“I’d love that.”

“Here give me your phone.”

Handing it to him, he quickly sent himself a text before handing it back. Kissing me briefly, he walked me to my car a few spots over. My old Honda Civic sat alone and I unlocked her as I got in. Going through my startup routine, I was relieved when Betty roared to life. I found Thane watching me, his gaze intense before he jumped into his Jeep. He was a little intense, and, at times, I felt unsure, but my libido responded to him, so it had to mean something.

Driving back to the apartment, I felt confident I’d finally broken the curse—the remnants of his strawberry kiss and his number in my phone as evidence. Things were finally looking like they were coming up Lennox.


I suppose I can take you up on your offer to be pen pals. Though, your friend wasn't a bad one. I’ll miss his funny letters.

You do make some interesting points, and funny toddler stories are a selling point. I didn’t think he was yours though, so slow your roll. I might be from the West Coast, but I’m not a totally clueless person.

I’m not sure where to start. What do you want to know? You’ve convinced me to write, but what do we write about?

Well, my day has been lame. My brother and I got into a fight and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Things have been difficult lately. I’m hoping you can distract me.

I don’t know what else to say now, so I’ll keep this first one short. Perhaps we can ask each other a silly question, a personal question, and a random question to make it easier? I’ll go first.

If you had to choose between never brushing your teeth or never showering, which would you choose? As gross as it may sound, I can’t stand not brushing my teeth. Hopefully, my natural odor is good.

Tell me something that frightens you. Clowns. They’re evil.

Fall or Spring. Fall all the way.



Simon had beenin his room when I returned last night, with the door closed. I hadn't had to face him yet about my date, and the dread pooled in my belly. Pouring some cereal into a bowl, I kept my eyes focused on his door, waiting for him to wake up. I knew I was being ridiculous and a tad bit obsessive, but when it came to Simon, it had always been that way.

I didn’t know how to be anything but full throttle with the boy, even if just friends.

It felt like he'd been upset with me yesterday, or worse,disappointed. Having Simon displeased with me was the absolute worst feeling. This obsession wasn’t healthy, this need for his approval. I could recognize that. But it had been our dynamic for so long, I wasn't sure I could stop. Or that I wanted to. I didn’t care what others thought, but Simon wasn’t just anyone.

He was my rock, my person, and if I didn't have him in my life, I wasn't sure what my life would be like. He'd been there for every important moment so far. To do something without him felt wrong.

Of course, I wished for more, but I'd accepted nine years ago that it never would be. My brain and heart just hadn’t communicated that fact very well, though.

I started to pour the milk when Si’s door opened, and I found myself distracted. Simon’s bare chest, the way the dark hair of his happy trail led down to the waistband of his boxers, and the sleepy adorable look he rocked had me drooling. When I felt wetness hit my toe, at first, I thought I had a spontaneous orgasm withsquirting. But then common sense flitted in, and I realized the milk had overflowed from my bowl.

"Ah, fiddlesticks!"

Quickly, I grabbed some paper towels and started mopping up the spilled milk. On my hands and knees, my butt in the air, I chastised myself for being so klutzy. Simon walked over, surprising me when he came up behind me.

“Need help, Lenn?”

Popping up to my knees, I spun and got an eyeful of his junk, which, I was surprised to find, wasvery happyto see me this morning.

"Um, Si, I think your rocket is confused. Either that or I look like a guy from behind."

Twisting, I tried to take in my backside to see if it looked masculine. I had on my sleep shorts and Captain America tee. Maybe that had been the cause? Shrugging, I found Simon staring at me oddly. He hadn't said another word, just had this weird look on his face.

Standing, I waved my hand in front of his face, "Simon, are you having a stroke? What's going on?"

The movement seemed to wake him up, and he blinked at me a few times before looking down at the floor covered in milk still.

"Were you trying to float your Cheerios, Lenn?" he teased.