Page 76 of Saving Vienna

Dr. Allen looks between me and Vienna before straightening in his seat. “What are you really asking, Mr. Teager?”

“We’d p-planned our honeymoon in Vienna, Aus-stria, this month. But—”

I hear Vienna’s loud gasp, and her head jerks to me.

“I didn’t know you guys were newly married.” There’s a small smile on Dr. Allen’s face, and the air in the room feels light for a second.

“Not so new,” Vienna quickly adds before grabbing my hand resting on the arm of the chair. “But, Zane?”

“Shh.” I clasp her hand in mine tightly before turning back to the doctor. “We can monitor her ir-ron and RBC count by r-regular tests and send you th-the reports. The tr-ransfusions can be done locally there.”

Dr. Allen doesn’t reply immediately, but his finger moves back and forth over his chin. Then he types something on his computer before turning it toward us.

It’s a private hospital’s website in Austria.

“There’s a very renowned neurosurgeon in Vienna city hospital. Let me reach out to him and see if he can help us in your case.” Dr. Allen looks at us and says, “I’ve a feeling that you’ll be able to enjoy your honeymoon.”



I can’t believe what’s happening as Zane pulls me away from the hospital. He’s oozing with excitement, his steps hurried as he rushes me to the parking lot.

This might be the first time I’ve seen him so animated. He almost looks like Zach.

“Zane, stop.” I pull on his hand. “Where are we going?”

“T-to Vienna.” He halts, but excitement doesn’t lose its grip on him as he bounces from one foot to the other.

“I’m serious.”

“Me t-too. We can c-catch a plane in t-two hours and be th-there tomorrow.”

“C-catch a plane?” I can’t hold back my stutter. “Now?”

He nods. “Yeah. We’ll take a pr-rivate plane, s-so you’ve time to pack everyth-thing you ever wanted to t-take with you.”

“And what about work?” Are we seriously considering this?

Zane’s eyebrows furrow. “W-won’t Joe give you leave?”

“Joe?” The heady mix of emotions makes it difficult to think.

“Your b-boss.”

“I’m talking about your work.” I poke his muscular chest. “I’m a barista for heck’s sake, but aren’t you a hotshot CTO of a multi-billion-dollar company.”

He smirks. “I d-don’t know about hotsh-shot.”

I give his bashful face one last look before tugging on his arm. “What’s seriously happening, Zane?”

“You s-said yesterday that you w-want to have a honeymoon, and I’m giving it t-to you.”

I’m still in shock. “So, you’re fulfilling my bucket list or something?”

“Vienna!” His shoulders drop, and with a frustrated shake of his head, he adds, “Th-there’s not going to be a b-bucket list. If you like, I can make a r-reservation at Frauenhuber for our first anniversary.”

A deep frown takes over his gorgeous face as soon as the words are out of his mouth.