Ravencroft waited until the front door closed before he released a wicked chuckle, the very same one he had released when Noel fled. Perhaps he was too harsh with his mother. After all, if he had never deceived the Worthingtons, then he never would have discovered the passion Noel kept suppressed, a passion he eagerly waited to explore. And to think he thought her an angel.

When in fact she was sin’s very own temptation.

Chapter Four

Noel fought throughthe drowsiness, only to fall back into darkness again. She lost count of how many times this occurred. When she finally awakened, she realized whoever kept her captive also continued drugging her. Her body shivered on the cot.

The first time she had awakened, they had tied her hands behind her back. However, they had since freed one of her hands and secured the other one to the cot. She saw a cup on the stand next to her, and her dry mouth begged for a drink. However, she feared it was the source of what kept her drugged.

When keys rattled at the door, she closed her eyes and relaxed her body, pretending to sleep. She had practiced this technique when she was younger to avoid her parents when they fought. The shuffling of feet near the cot drew her attention. She didn’t dare open her eyes to see who they belonged to, but she must prepare herself before the kidnappers confronted her.

“Lady L will not appreciate you feeding her,” the young girl hissed.

“But I cannot have the girl thinking ill thoughts of me,” an older lady cooed.

“You are hopeless.”

The older lady tsked. “Jealousy will get you nowhere, my dear.”

The young girl blew out a breath. “What is there to be jealous of?”

The older lady appeared to console the younger girl. “I understand how heart-wrenching it is to see how Dracott has found someone else to love.”

The younger girl never offered a reply, but Noel sensed her unhappiness. Who was this girl to Dracott and did he love her? If so, why did he profess to love Maggie and want to marry her? Was this another ploy in their deception with Lady Langdale? Noel needed answers and hoped to learn more. The more leverage she had against them, the more it would aid in her escape.

The young girl laughed. “So where did your brutes find her?”

“Outside of the Worthington townhome. However, I am confused as to why she donned her britches. It must be some game of theirs. I will never understand my youngest child.”

The young girl only found amusement in the older lady’s explanation. “I cannot wait for Lady L to see your surprise.”

Noel couldn’t stand it any longer, not after the lady declared herself Dracott’s mother. The lady was also Ravencroft’s mother, and she didn’t realize she had grabbed the wrong Worthington daughter. However, the other girl realized Lady Ravencroft’s mistake and took pleasure from it.

Noel opened her eyes into the slightest of slits and watched the younger girl make herself comfortable on the chair against the wall, while the older lady preened in front of the mirror.

After wiping away a smidge of lip color from her mouth and patting her hair into place, the older lady turned toward Noel. She tilted her head to the side, and her lips twisted in her perusal before she walked closer to the cot. Noel lowered her eyes and deepened her breathing.