RAVENCROFT STUMBLEDoutside after Noel. Her touch had intoxicated him more than the whiskey he drank. Her kisses burned a path of desire straight to his cock. While he had toyed with her to chase her away, his body ached for them to continue. However, it was for the best that she ran. He only followed her to assuage his guilt that she returned home unharmed. It was foolish of her to wander around in the dark.

Where in the hell were her brothers? His brother, Crispin, had mentioned how Reese Worthington had hired guards to watch over their townhome. However, they secured the home poorly if Noel was able to sneak away. If he was in his right mind, he would storm Worthington’s townhome and demand to know why they had left Noel unprotected.

But even in his drunken state, he knew a warm reception wouldn’t welcome him. Nor did he wish to ruin his brother’s wedding celebration. It was reprehensible of him not to attend the nuptials, and tomorrow he would regret his actions. He justified his reasoning with the excuse of his unstable temperament. Crispin had stated he understood. However, after Noel’s visit, he knew his fiancée didn’t hold the same opinion as his brother.

No. She was quite furious. He never imagined she possessed the capability for such fierce emotion. It changed the dynamics of their relationship. He wasn’t a fool. Reese Worthington would never allow him to back out of the betrothal. Crispin had even stated so earlier today. Which left Ravencroft wondering if Noel was a suitable choice for a bride. He wanted a manageable wife after watching his father’s torturous marriage to his mother. He swore when he married, it would be to a lady who never displayed a temper and who expressed herself with pleasantries.

However, the lady who had called on him this evening was anything but serene.

Yet her very attitude this evening had inflamed his senses. She left him twisted in knots about her opinion of him, not to mention how his body ached to finish what they started. Why did he fool himself into believing he would find contentment with a pleasant wife who never argued with him? Not when he could have a passionate wife who kept his desires stroked with the most delicious kisses.

Ravencroft reached the gate and paused. Where was he headed? He shook his head to recall what had prompted him to leave. He grabbed at the gate as he swayed back and forth. Oh yes, now he remembered. Noel. He started off down the lane after her. Once he neared the Worthington townhome and didn’t come across Noel, he figured she had made it home without harm. So he returned home.

After propping his feet on a stool, he relaxed back into his favorite leather chair in front of the fire. He refused to drink anything else and wash away the taste of Noel’s kiss. Hell, her kisses stimulated his fantasies. He closed his eyes as he recalled her delectable form encased in the snug trousers. She made for a tempting package he wished to unwrap.

Their engagement held promise after all.


“DRACOTT WARNED US,”Worth muttered in disgust.

Worthington looked around the study with annoyance. They had walked into Ravencroft’s home as if it were their own. After knocking repeatedly with no answer, they had let themselves in. After searching for him, they had run into a maid who explained the lack of servants. She had directed them toward Ravencroft’s study and apologized for the state of the room.

Worthington lifted an eyebrow in disbelief. “I am left with the opinion that he understated his brother’s condition.”

Worth chuckled. “Who would have thought Ravencroft would overindulge?”

Worthington picked up an empty bottle. “It does not come as a surprise considering how he deceived our family.”

Worth stepped toward the open door leading to the garden. He glanced outside, noting the broken glass. He picked up a piece and showed his brother. “Do you imagine he had trouble?”

Before Worthington responded, Ravencroft mumbled in his sleep, “Noel. Noel. Come back, love, I wish for another taste of your . . .”

Worthington growled and turned a bright red, striding over to Ravencroft with his hands tightened into fists. Worth dropped the glass, rushing toward his brother. However, he wasn’t quick enough. Worthington grabbed Ravencroft by his shirt and shook him. Ravencroft’s eyes popped open, and his arms struck out to protect himself. One of his hands smacked Worthington across the cheek, which fueled the earl’s temper. Worthington swung his fist out and connected with Ravencroft’s eye. Before he took another swing, Worth pulled his brother away. Worthington dropped his hold on Ravencroft, and the lord fell to the floor.

“What in the hell?” Ravencroft slurred.

Worthington took a step back toward him. “He is still sloshed.”

Ravencroft opened his mouth to defend himself. However, he decided against it when Worth shook his head to stay silent. Also, he was wise enough not to argue with the earl after his brutal treatment. His head already pounded like the devil stomping in anger and wouldn’t tolerate any more agony this morning.

He pulled himself off the floor and slumped back into his chair. He hoped their visit wouldn’t last long. Ravencroft needed a hot bath and a bed. And not in any particular order. His body protested from his evening of abuse.

A memory flashed of pleasure he had enjoyed in a lady’s arms. Apparently, last night wasn’t too particularly dreadful.

“What do I owe this pleasure?” Ravencroft drawled.

His brother had warned him of their visit. It was the very reason he had picked up the bottle of whiskey. He knew they wanted answers to his involvement with Lady Langdale. Securing his livelihood was within his grasp if he married Noel Worthington. However, when his mother reappeared, she had threatened to ruin his chance at happiness and had drawn Crispin and him into Lady L’s web of destruction.

Now, Worthington arrived to force his agenda. If he didn’t marry Noel, then Worthington would make it difficult for him to find any bride. There was no need for Worthington to issue his warnings because Ravencroft understood his duty. Either marry Noel or Worthington would ruin him in every way possible.

“Have you been inappropriate with our sister?” Worthington growled.

“May I inquire as to when I would’ve had the opportunity to do so? Our visits always have a chaperone present,” Ravencroft explained.

As Ravencroft denied Worthington’s suggestion, a warm sensation overwhelmed him. He recalled flashes of a stolen memory filled with kisses and moans of pleasure. Noel whispering his name while he filled his hands with her breasts. Even her scent of lilacs teased the air surrounding him.

“Then why did you . . . ?” Worthington started.