Page 5 of Saving Vienna

“I’m s-sorry for ask-king you out for lunch like th-this. I just w-wanted to know how you’r-re doing.” His gazes shifts to my hand before he opens the take-out boxes.

He isn’t taking you on a date, you freak. He’s just worried.

I hand him a plate and plastic cutlery wrapped in a napkin, before twisting my wrist and don’t let the small bite of pain show on my face. “It’s much better. Thank you.”

Zane looks indecisively at the two cardboard boxes. “What w-would you like t-to have?”

When I open the sandwich box, his eyebrows rise. “That’s s-some art. You’re tr-uly gifted.”

I love that he guessed I’m the one who garnished it.

I shrug before cutting the sandwich into two halves. “It’s not really a talent. It’s just fun. I guess talent is something you do there.” I cock my head toward the offices. “You work in one of those buildings, right?”

He nods and takes one half of the sandwich before pushing the box before me.

“How’s the work environment? I hear corporate bosses are like sharks. I hope yours aren’t like that.”

“I hope s-so too.” He smiles before taking a bite.

For a second, I’m hypnotized by his moving mouth and forget what I was about to ask. But the next moment, I look away from his captivating face and try to find my own bearings. “Haven’t you met them already?”

“I moved to Cher-rrywood th-three months back.” He takes a sip of the coffee before adding, “So haven’t met ever-ryone in the office.”

Aha, that’s why I didn’t see him until now. Because a man like Zane would be hard to miss in my small town.

“How do you like Cherrywood so far?”

“It’s beautiful and per-rfect for me.”

Aw! My heart tugs when he smiles, showing his perfect teeth. “Isn’t it? This place steals hearts every day. There’s going to be a carnival next week by the lake. Would you like to join me?” I blurt without thought.

Zane’s hand, which was reaching out to grab the coffee mug, halts.

You crazy woman. “Um, I mean…”

As I’m thinking of something to save face, he clears his throat.

“I’d love t-to. I haven’t s-seen much of th-the town anyway.”

Holy crap! Did I just ask Zane out and he agreed?

Be cool, Vi. Be cool.

“I’d love to be your guide. Let me give you my number.”

I recite my number and his beautiful fingers type it into his cell. I fish out my cell phone from the apron pocket when it vibrates.

“N-now you have mine, t-too.” He smiles, tilting his head toward my phone, where there’s a “Hi” text from him.

I place the untouched pasta box back into the bag as he gets up. Guess his lunchtime is over. As much as I’d love to keep staring at Zane’s handsome face and talking to him, I know Joe will be out soon.

I hand him the bag. “This is for you, and thank you for the lunch.”

I can’t help but return his earnest smile.

“I’ll be b-back for Vienna t-tomorrow. Until th-then, take care.”

I can’t take my eyes off him as he crosses the street. Unlike other men in suits, who only care about where they’re going, Zane looks around, pausing every once in a while to see the life around him.