“Would you like me to explain to Ravencroft?” Jacqueline offered.

Noel shook her head. “No. I will. But thank you, both of you, for everything.”

Jacqueline stood. “We are happy you have returned unharmed. I will go check with Griffen for any news.”

After Jacqueline left, Gemma urged Noel to lie for a spell. They would wake her if they learned any news. She even offered to hold Noel’s hand until she fell asleep. Her caring friends were a fortunate blessing.

But her heart ached to have Ravencroft by her side instead.


RAVENCROFT STOOD OVERNoel, watching her sleep. Her body curled into the pillow she clung to. He eased her fingers apart and brushed the hair from her face. But she didn’t stay settled. Little whimpers escaped her throat, tearing at his heart. He wished to crawl next to her and hold her until all her fears subsided. However, he resisted what his heart wanted most of all.

She had made her feelings clear when she clung to Kincaid, instead of allowing Kincaid to place her in Ravencroft’s arms. Even though she would never cause a rift in his marriage, she still held tenderness for the gentleman. What he thought they shared in the cottage was only an illusion he had tricked himself into believing. Lady L had forced them together, and that had resulted in Noel depending on him. She was presented with no other choice.

However, she did now. He would speak with her brother and release himself from the engagement for her benefit. He figured Worthington would jump at the offer since he didn’t believe Ravencroft was worthy enough to marry his sister after learning of his past. And he couldn’t blame him in the slightest. Because he would do the same if he had a sister.

With one last lingering look, he left her alone. However, Noel was never truly alone and never would be.

Unlike him.

Chapter Eighteen

Noel rolled over andreached for Gregory, only to find the bed empty once again. She opened her eyes to search the cottage for him but found herself surrounded by luxury instead. The previous evening came flooding back, and she closed her eyes to escape the memories. However, they would remain ingrained in her thoughts forever.

She rolled to her side and sighed at the sight of her brother watching her. Noel pulled the blanket over her head to hide from his observant gaze. But her brother was her favorite tormenter and yanked the blanket out of her grasp.

Graham quirked an eyebrow. “Not who you were expecting?”

“No.” Noel didn’t even try to deny she had expected someone else. Worth was also her greatest confidant and would offer his support however she wished him to.

“They offered him a room, but Ravencroft stated how he desired to sleep in his own bed. Then he requested a ride home with Kincaid.”

“Oh.” A tear leaked from her eye. He hadn’t even inquired about her well-being.

“However, I saw him slip into your bedchamber before he left.”