And he was a fool for calling off their engagement.

Ravencroft grew still when the gate to his garden creaked open. He didn’t need to look to know his visitor was Noel. A rush of joy spread throughout him. Her visit meant only one thing. He was the luckiest bastard in the world. Now, he must not ruin his chance at seeking her forgiveness.

“Not dressed like a ruffian tonight?” Ravencroft drawled once she came into view.

Noel pressed a hand along her dress. She swore she would never wear those clothes again, and she meant it. Plus, she wanted to entice Gregory this evening and wore a dress to show off her best features.

On her last visit, she had judged his mood right away. However, on this visit, his voice remained even, not showing if he cared. Dracott had mentioned Gregory was deep into the bottle again. She only hoped he remained sober enough for her to declare her intentions.

“Also, you are still noisy in your attempt to go undetected,” Ravencroft baited her.

“Perhaps I wanted you to notice my arrival,” Noel returned.


Noel expected Gregory to say more, but he remained silent with his gaze focused on her. His eyes raked her form in a slow perusal. She walked a few steps closer to him. He lounged in a chair, his clothing in a disheveled mess. Dracott had mentioned how his brother was a drunken fool, and Noel had to agree. However, his eyes no longer held a haunted expression but carried a lightness she had never seen before.

Before she moved closer, Gregory rose and walked into his study. Noel frowned and followed him inside. She must have misinterpreted what she saw in his expression. Gregory had moved to sit behind his desk with his feet propped up on the wide expanse, still clutching the bottle of spirits. However, he never took a drink.

Ravencroft tipped the bottle at Noel. “Princess, you need to leave. Your reputation is in shreds from what I hear.”

Noel stood with her hands on her hips. “No thanks to you. You owe me an explanation for abandoning me when I needed you the most.”

He brought the bottle to his lips. The fiery nectar beckoned him to take a sip, but he pulled it away. “You appeared quite content with your hero of choice. Who be it for me to shatter your dream?”

Noel stomped her foot. “You foolish oaf. You are my dream. If you possessed an inkling of empathy, you would’ve realized I wasn’t in my right mind when I escaped the forest.”

Ravencroft shrugged. “Does it really matter? You are better off without me.”

“You cannot believe that after what we shared. How dare you pretend what we shared wasn’t real,” Noel exclaimed.

Noel in a snit was a sight to behold. He didn’t mean to bring his jealousy to light. But then, he supposed he wished for her to deny what he saw. Oh, how she tempted him with her lips drawn into a pout.

He dropped his feet to the floor and strolled to her side with a slow gait, watching her grow flustered with each step he drew closer. He wrapped a stray curl around his finger. “I dare because I can.”

Noel’s breath quickened. “You are the most irritating . . . infuriating . . . gentleman I know.”

His thumb brushed across her quivering bottom lip. “You forgot to mention how irresistible I am,” Ravencroft whispered before drawing her into his arms.

He never gave her a chance to respond before his mouth covered hers and ravished her lips in a kiss so profound it left both of them shaking. But he didn’t stop at one kiss. He pulled one after another from her sweet lips. Each kiss was more intoxicating than the last. His thirst for her kisses would forever stay unquenched.

Since she arrived, Noel had questioned if she should return home. But once Gregory drew her into his arms and kissed her as if his life depended on it, her heart swelled with love. Once again, the wonderful sensation of being one with Gregory swirled around her. Her arms slid around his neck, and she melted against him.

Gregory lifted her and carried her to his desk, where he set her on it and pulled away. With a smirk, he sat back in his chair, staring at her. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes held the dreamy expression of happily ever after. But her body spoke an entirely different story. It displayed her desire for him.

Noel had arched her body with her hands sprawled out behind her. Her nipples had hardened, pressing against the light fabric of the gown the temptress had worn to seduce him. It was pure seduction with her neckline cut low enough for him to view her bosom pushed together. The globes beckoned him with their shiny glow. The rest of the dress hugged her curves, begging for him to caress them. Her skirt was long and flowing along her legs.

He drew one of her legs onto the arm of his chair and skated his hand along the delicious length, sinking into her soft thigh. All the while, he watched her expression cloud with need as his fingers glided across her wet core. God, she felt like heaven. A soft moan escaped her lips when he slid two fingers inside her. With each slide in and out, her moans grew louder, playing out a melody for his ears.

He had fantasized about her sprawled across his desk since she arrived uninvited, demanding he make right by her. His other hand drew her other leg onto the chair and pushed her skirts around her hips. Noel’s eyes had lowered but were open enough to watch his every movement. He sat forward, slowly drawing his tongue along the sweetest cunny he had ever savored.

Noel sighed. “Gregory.”

Noel had never felt more decadent, and it was the most amazing sensation ever. Gregory seduced her with each touch and kiss upon her soul. She arched her hips higher, earning a growl from him. It vibrated against her folds, increasing the sweet torment he strung out with his seduction. She slipped away to the heaven he led her to with each kiss.

She unraveled with each stroke of his tongue, and he got drunk off her sweet juices. No amount of whiskey had ever tasted this delicious. His tongue flicked her clit into a hard bud, building her tension higher and higher until she exploded around him. He smiled at the slight tremors shaking her body, taking pleasure in sending her flying to those heights.

Ravencroft sat back with a smirk. “Another lesson you achieved with fine results.”