilled them in my distress. Slowly, I slid down the door, no longer having the energy to hold myself up, my legs giving out under me. A moment later, Slade walked out of his office and stopped when he saw me there. I didn't even care at this point because my heart had already broken into a million pieces.

"James, your other half is asking for you upfront. He said the door was locked. But, I'm guessing you did it on purpose. Trouble in paradise with you two?"

I stared at him, no ability to move, his words echoed over and over in my head. I didn’t miss the tilt of his smile in the corners, the pleasure he was gaining from my pain. Tatzilla knelt in front of me, and I thought for a moment he was going to be nice for once.

"Pull yourself together, James. You have a job to do. I thought you were better than this."

His vitriol hadn't been what I expected, and I reared back like he’d slapped me. Why I’d been surprised was anyone’s guess. Nothing with Slade ever made sense. My vulnerable state might’ve made me more sensitive, but it also gave me the courage to speak my mind and ask the question I’d always wondered. He’d started to walk away, presumably back to the front when I asked it.

"Why do you hate me?"

It came out sounding teeny, my voice so small. I wanted to berate myself, but the fact I was able to put words together was a win. He stopped, his back rigid before he responded.

"I don't hate you, James. Inothingyou. You're an employee. That is the extent of our relationship. You have five minutes to get yourself presentable for work."

Not once did he turn around, and in that moment, I felt as inhuman as a person could feel. Distractedly, I stood up, but everything was out of focus and spinning. I left the coffee on the floor and made my way up front, using the wall to guide me as everything swam in and out of focus.

When I made it to my stool, I plopped down on it, but the world continued to spin, and I soon found myself falling further. I gave in to the sensation, so tired of fighting for a future that was doomed. I closed my eyes, hoping it would all fade away as my body became weightless.

My heart was broken, and I'd just lost my best friend. It was the perfect day to just sayfuckit.

Dear Blaze,

I’ll admit, I was surprised to hear back from you. I might’ve diminished my last pen pal’s ability to participate. It usually consisted of fart jokes and a dirty comic. Granted, the comic wasn’t half bad, but it got old real fast. I have a 2-year-old brother if you recall and get enough poop related content in my life.

I’m sorry things have been difficult. I find myself staring at the stars when my life is out of control. Something about it makes me feel better. During all the chaos, the stars remain, and remind me how big the world is.

There was an incident this summer with my mom, and things have been difficult since. I love my mom and will always support her. It doesn’t mean my peers are as forgiving. It’s made me realize who are true friends and who are just in it for themselves.

I think your question sounds perfect. I’ll answer and then ask my own.

You make a convincing argument, but I think I’d have to go with showering. Unless you literally mean you can’t take a shower, and then I’d just take baths and pick brushing my teeth.

Full disclosure… storms scare me. It’s not the cool answer, but we have a lot of tornados here and there have been about four bad ones in my life already. The last one was really scary. I didn’t know if we would make it.


Okay my questions:

Silly? Would you rather only eat pizza or never eat pizza again? I’d go with never eating it again. Not a fan.

Personal? Have you ever been in love? I don’t know how to be any other way.

Random? Favorite hobby? Toss up between reading and drawing. Oh wait, I love to sing too, and make clothes. Yeah, I can't pick one thing.
