“Because I hoped to win him over to our side.”

Ravencroft scoffed. “Do you suppose he will abandon the coin Lady L has promised him because you offered him a blanket and cookies?”

Noel frowned. “I attempted to befriend him. You underestimate my power to do so.”

He shook his head in disbelief. “Oh, believe me,my lady, I am learning to never underestimate you.”

Noel stood up. “What are you implying,my lord?”

Ravencroft didn’t answer her at first. He noted she took up a defensive stance and her calm demeanor disappeared. He weighed his words before he spoke. Doubt clouded his thoughts. Perhaps she wasn’t aware her brother owned this cottage. He had explained to her how a man took his mistress somewhere other than their home. Which would explain why Reese had abandoned the cottage. As much animosity as he held for Reese Worthington, he didn’t believe the gentleman carried on an affair. Worthington only held devotion to his wife and child and would never cause strife in his marriage.

He took a deep breath and spoke as calmly as he could. “Do you have something you wish to share with me?”

Noel’s nose crinkled in confusion. “Nothing of importance.”

If he didn’t watch her so closely, he would’ve missed the slight cringe she made when she answered him. Not to mention how she avoided his eyes. Proof of how she knew who owned the cottage—and how she didn’t trust him. He’d been willing to give her the benefit of doubt, but he was a fool, as the guard stated.

Ravencroft stepped forward and pulled out her chair. “Then shall we eat?”

Noel watched Ravencroft out of the corner of her eye as they ate in silence. Guilt nagged at her conscience for lying to him. She didn’t understand why she didn’t confess. While he was outside, she had decided to tell him about the cottage and the secret entrance. As she listened to him talking to the guard, she had worried she had upset him by offering the guard the blanket. However, something else they discussed had troubled Ravencroft.

Noel would coax him out of his troubled mood after dinner. She would confess once they retired for the evening. What bothered her wasn’t the lack of conversation, but how Ravencroft refused to glance her way. Not even a smile. It was as if she disappointed him.

It was best if he kept silent. If not, then he feared his harsh reaction would inflict heartache on Noel. Whenever someone stirred his temper, he could be most brutal with his words.

After they cleared away dinner, he lost the sunshine to work on the drawings. A chill had settled in the air with the approaching storm. He lit a fire and settled in the chair, contemplating his next course of action. With a glance out the window, he hoped the storm held off until tomorrow evening. His gaze shifted toward the bed where Noel had pulled back the covers.

She blew out the candle and crawled onto the mattress. “Gregory, will you join me?”

The fire crackled in the hearth, and the wind started blowing, causing the tree branches to slap against the cottage. He noticed Noel shiver and wanted nothing more than to keep her warm. But his pride would keep him away from her for the night. Until Noel could trust him, he must stay away from her.

“No. I will sleep on the sofa tonight.”

Noel pouted. “Why?”

He stretched his legs out in front of him, folding his hands across his chest. “Because until I can earn your trust, then it is best we refrain from intimacy.”

Noel sat up in bed. “You have my trust.”

“Do I?”


He sat forward suddenly. “Then why have you made me look foolish?”

Noel slapped her hand on the mattress. “I have done no such thing.”

“Yes you have,” he gritted out between his teeth. “By not divulging your knowledge about how your brother owns this cottage.”

“Oh,” whooshed out of Noel.

“Yes. Oh.” Ravencroft barked out a sarcastic laugh.

Noel crawled to the edge of the bed, holding out her hand. “Please come to bed and allow me to explain.”

“There is nothing to explain. You have shown you hold no trust in me, and I understand. Please allow me time to myself to process this.”

“But I do. I meant to tell you when you came back inside,” Noel pleaded.