Chapter Sixteen

No matter what shedid, Noel couldn’t coax a smile from Ravencroft. She made him breakfast, helped him with the drawings, and apologized more than once. But he remained withdrawn from her. She even tried her innocent wiles on him, and he ignored every subtle hint. Noel wanted to kiss his frown away and hear his moans of pleasure from her touch. Perhaps she should try her seductive wiles on him instead. Maybe it would entice him enough to react. Noel giggled at the thought and drew another frown from Ravencroft.

Ravencroft sulked like a disappointed child, but he needed to stand firm on resisting Noel. He must finish the drawings because they would attempt to escape this evening. A light rain had started the day, and the sky brewed a ferocious storm amongst the clouds. They must make a break for their freedom tonight. He had overheard the guards discussing Lady L’s plan to return tomorrow, which proved his theory correct that she wouldn’t give them until the end of the week.

Ever since Noel had awakened, she’d been a distraction. Not so much a distraction but a temptation he struggled to resist after each apology. Even now, she giggled, and he wished for her to share her thoughts. His resistance crumbled with each gentle touch she teased him with.

He leaned back in his chair, scrutinizing her. He didn’t understand how she accepted their predicament with such calm. Most ladies would’ve annoyed him with their hysterics throughout the ordeal. But not Noel. She had befriended a guard and did an excellent job of it, too. He heard the guard’s tone soften when Noel questioned him about his night. And her concern was genuine. If he hadn’t searched for his mother and gotten involved with Lady L, would he not view life through jaded lenses? Or look upon everything with cynicism? He portrayed himself to the ton as a happy-go-lucky gentleman, but his raging emotions were the complete opposite.

“Tell me about the cottage.”

Noel smiled. Ravencroft must have forgiven her. “Graham and Ralston own the property. They took use of it when they started their business to discuss their cases. They would hide their witnesses here, too. However, the past couple of years they only visited it for personal reasons.”

Ravencroft frowned. “The cottage doesn’t belong to Reese?”

Noel crinkled her nose. “No. Not quite Reese’s taste. What gave you that opinion?”

He shuffled the drawings, not meeting her eyes. “No reason.”

Realization dawned at why Ravencroft thought the cottage belonged to Reese. “Eww. What a dreadful image that brings about.”

A chuckle slipped out of Ravencroft. “Yes, I suppose it would for you. I assumed it belonged to Reese since Lady L knew of the property. I thought perhaps they had visited it during their liaison.”

“No. Which only shows how knowledgeable Lady Langdale is about my family’s holdings and activities. How long has she planned her revenge?” Noel asked.

“Since your brother married Evelyn and Colebourne ran her out of town. Colebourne put a bounty on her head. However, she was too elusive and escaped, remaining hidden all these years, during which time she kept adding forces to her thievery ring. She has prepared to destroy your family and anyone who ever wronged her for a lengthy time,” Ravencroft explained.

“All because Reese refused to marry her?”

“Also because the ton never accepted her when she married her late husband. Her pride is something fierce that she wears as a badge of honor.”

Noel understood why Lady L felt offended by the biting tongue of society. Reese’s marriage to Evelyn had saved her family from ridicule. If Reese hadn’t married Evelyn, the ton would’ve made their family suffer for their father’s sins. But since Evelyn was the niece of the Duke of Colebourne and Evelyn’s family married well, the ton had accepted the Worthington family without fault.

“How far away from the city are we?” Ravencroft interrupted Noel’s musings.

“Only about a half hour drive by carriage.”

“Damn,” Ravencroft muttered.

He threw his chair back and started pacing around the cottage. He had hoped they weren’t that far away. They risked exposure if they escaped. However, they had no other choice. He wondered how far they could travel through the trees. Perhaps once they reached the edge of the forest, it would lead them to a manor on the outskirts of the city.

“We can take the path through the trees during our escape,” Noel suggested.

Ravencroft paused, staring at Noel in disbelief. “Why have you kept this information from me? Were you ever going to share it?”

Noel walked over to him and gathered his hands in hers. “Yes. I was foolish not to confide in you earlier, especially after you stood by my side with your mother. In all honesty, I stayed silent because you confused me. You went from a doting fiancé to a scoundrel who overtook my senses. I didn’t know if I should trust you or not. After witnessing you with Lady L and your mother, I grew even more confused.”