His obnoxious remark had my mind re-circuiting, and I remembered what I'd spun for. Pulling myself back, I crossed my arms and glared. With the stool, I was at eye level with Tatzilla. His hard stare bore into me, and we found ourselves in a staring contest again. His jaw ticked and it seemed like he was upset for having to touch me.

"First of all, just no. Take your cheesy pickup line elsewhere. There isn’t anything desperate about me. Second, what makes you think I'll just cover for you?"

"Well, I'm theboss."

"So? There are still rules. You can't just boss me around."

"Actually, I think that's exactly what it means. It's in the title…boss."

His voice took on a quality I wasn't used to hearing from him. It almost sounded… seductive. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. We clearly had our roles, and if he went and changed them, where did that leave me?

It was much easier and safer to keep him in his box. Dream Slade could do all the dirty things to me I wanted because it had no consequences.

Boss Slade was wrapped in bad decisions and a million consequences of why I should never even entertain the thought. If you looked up ‘bad boy heartbreak’, Slade Evans’ picture would be there. I couldn’t do that again.I wouldn’t.

"Cat got your tongue, James?" I swear he licked his lips at the word tongue, but I forced my gaze to remain on his eyes.

"Why do you need me to cover for you?" I finally asked.



"That's what I said, isn't it?"

"I've never seen you take a personal day in almost three years. What's so important?"

"Are we besties now, James? Did I miss the memo where we traded friendship bracelets?” His nostrils flared and it looked like he bit back his words. “Do as I ask and stop with the questions, will ya."

He spun on his feet and stomped off toward his office, slamming the door as he entered. I jumped at the sound. The music had stopped, making the space dead quiet. Centering myself, I finished up my tasks before locking up and heading over to the coffee shop a few storefronts down the strip. It was a local hole in the wall and better than any Starbucks, in my opinion.

The door jangled with my entrance, and the familiar smell surrounded me as I entered Coffee Grounds.

"Lennox! How are you, lovey?" the exuberant owner greeted me.

"I'm doing well, Mrs. Patty. How are your grandkids?"

"Oh, you know, rotten as ever and the apple of my eye," she beamed. "Your usual?"

"You know it. Gotta keep those artists caffeinated."

She started on the drink order as I perused her baked goods selection for the day. It was a weird thing I did. I drooled over the baked goods, but I never bought one. The smell alone was amazing enough. I was afraid it would go straight to my rear if I had one bite, and it didn't need any help there. Sweets were my weakness, and if I indulged once, it was a slippery slope. Best to just stay away. So, while inhaling the delicious scents, I imagined eating them. When she set down my drinks, I looked up in shock, constantly amazed at how fast she got them all done.

"You talk to Slade again about apprenticing?"

Shaking my head, I avoided her gaze, not wanting to disappoint her. Every time I thought about it, I chickened out for some reason. I didn't think I could handle him laughing at me or rejecting the idea like he had two years ago.

"Hmph," she huffed. "Lovey, you're never gonna fly if you don't spread your wings."

"That your greeting card advice for today?" I cheesed.

"Hey, knock my theory all you want, sugga. Those greeting cardsarecheesy but powerful. Take it and put it into action. And here, I can see your drool for this brownie. It’s on the house today, so you're not allowed to say no."

"Mrs. Patty! You know it will only go to my hips," I whispered.

"I know, and you'll thank me later." She winked, the old hoot trying to play matchmaker.

With whom I never could figure out, but she was always trying to fatten me up, and I was already a curvy girl. I embraced my body and all that went along with it, but it didn't mean I wanted to add more. I enjoyed food and loathed exercise, so there had to be a balance.