Page 34 of Saving Vienna

“We jus-st got the license t-today,” I tell everyone, and thankfully Zander relaxes.

When I think everyone is calm, the kids make a reappearance and gather around Vienna. They start asking questions to her about her family and what she does.

And I realize there are so many things I don’t know about my bride, who is standing like a deer in headlights. Her anxious face stirs my restlessness. She just had a seizure at the doorstep, and I haven’t even had a chance to ask her how frequent they are.

I’m about to tell the kids to settle down when Zach booms, “Who wants to beat me in Monopoly? Or am I still the invincible prince of this house?”

Thankfully, the boys’ attention is pulled to him. When I turn around to Vienna, she’s looking at everything with wide eyes. I probably should have given her more insight into my family.

I take her clammy hand in mine when Sophia walks up to us. “I’m so happy for the two of you,” she says before taking us both in a hug. When Sophia pats Vienna’s cheeks affectionately, there are tears shining in my soon-to-be bride’s eyes.

I know Vienna’s mom passed away of brain cancer. What I don’t know is how much she’s been thinking of her mother with the news of her own tumor before her.

After everyone’s congratulations, Vienna sticks close to Sophia, even trailing her into Zander’s open kitchen.

“Mom is going to have a blast.” Kristy smiles, glancing at the kitchen and then back to me. “I really had no idea you were seeing someone, Zane.”

“No one did,” Zander comments. He’s clearly still a little pissed about the secret marriage license. Guilt resurfaces inside me when Rose, who is huddled next to my brother, takes my side.

“We did know, Zander. We saw Zane at the carnival with Vienna. I told you there was something going on.”

“You have become quite a relationship expert, couch girl.” Zander cocks an eyebrow at his wife, and a smile pulls on his lips. His gaze remains on Rose for a few seconds more as they get lost in their own world.

I glance at Vienna and wonder if I’ll have the same kind of married life as my brothers.

No, jackass. That isn’t what you and Vienna agreed on.



“This is so beautiful, Vienna.” Sophia looks at the salad plate I’m arranging in Zander’s kitchen. She picks up a radish flower and inspects it before smiling at me.

My insides tingle at her pleasant, surprised expression. Behind us, there are two servers transferring food into the serving dishes. I’m having a hard time with everything in this house, including the people. Zane’s family seems perfect and nice, although his elder brother wasn’t overly pleased by my arrival.

“Don’t worry about Zander.” Sophia catches my attention, and I realize I’m staring at everyone sitting in the living room. When I face her again, she has the same sweet expression on her face. “Zander loves his brothers, and Zane is everyone’s favorite. That kid is too good. He can’t see anyone in pain.”

A shiver shoots through me.

Does she suspect that I’m one of those people Zane took pity upon?

“Everyone will love you.” Unaware of my trembling insides, she holds my hand and leads me into the dining area.

It doesn’t take long before everyone joins us. Beast walks to Sophia, and his hand immediately curls around her shoulder. They both look at each other, and my stomach flutters when he affectionately smiles at her before placing a kiss on her lips.

Wow! I’ve never seen two people of this age so much in love with each other.

I don’t know how Beast got his nickname, but it couldn’t be more fitting. He’s even taller than Zane and his brothers. With a gray bearded jaw, he’d be a perfect recipient of the title silver fox.

“How ar-re you feeling?” Zane asks after walking up to me.

When I look at him, Sophia’s words ring in my ears. He can’t see anyone in pain.

“Ar-re you d-dizzy?” His eyebrows furrow, and I’m once again transported into this fantasy world where Zane is my fiancé because he loves me and not because he feels sorry for me.

With his thumb and index finger, he lightly grazes my jaw, and my breath hitches at that small action. I’m back in my room, where he kissed me. A kiss I demanded, and as everything else, Zane gave it to me without a question.

“We totally get why you two are rushing toward that wedding date,” Kristy hollers and I turn to see that everyone is already seated except for Zane and me.