Page 38 of Saving Vienna

Even in the dark night, with only the car’s headlights on, I can feel the nervousness oozing out of him.

How is Zane so unsure of himself and his life?

But before I can dwell more on that surprising tidbit, he stops and parks in an open garage.

My eyes widen at the sight of the tiny yellow lamps outlining a porch. My breath stops as I take in the house surrounded by the forest.

It doesn’t take long before Zane grabs my luggage. It feels like walking in a dream or stepping inside a fairy tale as I follow him with Tassels’ bag in my hand, and he leads me to the most beautiful home.



Vienna follows me as I take the steps up from the open parking of the house. Finally, we stop at the porch. Most of the lights are out except for the hanging string lights. I place her luggage on a corner and flip the main light on.

Before I can turn around, I hear her gasp.

I don’t know what’s surprising her.

The firepit in the center with warm ashes. The bookshelf lined with medical books, or the ones lying on the sofa all related to meningiomas. Or that Mystery is sitting next to them, looking at us carefully.

I’m sure he was asleep, but the sound of the car engine and our steps woke him up.

“Is that a dog?” Vienna puts Tassels’ carry bag on the floor, and I notice how Mystery’s full attention is on the new furry guest. Tassels, on the other hand, is doing an exceptionally poor job of hiding with his paws planted right above his eyes.

“He’s-s actually a w-wolfdog. Mys-stery.”

“Mystery?” Vienna’s wide eyes shift between me and my furry friend, who’s now intently looking at us.

“He mys-steriously came into my life th-three months ago, when I moved onto th-this property. He was less th-than a month old then. I thought he was a d-dog, but when I took him to th-the vet a few weeks later, they told me he’s-s a wolfdog.”

“Is he safe?” She’s completely still, and with the way she rapidly blinks, I think she’s more curious than scared.

“Yes, t-totally. Mystery s-spends most of his time here on the por-rch and keeps me company. I’ve even s-started teaching him tr-ricks.” I take a seat on the couch and ask Vienna to join me. “Let me sh-show you.

“Mys-stery, w-water, please.” My chest inflates in pride when, like a good boy, he immediately jumps out of the recliner and walks to the corner of the porch where I’ve stacked the water bottles. He carefully puts a plastic bottle in his mouth, and when I offer my hand, he drops it.

“Holy shit, Zane! How did he do that?” Vienna’s eyebrow go up to her hairline in surprise.

“Now your t-turn.” I give her a smile. Though inside, I’m nervous to see if he’ll really follow her direction, because this fucker can be moody at times.

Vienna sits straight and even squares her shoulders before saying, “Mystery, water, please.”

Mystery looks at her for a second before his head turns to me. I lean back a little, away from Vienna’s sight, and then cock my head toward the water bottles.

A few seconds later, Mystery drops a bottle in Vienna’s hand. She squeals, throwing the bottle up in the air, and my stomach quivers watching her this happy.

“I can’t believe you did that, Zane. I can’t even make Tassels come out of hiding on my command.”

I smile and then pet Mystery, who’s now sitting on his back feet next to me on the floor. “Th-this is Vienna, boy. Know her well. It’s-s no longer jus-st you and me anymore.” My pulse shakes as I make the introductions.

“Do you think he wants to lick my mouth?” Vienna asks out of the blue, rolling her tongue.

I’m distracted by her action, as it reminds me of her sweet mouth and how it tasted when we kissed.

“Does he?” Her eyes open wide when I don’t answer.

“I d-don’t unders-stand.”