Worth slapped his hand over his brother’s shoulder to stop him. “Probably just the ramblings of a gentleman’s dream. After all, he is engaged to Noel.”

Worth attempted to soothe his brother’s temper by explaining how a gentleman’s thoughts ran when they were engaged. While it was a sensitive subject, Worthington must understand Ravencroft’s discomfort. The man wasn’t a saint. He needed to get their visit back on course, and talking about a man’s fantasies about their sister wasn’t an appropriate option to continue with.

“We missed you at Maggie and Crispin’s wedding yesterday,” Worth said.

“As you can see, I had more pressing matters to attend to,” Ravencroft quipped.

Worthington growled. “We can see.”

“I am sure it was a lovely affair. Blushing bride and all. Is your visit to guarantee your other sister will suffer the same outcome?” Ravencroft asked.

Worthington advanced on Ravencroft again. “Suffer?”

Worth sighed and pulled his brother back. “Gentlemen, can we have an amicable discussion? Please.”

Ravencroft swept his hand out for them to take a seat. He wouldn’t have Worthington intimidate him in his own home. Once they sat, he straightened in his chair. His body might suffer the aftereffects of his indulgence, but his mind remained sharp. “What is it you wish to discuss? Noel? Lady Langdale? My mother? Crispin? Where shall we start?”

“Dracott has already briefed us on his relationship with you, your mother, and Lady Langdale. We have come to ask for your help to bring Lady L to justice,” Worth explained.

Ravencroft nodded. “I already told Dracott I will. In which, I am sure he already informed you. So shall we proceed with the discussion of my engagement to Noel? Are you here to force the marriage or demand I withdraw my offer?”

Worthington glared at Ravencroft’s offhanded behavior, and he wanted to laugh at his reaction. He always portrayed himself as an amiable fellow, and his behavior today confused the earl. It wasn’t one he was proud of, but he reverted to this behavior when he dealt with the uncertainties of life. Once upon a time, he had been a good-natured fellow until his mother sank her claws into him. Then he had learned to constantly change his character to leave one wondering who he actually was. How he longed for the days when he could just be himself. However, those days were in the past, never to be experienced again.

“Force is such a harsh word,” Worth stated.

Ravencroft cleared his throat at the absurdity. “But one nonetheless.”

“We are here to encourage your engagement to continue,” Worthington answered.

Ravencroft bit out a harsh laugh. “What a diplomatic approach.”

They were at a standstill. Ravencroft wanted them to make a demand either way, but they refused, which left him to state his intentions. Did he wish to continue with the engagement? Or did he want to withdraw his offer and disappear back to his estate? He stared at the gentlemen across from him as they waited for his answer. The easygoing brother sat with patience, while the older brother stewed in his chair, demanding an answer with this steely gaze.

Ravencroft leapt to his feet and started pacing around the room. They assumed they had him trapped without options. With each pass around the study, he realized he held no other choice. It didn’t help that a lingering scent of lilacs hovered near his desk. He paused and placed his hand on the desk, closing his eyes as he considered his response.

A tempting angel invaded his thoughts. Her warm lips opened against his onslaught of kisses that his sinful demands echoed. Her reaction to his scandalous words strummed through him. He opened his eyes and spun toward the door. His steps took him outside, and everything from the night before came flashing back.

Noel had come to make her own demands. Her visit no more differed from her brothers. In his resistance, he had struck at her with demanding kisses and assaulted her senses with his vulgarity. He had done so to frighten her away. Instead, he had awakened her desires.

His gaze swept the garden as he detailed her every move. They had moved inside where he propositioned her on how she could satisfy his urges. He remembered the heat in her gaze. She might have fled in shock, but her body responded to him with untamed passion.

A wicked smile spread across his lips once he reached his decision. He would give Noel’s brothers an answer to appease them, one he would find tremendous in pleasure once he achieved the outcome of his desires.

His steps drew him back inside with a bland expression. “With your permission, I would like to continue our engagement. I look forward to my marriage to Noel.”

Ravencroft appeared the humble servant to the Worthington gentlemen. He held the ability to project himself and gain the acceptance of his worth from his peers. However, he already planned how to woo Noel and gain Lady Worthington’s forgiveness for his absence. The Worthingtons were under the impression they held the power to control him, but it was the complete opposite.

Worthington narrowed his gaze and observed Ravencroft with a shrewdness most men would cower from. However, Ravencroft stood tall with confidence. After a while, Worthington nodded his acceptance. Then he stood and left without issuing a reply.

Worth stepped forward and held out his hand. “Thank you.”

Ravencroft held in his snide smile and instead offered a polite one of indifference. “My pleasure.”

Worth cleared his throat. “Mother wanted us to issue an invitation to dinner this evening.”

“You may tell her of my acceptance.”

Worth nodded. “Good day.”