Page 112 of Beautiful Rose

When I come out of shower, I find Zander sitting on my bed, dressed in another of his fine suits. He might have taken a shower in Kristy’s bathroom.

“Who was at the door?” I ask, my brain still struggling with the news of Clementine moving in. Everything is changing so fast.

“Zach and Zane. They’re here to pick us up,” Zander replies, playing with the ends of the peach dress I’ve laid on the bed to put on.

“Oh, sorry. I’ll be quick.” I scramble to the dresser to get my hairdryer.

“It’s okay, Marr. They’re early.” Zander walks to me and plucks the brush from my hands. “Can I request something?”

“Mmm…sure.” My voice fills with trepidation as his hesitant voice.

“Can you put on your green flannel shirt today?” he urges.

“You want me to wear my flannel and jeans?” I can’t hide my surprise. “You don’t like the dress?”

Why? I purchased this dress with him in St. Peppers.

“I like it very much. You look so beautiful in it.” A familiar smile dawns on his face. Thank God!

“Then what’s the matter, Zander? You’re really scaring me today.”

“Nothing, sweetheart.” He pulls me to his chest. “I just want to remember our first meeting, and I…” He swallows deep. “I kinda have a surprise for you.” He searches my face, and I’m sure he can see anxiety written all over it. “It’s a happy surprise, couch girl.” He plants a kiss on my temple. “Trust me.”

“I was really looking forward to a surprise-free day. It’s all too much,” I whisper, barely holding my tears at bay.

“What is?” he whispers back.

“Everything. Everything is changing… so fast.” Today, Zander has taken the role of Kristy for me. I usually discuss such fears and insecurities with her. He slowly rubs my back as I continue.

“I feel like I’ll fall behind and get lost again. Kristy is gone, Clementine is moving in, and you are being strange and… weird.” My voice breaks. “I feel like I’m gonna lose you too.”

“You’re not going to lose me, ever. From what I see, you’re not falling behind but moving forward. You’re not getting lost but discovering new things in life. Instead of losing Kristy, you’ve gained two new relationships with Oscar and Charlie. More people are entering your life. It might be scary, but you are doing so great.” He gazes into my eyes, urging me to believe his words.

“You think so?” I look at him with tears blurring my vision.

He nods and smiles. “I believe so.”

“Okay then. Let’s check out your surprise,” I mumble, walking toward my dresser to put on my green flannel.

* * *

We all sit around the giant breakfast table set in Oscar’s family’s lavish garden. The weather is pleasant, and the breakfast is mouthwatering, which is no surprise considering most baked goods are from the coveted Hawthorne bakery in Cherrywood.

It’s a close family-and-friend gathering. Kristy is settled with Oscar and Charlie on either side of her. Oscar’s arm lazily hangs around her chair, and Charlie is half sitting on her lap. They do make a sweet family.

I sit next to Zander and his brothers, surrounded by people who are slowly taking the role of my family.

Meanwhile, Clementine assured me several times that she’ll be a wonderful housemate and is looking forward to living with me. Seeing her so excited is actually good. I’m starting to believe in Zander’s words about me moving forward in life.

A clearing of a throat interrupts my thoughts, and I notice Zander standing and drawing everybody’s attention to him. He’s wearing the reputable cherry red tie today, looking handsome as always.

“Rose, my sweetheart. I know you hate surprises, but I’m hoping this will be a good one, for both of us.” He swallows hard and takes a long pause, which only makes me more anxious.

Why can’t he surprise me in private?

“You might be wondering why I’m doing this in public.” As always, he reads me like an open book. “But I need to do this in front of people who care about us and our happiness.”

I glance across and meet Kristy’s wide smile. Her eyes widen, and I follow her gaze to find Zander on one knee.