Damn her. She smelt like lilacs all over, and now the intoxicating scent of her filled his study.

He sat up in his chair with authority and held his arms out. “The floor is yours to speak, my lady. State whatever is on your mind so you can be on your way.” Ravencroft’s offer held his mockery of the situation.

Noel was beyond shocked at his brutal treatment of her person. How dare he throw her about like a sack of potatoes? Yet the strength of his arms as he held her to him sparked her desire back to life.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts. She was furious with him, and there was nothing desirable about his behavior. Not one single act.

Noel jumped to her feet and pointed her finger at Ravencroft. “Your behavior is atrocious. How dare you treat me with such callous disregard.”

He leaned back with a smirk. “And how should I treat you? Do you wish to hear more false promises and whispers of my utter devotion?”

The look of disbelief on Noel’s face gutted him. His questions made it appear as if his attention toward her the past few months had been an act to draw her attention away from his deception. It was anything but. He had meant every compliment he spoke. However, he refused to allow her to believe otherwise.

When she didn’t answer him, he knew what he must do to drive her away. He had hoped to avoid it because it would affect him more than her. However, she left him with no other options.

He must kiss her.

But not an ordinary kiss. No. It wouldn’t be gentle. Or sweet. He must show her how he only meant to trifle with her. To steal her innocence and leave her with a scandal to deal with. He had no other choice but to frighten her away.

One kiss. That was it. Only one. He would kiss her. Whisper a scandalous proposition. Scare her away. It was as simple as that.

How had she mistaken Ravencroft’s affections all these months? Was she so gullible to believe everything a gentleman said to her? His actions showed proof of it. She stared at him, searching for any sign that he had lied. However, he sat relaxed with not a care in the world.

When he rose from his chair and prowled toward her, Noel stood dumbfounded about how to react. She should run home and cry over her heartache. Yet her curiosity about his intentions kept her still. His gaze held a determination she had never seen. Before she realized his intent, he drew her against him and ravished her lips.

His kiss wasn’t kind. Nor was it frightening. It was powerful. Addictive. All-consuming. His lips slashed against hers, demanding her capitulation. He never coaxed her lips apart but invaded her mouth with his demands. Each stroke of his tongue against hers ordered her to submit to his desire. Noel whimpered. He stole her breath away with one kiss after another.

It wasn’t how she had dreamed of her first kiss. She held the thoughts of a foolish girl who imagined their first kiss would be a gentle show of affection. She’d thought birds would sing and a rainbow would appear. Never in her wildest fantasies did she imagine the darkness pulling them into a raging passion, leaving behind victims at the mercy of their desires. No. Her expectations were from a girl; instead Ravencroft granted her a kiss meant for a woman he craved.

Ravencroft plunged his hands through Noel’s hair and gripped her head to his. His desire was out of his control. Just as he knew it would be if he ever placed his lips upon hers. One kiss turned to two. To three. To more than he could count. Each time he came up for air, his hunger pulled him back in to devour her. Her soft whimpers after each swipe of their tongues only ignited his need. When her hands curled around his arms and she met him kiss for kiss, he welcomed his demise.

There was nothing sweeter on this earth than the taste of Noel. He savored her disappointment, her wonder, her curiosity, her fury each time their lips passed over each other. He must stop this madness before he took her upon his desk. Her eagerness when he changed the dynamic of their kisses only showed him how she would be a pleasure to bed.

Noel moaned. “Oh, Gregory.”

When she called him by his name, it was as if someone threw a bucket of water over him. He had taken the kiss too far and led her to believe they shared an intimate moment. He must dissuade her belief.

Ravencroft pulled his lips away from her mouth and seared a path of kisses along her neck. “What do you say, love, shall you spread your thighs open upon my desk or would you prefer wrapping your legs around my waist as I pound into you against the wall?”

The scandalous suggestions Ravencroft whispered both shocked and stirred her curiosity. Were those options even a possibility? Before the full implications of his statement awoke Noel to his crudity, his hand slipped up her shirt and cupped her breast. It wasn’t a gentle grip, but one to show her of his intentions. When his fingers tightened around her nipple, Noel’s knees weakened. There were no words to describe his sensuous touch.

When his comment didn’t shock her into slapping his face, he proceeded with his seduction. Surely she would voice her objections soon. She had to. His sanity had forgotten the differences between right and wrong. And there was no doubt his every action was definitely wrong. But oh, it felt so right. His cock throbbed in his trousers for release. If she didn’t slap him soon, he would wrap his lips around her perk nipple. He enjoyed how, with one touch, it tightened into a hard bud between his fingers. If he slipped his hand down her trousers, would he discover Noel wet for him?

He slid a finger back and forth inside the placket of her trousers just enough to grab her attention. “Is your cunny wet for me, Noel? Will it taste as sweet as your kisses?”

Noel’s whimpers ceased and her hands dropped from his arms at his vulgar questions. Ravencroft wanted to breathe a sigh of relief that he had stopped the madness. However, he must continue since she hadn’t moved away from him. And until she did, he couldn’t relent.

His hand dipped lower, brushing across her curls. He didn’t dare venture any lower or else he would become a doomed man who was powerless to stop. “Do you want me to stroke your heat? Or perhaps you wish for my tongue to heighten your pleasure.”

Noel gasped and stepped back. “You are so crude.”

Ravencroft leered at her, making her aware of what he desired. With each step she inched back toward the door, he took a step toward her. He tore his shirt over his head and started on the buttons on the placket of his trousers.

She held out a hand. “Stop.”

“Why, my love? I thought you wanted me to fulfill my promise.”

Noel shook her head rapidly from side to side. He misconstrued her visit, turning it into something vulgar. This wasn’t the man she had fallen in love with. This was a stranger. Had she ever loved Ravencroft to begin with? Or had she only loved the idea of falling in love?