Ravencroft looked at Noel with a guilty expression before moving toward the table. “I started the drawings this morning.” He leaned close to whisper where only Lady L heard. “I shall finish by the end of the week.”

Lady L studied him with a shrewd expression and then focused on Noel. She must have found satisfaction with their behavior because she turned on her heels to leave. When she reached the door, she paused. “I am sure you will, Lord Ravencroft. It appears the lady has fallen for your charm like all the others before. I shall allow your mother to share with you the change in our plans. I will return in three days for the final drawings. Try not to spend every minute between her thighs. You have work to finish.”

Ravencroft gritted his teeth at her crudity and the false impression she gave Noel about his involvement with her plans. He wanted to defend himself, but he couldn’t afford to have her impression change from how she presumed he tricked Noel. It was in their best interest if she left believing he had seduced Noel for the information he needed. Now he must deal with his mother. He only hoped Noel understood how he acted to fool them.

“Speak, Mother, then leave,” Ravencroft demanded.

Lady Ravencroft tilted her chin, offended by her son’s harsh tone. “I have persuaded Lady L to offer you a new condition for your help. Upon your release, you will show your gratitude by welcoming me back in your good graces.”

“And why should I offer you any gratitude?”

Lady Ravencroft clutched her chest. “Because I discovered Lady Langdale had kidnapped you and your lovely fiancée and I went to the authorities with information on your location.”

Noel moved to sit on the sofa, folding her hands in her lap as if she were only making pleasant conversation. “Very clever, Lady Ravencroft. You shine as a martyr, forcing Ravencroft to declare his forgiveness for your desertion, all the while sabotaging his well-standing name with your nefarious plot to ruin my family. However, I am curious about one matter. I know of Lady Langdale’s reason for revenge against my brother, but what is yours?”

Ravencroft closed his eyes and blew out a breath. He had asked her to stay silent, but of course she refused to abide by his demand. At least she hadn’t spoken a word around Lady Langdale. He opened his eyes to find Noel staring his mother down, waiting for a reply. His mother glared at Noel as she attempted to find an insult to put Noel in her place. However, with another glance at Noel, he realized he had underestimated her again. She didn’t need his protection. She possessed enough confidence to handle his mother all on her own. Perhaps even Lady Langdale, too.

While wanting to play the hero by protecting her, he had failed to notice her strengths. Noel always came to the aid of others and defended the unfortunate. She had more than enough skills to defend herself. He leaned against the wall, waiting for his mother to answer. Noel could handle the situation. However, he wasn’t a fool. Noel would unleash her fury at him for his callous treatment once his mother left.

“You are an impotent miss, are you not?” Lady Ravencroft snarled.

Noel responded by raising her eyebrow.

Lady Ravencroft turned toward her son. “Do you allow her to speak to me in that regard?”

Ravencroft held out his hands. “I am not in control of how Noel wishes to speak.”

Lady Ravencroft humphed. “I hope after you speak your marital vows, you put a stop to her insolence.”

He smiled at Noel. “Now why would I attempt such an act? I quite like herinsolence.”

“You act the same as your father. That man never had a backbone, either.”

Ravencroft bowed. “Thank you for the compliment, Mother. I greatly admired my father. Except for how he devoted himself to you. In that I never understood. Now, if you will please answer Noel’s question and be on your way.”

Lady Ravencroft stalked toward the door. “Ask your mother, Lady Noel. She will know why I seek my revenge against the Worthington family. Let me say, as Ravencroft is like his father, your brother differs little from his.”

Lady Ravencroft stormed away after delivering her cryptic comment. Ravencroft closed the door and moved to the window to watch their departure. Lady L had only left two guards behind, which meant she trusted the progress he had made. Or else it was a trap to catch him off guard to attempt an escape.

He waited for Noel’s anger, but only silence filled the cottage. When he turned, he found Noel’s gaze narrowed at him. She sat all prim and proper on the sofa as if they entertained guests, a contrast to the state of her clothing and the setting they were in. He took a step closer and noticed her disappointment.

Ravencroft placed his hands on the back of a chair. “Unleash your fury, my lady. I deserve every word.”

Noel sighed. “Another aspect of my character you have no clue about. I am not one who allows her temper to rule her actions. Now Maggie, she is the spitfire of our family who will unleash her fury if wronged.” Noel blew out a breath. “Eden is the most brutal. For if you anger her, she will take a bite out of you. As for Reese and Graham, they act as all men do. They are hotheaded and believe they are always correct. As for me, I prefer to understand a person’s actions before responding myself. You are aware of what has upset me. Now I am allowing you to explain your actions before I make my decision on how to react. At the moment, I only hold disappointment in the way you handled Lady Langdale. As for your mother, I thank you for allowing me my voice when dealing with her.”

Ravencroft moved around to sit in the chair. “My apologies. It seems I still have much to learn about your character. While protecting myself through our courtship, I did you a great injustice by not learning every facet of your personality. I stated yesterday how you may speak your mind to my mother whenever you need to. You have my respect for not allowing her to undermine you.”

Noel pinched her lips, not satisfied with how he answered. “None of your explanation held the reason on why you acted as you did around Lady Langdale.”

Ravencroft leaned forward. “I apologize for her disrespect. I needed her to believe how I charmed you into revealing the layout of your home. She needs to believe my intention to double-cross your family.”


“So she would loosen the reins on the guards. When Lady L is confident her plan is succeeding, she errors in her judgements, making slight mistakes one can take advantage of. I, by no means, meant to tarnish what we have shared. I asked you to stay silent because I needed Lady L to believe I controlled your actions. While you are a strong independent lady who can handle herself, I still want to protect you in any way I can. Even from the vileness of others,” Ravencroft explained.

Noel nodded. “Then she believes I am this meek lady who cannot defend myself, expecting nothing more from me because I am not a threat to her.”

“Exactly. So when you strike, she will least expect it.”