Page 19 of Beautiful Rose

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be intrusive,” Zander whispers. “You are…”

My mouth dries as I wait for his words.

How will he finish this sentence? I try hard to silence the voice in my head, which thinks the worst of everything.

“Beguiling.” His grip on the coffee cup tightens as if he doesn’t like his words. But when our eyes meet, a slow smile builds on his lips.“If it doesn’t offend you, I have a request to make.”

Hearing his hesitant voice, my hands falter where I’m circling the rim of the coffee cup with my index finger.

“Yeah?” I don’t know where he’s going, but I’m curious.

“I’d like to know you better. After all, we do share a mutual love for Wolverine.” His smile wavers a little when he adds, “We could be good friends, don’t you think?”

“Um…I don’t know…what to say?”

“I’m a decent man, Ms. Marlin.”

“I’m sure you are, Mr. Teager.”

“If we’re to be friends, you might want to call me by my name.”

“Ah, yes. I guess you should too.”




Looking at this beautiful girl sitting across from me, I reminisce on yesterday morning, something I’ve done quite a lot the past twenty-four hours.

While she was busy explaining her findings and analysis, I couldn’t help but notice the subtle things she did unknowingly. Like the way she brought the tip of her tongue between her lips to wet them. Damn. She looked so sexy. The way she tweaked her nose after adjusting her glasses—adorable.

My brain is soon going to exert itself, failing to connect the person I see to the name I know.

Her low coughing interrupts my trail of thoughts.

Shit. She asked me about her name. I’ve just offered her a friendship, and I can’t lie to her face. What a shitty friend would I be?

I run both my hands through my hair before meeting her expecting gaze.

“You mentioned you aren’t comfortable around people. Does it also extend to things?”

Her gaze drops from mine to the table between us. Her folded hands on the wooden surface lightly shake before her fingers start tugging on the cuffs of her shirt. Embarrassment evident on her red cheeks and I realize she’s taken my comment personally.

I try hard to keep some semblance of sanity in my next words.

“Small things, which many might not even notice, can sometimes be a trigger for some in ways we can’t imagine.” My words have trouble finding a voice. The top button of my collar feels like a vise around my neck.

But I have her complete attention, her entire body still. There’s a flicker of understanding in her wide eyes, which persuades me to whisper in a throaty voice, “I’m uncomfortable with your name. I…don’t think I’ll ever be able to say it out loud.”

I regret the words upon seeing her flinch and her body crumbling onto the chair. I watch as she swallows hard and closes her eyes.

“It’s okay.” Her dejected voice cuts me deep.

“It’s not okay. In no fucking way,” I say through gritted teeth.

This week. Her name. Her smile. The way my heart beats upon seeing her. It’s all a fucking disaster.