Page 101 of Beautiful Rose

He nods, placing the second batch of cookies on the counter before passing me the cookie dough. “Now get started.”

Zander shows me how to mix the sugar and butter, followed by something called folding the flour. What a strange expression!

Finally, I lay scoops of cookie mix on the baking paper and place the tray into the hot oven.

After baking, we sit for breakfast, and I’m again reminded of Zander’s marvelous culinary skills. He perfectly arranges today’s breakfast of granola with yogurt. Unlike me, where I just dump store-bought cereal into a bowl, he prepares everything from scratch.

I sit there, admiring his gorgeous hands working as he adds oats, nuts, seeds, and honey into the large pan.

As always, I wonder what he’s doing with me. Before my insecurities rear their ugly head, I focus back on this lovely morning. When he places the fruits next to my breakfast, I swoon at the sight of my perfect fruit mix for the day.

Even though I might not know why he loves me, I know how he loves me.

He loves me unconditionally, making all my silly wishes and needs come true. Like the five blueberries, three strawberries, and half pear peeled and cut into cubes. I have no idea if he had them already or if he arranged them somehow this morning, but they’re here on the table.

After breakfast, we shower together—another first.

I’ve lost count of how many firsts I’ve accomplished in this a short time with Zander. In the shower, he pampers me like I’m the most precious thing to him, and when we’re back in the bedroom, he makes love to me again. I never knew lovemaking could be this addictive. Around Zander, I can’t believe it’s me, the nervous, awkward girl. He awakens something inside me that makes me confident and comfortable.

With him, I feel safe, and that’s another first.



“It's a surprise.” I watch as Marr chews her bottom lip while looking out the car window. Her eyebrows knit together, and I know what’s coming. She’s not good with surprises, and who could blame her? But I want to keep this a secret. I have not a whit of doubt that she’ll fall in love with the place immediately.

“Any clues?” she asks hesitantly.

“No clues, but you are free to guess.” I purse my lips, trying to hide the smile emerging on my face.

“Zander!” She throws her hands up in exasperation.

“What?” I state in a calming voice. “You know I’ll only do things that make you happy.” I only need fifteen more minutes. “Just guess. It’ll be fun.”

She wrinkles her nose, not liking the guessing game. But when I flash another smile in her direction, she shakes her head.

“You could take me to an Italian restaurant, but we already had lunch,” she mutters halfheartedly. “You could take me dress shopping for Kristy’s breakfast party, but I never asked you to do that. You could—”

“You want to go shopping with me?” I cock my head in her direction, suddenly curious and contemplating if I should change my plan.

Her uninterested face pinkens, and she glances out the window and mumbles, “Clementine is making bridesmaid dresses, so I’m covered for the wedding day. But I need one more dress for the breakfast party the next day.” Turning in her seat just a tiny bit so she can face me again, she asks, “How was the dress I bought for your birthday? You liked it, right?”

A deep chuckle leaves me. “Why do I have a feeling that the sexy black dress isn’t really an option? Did Kristy ask you to buy something new?”

Marr huffs and folds her hands over her chest. “You know us too well, Zander. That’s not good. Don’t you know that a girl shouldn’t be so predictable to her boyfriend?”

“Don’t worry, couch girl. You’re unpredictable enough for me. I never saw you coming all the way to St. Peppers on my birthday.” That earns me her triumphant grin. “But tell me, why is Kristy not helping you? Usually, she does all these things with you.”

I watch as her smile falters. “Kristy won’t be… as accessible to me as she is now. She’ll be busy with her new family.” Marr’s shoulders hit the seat again, and she looks up to the roof. “I also need to post an ad for a roommate.” Her head slumps back on the headrest as her eyes close.

“You’re searching for a roommate?” I can understand her anxiety now. She’s never lived with anyone other than Kristy, not since she left Kindred Hearts.

“The house is too big for one person, Zander,” she replies without emotion.

“How do you feel?”

She stays silent for a while and then replies while staring at the blue sedan in front of us. “I’m not thinking about it.” I can see her biting her lip, meditating whether to say more or not. Thankfully, she does. “I’ve never lived with anyone else, let alone a stranger. What if I don’t like them? What if they find me too weird? Or worse, what if I like them, but they hate me?” She hides her hands under her hips, possibly to avoid tugging on the cuffs of her shirt.