Page 36 of Beautiful Rose

Can I risk the stability I finally have in my life?

“What are you thinking?” Kristy turns to her side, facing me.

“This looks like a gamble.”

“Love always is.”

Oh my. Are we really talking about the big L-word?

Before I can mull or hyperventilate more, Kristy distracts me.

“You really like him, don’t you?”

I’m sure she has no problem reading the fear on my face, but she presses my hand lightly and smiles.

After several minutes of silence, she playfully nudges my shoulder. “Maybe next time when he’s flirting with you, you simply play along before he makes a U-turn.”

“I don’t think I can do that.” I nervously rub my forehead.

She pulls my hand away. “You don’t have to go all gaga over him. Just play up some of your cute charm.”

I don’t dismiss her idea this time. Not because I’m going to act on it immediately, but because it’s tough to argue with Kristy. Instead, I ask, “What do you think happens next?”

“You guys will probably move beyond the virtual world and go on… real dates.”

Dates? Sweet sugar! Am I up for it?



“Did you hear about the upcoming party?” My phone is tucked between my shoulder and ear as I open the door to my apartment.

“Yeah. I read the email,” Marr mumbles.

“Are you excited?” After grabbing a beer from the fridge, I open the balcony door and flop onto the recliner.

“Everybody is.” The disinterest is clear in her voice. This crazy girl.

“Marr, I’m not asking about your whole town. Are you excited?”

“I… I’m not really a party person. Also, crowds…make me nervous,” she mutters the expected response.

The upcoming party is Elixir’s first annual meet in Cherrywood. It’s the first time staff from St. Peppers will drive down to Cherrywood. Seeing Marr’s lack of interest in presenting even her best work and the way she has either bailed or managed to hide in all the conference calls I’ve arranged over the past month, I know parties aren’t her thing.

I take a swig of beer before asking, “I meant, are you excited to see me?” My voice comes out raspier than usual.

“Um…” She hesitates before whispering, “I’ll be…if you’ll be.”

The beer bottle stays on my mouth for a beat longer.

Holy fuck. Did I hear right, or are the soft and breathy words my imagination?

When did you become so courageous, couch girl?

“I’ll be thrilled to see you.” I can barely contain the excitement bubbling inside me. “It’s been so long hearing your voice, listening to your laughs.” Her rare audacity fuels my suppressed attraction, emboldening me to say the things I’m trying to bury inside. “I’m eager to see you in person again, walk with you through the streets of Cherrywood, meet your still-alive-and-kicking Logan, and admire your one-of-a-kind superhero collage.”

She stills, and I can only hear her heavy breathing.