Ravencroft noticed her discomfort but feared for her safety around the guards. “Can we compromise and keep the door open?”

Noel nodded and rushed away before she grew any more embarrassed. The guard came to attention when she flew outside and she pointed to the woods, mortified to have to explain her situation to a complete stranger. It was dreadful enough she had to explain to Ravencroft. Which was her own fault. If she only trusted him enough to reveal the secret room Graham and Ralston had built in the cottage, she could’ve relieved herself in privacy. Now her fate led her to the woods. She hurried to the trees before the sun disappeared.

Once she finished her business, she strolled back to the cabin, noting nothing had changed since her last visit. Except the overgrowth of the trees near the road now hid the cottage.

She stopped near the guard. “Would you care for anything to eat?”

“No thank you, my lady. Lady L left us provisions,” he informed her.

Noel offered him a smile in kindness and walked inside, closing the door behind her. She almost walked into Ravencroft because he stood right inside the cottage, awaiting her return. The frown on his face showed his displeasure at her talking to the guard. But he held himself back from reprimanding her. She had to give him credit because her brothers would have raged over her pleasant exchange with the guard.

Noel walked past him, smiling at his attempt to treat her as an equal. She continued to the bed and drew back the quilt. After tugging the drawstring loose on the breeches, they slid down her legs. She stepped out of them and bent over. If she wasn’t mistaken, her action prompted a groan from Ravencroft. She wanted to peek to see if she was correct but didn’t wish for him to realize her intention.

Noel may have pulled away from his kiss earlier, but she had no intention of pulling away again. She would follow Maggie’s advice and forgive his past misdeeds. She needed no explanation because she loved him. Ravencroft was a lonely soul who had suffered through life’s hardships without love. Noel wanted to wrap him in her warm embrace and ease his loneliness. She hoped to convince him of a future together.

Ravencroft groaned when Maggie bent over to retrieve her breeches from the floor. The shirt rode high, and he caught sight of her ass cheeks. It beckoned him to come closer and cup them in his hands while his fingers stroked her warm pussy. Why in the hell didn’t she sleep in the damn breeches? Now he would spend his night tormented by fantasies he must not act upon. She may appear sweet and innocent, but after he had tasted her sweetness, Ravencroft believed her to be the devil’s temptress sent to torment him with decadent thoughts. When she crawled on the bed and patted the spot next to her, he shook his head back and forth rapidly.

“You need your sleep, and I need to spy,” Ravencroft reminded her.

Noel pouted. “But you need to sleep too.”

Ravencroft stared out the window, fighting his urge to join her. “Later.”

“Good night, Gregory,” Noel whispered.

“Sleep well, Noel.”

Ravencroft closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to the windowpane. When she whispered his name, it took everything he had not to join her. He didn’t dare glance over his shoulder. Just the image of her alone, so close and lying on a bed, was enough to heighten his arousal. And when he fell asleep, it would be on the sofa or the floor. It would be an impossible feat to keep his hands to himself if he joined her on the bed.

Ravencroft blew out the candles and took up his watch at the window. She understood his reason for spying on the guards, but she also sensed it was an excuse to stay away from her. With the moon shining through the window, she took him in. He wore a pensive expression, and his shoulders hunched up with his tension. Did something else bother him besides her kidnapping?

Noel recalled their conversation and realized he had regarded her as a shallow lady at first, but over time, he had changed his opinion. Shame overcame her at how his statement rang true. She had paraded around on his arm, gloating her success at capturing his attention to the ton. But he was mistaken about her reason. The gossipmongers had whispered about his disappearance from society once he arrived on the scene. And every lady professed how they would capture him as a groom. So she understood why he assumed she had ensnared his attention to raise her standing amongst the ton.

When in fact it irritated her how the vipers talked about him behind his back but fell at his feet whenever he arrived at a function. While Ravencroft presented himself as a charming gentleman, she had noticed his insecurity and wanted to welcome his return with her friendship. She thought if she showed interest and he returned the attention, then the other ladies would search for another soul to sink their claws into. Noel never imagined he would propose. She supposed she enjoyed the attention of their engagement and how he continued to dote on her at every opportunity. After her friends found their happily ever after, she had dreamt of it for herself.

She had settled into their comfortable relationship and learned not to expect anything more than what they shared. Ravencroft was a safe choice, and they would lead a drama-free life. One much different from her childhood, where her father had belittled her mother at every opportunity and terrorized his children with his cruel behavior. Ravencroft had shown her he would provide her with a calm and secure marriage.

So when he asked for her hand in marriage, her pride had inflated at securing a successful match. And perhaps gloated more than she needed to. She had only wanted to show the vipers how much they never deserved him. She had never meant to demean him or their relationship.

Noel could argue how he had never shown any interest in anything more from their relationship. He charmed her family and friends and worshipped at her feet in front of the ton. But he never tried to get her alone. Ravencroft had led Noel to believe he wanted nothing more from their relationship than what they presented to everyone.

Because if he had, he would’ve stolen a kiss or two. Whisked her away to seduce her. Drew her hand in his while nobody noticed. Asked for a private walk through the garden. Whispered scandalous words in her ear. However, he had never made a single attempt at seduction.

Did he even wish to?