RAVENCROFT STORMEDaround the cottage, not even explaining himself to the guard. The woman was exasperating. Why couldn’t he get her to understand the threat they were under? While he held pride that she had stood up to his mother, he also cringed because the outcome of her spirit would also be their downfall.

He stopped, crossed his arms over his chest, and surveyed the land before him. Was it possible for them to escape through the forest? Or would they find themselves caught in a fresh set of problems? They were out of options. Lady L declared her return in three days. But she had lied, which left them a day to escape. He would finish the drawings tomorrow and leave them as bait. Tomorrow evening, they would make their escape.

When he came around the corner, he noticed the tin sitting on the blanket by the guard’s feet. He recognized them from the basket Lady L had left. Did the guard step inside while he was behind the cottage? He wanted to make demands but needed to win the guard on their side. It would appear Noel had already worked on charming the guard.

“Do you require anything else to help ease your comfort?” Ravencroft asked.

The guard glared at him. “Now, why would you be wanting to do that?”

“Because it is hospitable to offer since it will be a chilly evening,” Ravencroft answered.

“You toffs make no sense.”

Ravencroft shrugged. “I only sympathize with you. A word of warning, hide those provisions from the other guard and don’t let Lady L catch wind of accepting those from the lady.” He cringed. “I would hate for you to get punished because my lady offered you her kindness.”

The guard grunted.

Ravencroft continued to play on Noel’s act of generosity since the guard seemed more approachable by Noel. “My lady would be upset if they harmed you because of her generosity. She would suffer from so much guilt.”

“Take the damned items back inside.”

Ravencroft shook his head. “That would be an ungracious offense. No. My lady would assume I took them away from you. Plus, I share her sentiments by offering those to you.”

The guard didn’t answer. Ravencroft noticed how the guard pondered about what he said. He turned toward the road with his hands behind his back and rocked on his heels as if he shared a friendly conversation with a mate, not with a guard who had orders to kill them if they attempted an escape.

“I sure hope it doesn’t rain before Lady L makes her return for us. I suppose if it does, we can make room for you inside.”

The guard barked out a laugh. “The other blokes said you would try to lay on the charm with your friendly banter.” He nodded his head at the door. “Get inside before they catch sight of you. You are going to cost me a quid.”

Ravencroft narrowed his gaze. “What else did they say about me?”

This brought a huge grin to the thug’s face. “What a fool you were.”

“How so?”

“That you do not have a clue on whose cottage Lady L trapped you in. I will admit, it was brilliant of her. You see, toff, I only place my loyalty on those I admire because of their intelligence. Not with those who rely on others to make his path through life.”

Ravencroft attempted to argue the point. “Lady L found an abandoned cottage and is using it to suit her purpose.”

“Not abandoned. Just not used for a while.”

Ravencroft snarled. “Who does it belong to?”

“Ask your lady. She knows.”

The guard’s laughter irritated Ravencroft. He stepped forward. “Who owns the cottage?”

The guard’s lips twisted into a smile. “The lady’s brother.”

Ravencroft rolled his hand into a fist, ready to thrash the smile off the guard’s mug, but he stopped himself. He unrolled his fist and entered the cottage, gritting his teeth so as not to unleash his fury on Noel. She sat at the table waiting for him, with a smile of innocence graced on her face.

While he had torn down his defenses and admitted to his faults, giving Noel his trust, she had clung to her trust, not allowing him an ounce of forgiveness. Every time he thought he had her figured out, she showed him another side of herself. He understood her vulnerability, but he had stripped himself bare and told her secrets he had never told another soul.

“You gave the guard a blanket,” Ravencroft accused.

Noel smiled with patience at his tone. “And cookies.”
