Her fanciful childhood dreams of a knight coming to her rescue to sweep her off her feet and declare his undying love floated away in the wind each day she continued to live in this hell. While she never thought of Dracott in those terms, his abandonment still stung deeply. She envied his newfound happiness, wishing the same for herself. However, the reality of life held a different outcome for her, one that demanded she keep her head out of the clouds and focus on what she needed to accomplish. Since she could no longer depend on Dracott’s help, she had no qualms about using him to gather information.

Ren’s gaze raked Dracott from head to foot. “I see you mended well.”

Dracott nodded. “No thanks to your associates.”

Ren pushed off the wall and wandered along the hallway. “They do not play fair, do they?”

Dracott followed her. “They never have.”

She stopped and turned. “In their defense, they only seek the approval of their mistress.”

“That bitch deserves no respect,” Dracott snarled.

Ren took a step closer to Dracott, leaning in like she meant to kiss him. Instead she whispered in his ear, “And yet one has to admire what she has accomplished.”

Dracott clasped Ren’s wrist before she stepped back. He tightened his grip when she tried to get away. “You no more believe that than I do. Now state your demands and then tell me where I can find them.”

Ren glared at him for not playing along and ripped her arm out of his grasp. She rubbed her wrist, surprised by his spark of anger. Dracott was never one to lash out unless provoked beyond the calm patience he held. “You must distract your brother-in-law from searching for me. I cannot follow through with my plans when I’m avoiding his attention. I only pray that the man who is following you doesn’t link my disguises together and confront you over them. Falcone will not stay silent about the connection.”

Dracott sighed. He wanted to help Ren, but he must consider Maggie’s welfare before risking their lives for the impossible. No matter what he said, Ren refused to walk away. However, he would offer his help. “All right, I can help you on that front.”

Ren nodded before continuing her walk to the opposite side of the building. Once she reached the door, she gave him a clue. “Ask your employers about their cottage in the country.” With that, she slipped outside.

Dracott didn’t follow her. For her best interest, he needed to exit the same way he had entered, even if Falcone waited for him. It was in Ren’s best interest to keep the gentleman from piecing together her identity. He would sacrifice himself for the sake of their friendship. Maggie and her family knew of his and Ravencroft’s past involvement with Lady Langdale. However, they kept the secret within the family, only allowing Ralston and Kincaid knowledge of the truth.

Dracott opened the door and took a step outside, bumping into Falcone. The marquess stood still, glancing up and down the alleyway in confusion.

Falcone grabbed Dracott’s arm. “You are coming with me.”

Dracott shook himself free. “Never lay your hands on me again.”

Falcone snarled. “While I am not one to touch guttersnipe, I will tolerate it to bring you to justice.”

Dracott scoffed. “You are a fine one to speak, considering the activities you partake within the gutters.”

“I recognized your lover that you followed. Does Lady Margaret know of your affair? If not, I shall take pleasure in divulging your true identity to the Worthingtons. After the Worthingtons banish you, I will ensure your brother isn’t too far behind. You both seemed familiar when I met you, but I couldn’t remember where I had seen you before. However, when you followed your piece of fluff, it all became clear,” Falcone ranted as he followed Dracott.

Falcone’s threats were the least of Dracott’s worries. He feared for Ren’s safety and didn’t know if he could keep Worth away from her. Or if he even wanted to. Worth had the resources to protect Ren and keep her out of harm’s way. Perhaps even convince her to give up her foolish notions. However, he must reach Worth to ask what Ren’s clue meant. Would it lead them to rescuing Noel and Ravencroft?

Falcone stormed into the office behind Dracott, shoving him to the side to reach Worth before he did. He stood in the doorway, watching Falcone attempt to destroy him. It was almost comical, but still an unwanted distraction.

Falcone pointed his finger at him. “There are traitors in our midst that you are unaware of.”

Worth leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest as his eyebrow raised in question at Dracott. “Is that so? Please enlighten me on who would dare to betray my trust.”

Falcone started pacing back and forth between the desks. “When I arrived for dinner the other night, Dracott and Ravencroft seemed familiar, but my suspicion of them wouldn’t reveal itself. That was, until I followed Dracott today.”

“Then you remembered?” Ralston leaned against his desk.

“Yes, but only after I spotted him consorting with the enemy,” Falcone gloated.

Eden sent Worth a worried glance, but he gave a slight shake of his head for her to stay silent. She wanted to defend her brother-in-law, but his identity was a sensitive topic they must keep secret. If anyone discovered Dracott’s and Ravencroft’s past, destruction would fall upon their entire family.

“Do you have anything to say to defend your honor?” Worth asked Dracott.

Dracott shrugged. “I spoke with a source to discover where they hid your sister and Ravencroft.”

“Do you know where they hold them?” Eden questioned.