“And now?”

Noel stared Ravencroft in the eyes. “I trust you with my life and my heart.”

He didn’t know how to react. Ravencroft had dreamed of hearing Noel’s sentiment but had given up hope he ever would. However, now that she had declared her feelings, his fear kept him silent. He didn’t want to profess his love for her in a dingy cottage while Lady L threatened their lives. He wanted to make a grand gesture when he declared his love. It was only fair, considering the selfish reasons he had pursued her to gain her brother’s approval for marriage. He would promise his devotion once he returned her home safely. For now, he needed to learn about the cottage.

He pulled away, moving back to the table to finish drawing. “Thank you for granting me that.”

Noel stood in confusion. She had professed her love for him, and his only response was his gratitude. Well, she hadn’t exactly spoken “I love you,” but still she implied she did. Was he still sore about how she had kept the cottage a secret?

Noel turned to watch him. Her lips twisted as she contemplated how to draw him away from the table and into the bed. Lady L would return soon, and she wished to spend her time in utter bliss, not frowning over Ravencroft’s behavior. She decided to sprinkle a little of her past infatuations in with knowledge of the cottage. Noel had wanted to scratch out Lady L’s eyes when she pretended she and Ravencroft had a relationship. Perhaps Ravencroft suffered from the same jealous affliction as she did.

“Are you almost finished?” Noel asked.

“Mmm. Nearly.” Ravencroft never glanced up and continued to draw.

Noel strolled over to him and trailed her fingers across his shoulders before walking away. “My first visit to the cottage was when Graham and I helped Gemma to spend time alone with Ralston. Graham and I took a walk while Gemma and Ralston settled their differences.”

Ravencroft turned in the chair, curious as to why Noel told him this story. He noticed the blush covering her cheeks and realized what had really happened on that visit. The color pink was very becoming on Noel.

“I thought Ralston quite handsome the first time I laid eyes on him. However, Gemma had already taken an interest in him. It was lovely to watch their courtship.” Noel smiled, remembering how her friends’ love for one another had overcome all obstacles.

Ravencroft shook his head and turned back to the drawings. He thought Noel meant to describe the path, but she only wanted to reminisce. He didn’t care if she found Ralston quite handsome. Obviously, she would never betray her friend. Her story was pointless to listen to.

Noel’s eyes narrowed at Ravencroft’s disinterest. Perhaps she was the only one who suffered from jealousy in their relationship. “But then, every single gentleman the Holbrooke ladies married is handsome. Even their cousins Lucas Gray and Duncan Forrester.”

Noel laughed as she remembered her crush on Griffen Kincaid. “But the one I found most divine was Griffen Kincaid. Besides his dreamy physique, he is most kind. During a house party at Colebourne Manor, we were partners for charades. He allowed me to act out the clues after I told him how much I enjoyed playing the game. Then he paid me a compliment that made my evening one I would never forget.”

“He is an honorable gentleman,” Ravencroft mumbled.

“But then my attention swiftly changed to Lord Falcone. I found him even more divine, and I enjoyed flirting with him.” Noel sighed.

Ravencroft growled his displeasure at listening to Noel ramble on about the gentlemen who had caught her fancy in the past. While her taste with Ralston and Kincaid was understandable, he found her interest in Falcone offensive.

“However, I saw it was clear even then. Eden and Falcone will make an excellent match. The air sizzles between them with their attraction,” Noel continued.

Ravencroft scoffed. “You are mistaken in that regard.”

“No, I am not. Watch them and you shall see,” Noel argued.

“Your sister cannot stand the gentleman. Whenever she sees him, she shoots daggers at him. Not to mention her sharp tone when she addresses him.”

Noel waved her hand. “It is part of the opposites attract chemistry that brews between them.”

“Falcone is not a suitable match for your sister. Nor was he for your infatuation all those years ago,” Ravencroft growled.

Noel laughed again. “Why, it only seems like yesterday that I imagined him professing his love and asking for my hand in marriage.”

Noel had pushed Ravencroft past his limitation to keep his anger in check. He flipped the chair to the side and strode over to her. His irritation at her for mentioning her past infatuations struck a jealous rage throughout him. The thought of another gentleman touching Noel, even if innocently, set him on edge. But listening to her reminisce about how her heart fell for another man tore at his soul. Shredded it apart in a vicious attack meant to destroy him.

Ravencroft pulled her in his arms and lifted her chin to ravish her lips. His lips devoured hers, breathing his soul into her and wiping away any other gentleman who might have lingered in her heart. His kisses were relentless with each stroke of his tongue against hers. Noel’s soft moans helped to soothe him, but the ache consuming him had only just begun.

Her mother had taught her to never poke the beast because one never knew what the outcome might be. Noel had always found humor in the saying but still followed her mother’s advice. However, she didn’t follow the advice today, and now the beast had unleashed himself upon her. With each delicious pull of his lips against hers, the beast staked his domain on her heart. Her body. Her soul.

In between his dominating kisses, he stripped the clothes from her body, leaving her bare to his gaze. She should feel vulnerable, but she only felt like a warrior princess who made her subject aware of her need. When his hand stroked along her body, claiming her as his, she pressed into his touch, making her own demands.

The demanding force to satisfy his cravings for this intoxicating bundle of innocence, seductive temptress, loving lady before him clouded Ravencroft’s focus. His need blinded him, and he didn’t notice her smile of satisfaction. She controlled him with her need to have him love her. Ravencroft thought he held all the power, but he was only a servant under her control.

His gaze raked her form, and each curve teased him by the way they dipped and flared at his touch. His hand reached out to caress them, sinking into their softness. With each caress, Noel arched her body, directing him where to touch her next. When his hands cupped her breasts, molding his hands around them, her soft moans filled the air. But then he remembered her naming a gentleman who had struck her fancy and his fingers tightened around her nipples, twisting until her moans turned to gasps.