Ravencroft narrowed his gaze. “A set of false drawings?”


He leaned over and kissed Noel. “You are brilliant. I knew the day I met you how amazing you were.”

Noel blushed. “You did?”

“Oh yes.”


Ravencroft frowned. “How?”

“Yes. How did you reach that conclusion?”

He leaned back in his chair, contemplating how to answer her question without offending her. “While you present yourself as a simpleminded debutante, boasting of catching the elusive Lord Ravencroft to your peers, I see it for what it is. An act for no one to notice your genuine kindness and intelligence. And why? Because I believe it protects anyone from getting too close and understanding how your mind works. You don’t want any attention focused on your intelligence. You wish to enjoy people’s kindness and believe in those who don’t believe in themselves.”

Ravencroft sat forward to finish his explanation. “You want to live a simple life with no drama. While you enjoy the attention, it is all a front. You interject yourself into situations to right a wrong or to defend someone less fortunate. Your wit always outsmarts your opponents. They do not realize who they confronted after you finish with them. Which only leaves me to wonder, am I one of your unfortunate souls you have rescued with your undying devotion?”

Noel toyed with her napkin. “You sound confident in how you regard me.”

“Because I am. Never underestimate my affections where you are concerned.”

Noel raised her gaze to his. “Then why have you never expressed your affection?”

Ravencroft sighed. “Because we fell into a routine I assumed you preferred, and I did not want to risk jeopardizing our relationship.”

“Because of the financial wealth you would gain once we married?” Noel whispered.

He ran a hand through his hair in frustration at the turn of their conversation. He never wanted to touch on this subject with Noel. It showed a part of himself he wasn’t proud of. He had hoped it would go unspoken and they would resume their relationship as before. But he should’ve known the passion they shared had changed their path’s direction.

“Honestly?” At her nod, he answered her. “At first, yes, it was my primary reason. But then I grew to care for you after I became acquainted with your true nature, and my reasons changed. However, you showed no interest in me other than an object you favored on your arm to flaunt at the ton in your success at acquiring a groom. However, now I have learned differently of your affections, and my reasons have changed once again.”

Noel’s lips twisted. “To what?”

The smile Ravencroft bestowed on Noel left her in no doubt of what his reasons had changed to. The gesture was a cross between a rake set out to seduce an innocent lady and a gentleman who adored the lady before him. Once again, he stirred her emotions into a whirlwind of need. Even though she eagerly awaited his answer, once he uttered the words, there was no turning back for them. She either had to accept his reasons or end their relationship.

Noel’s eyes glazed over with desire. While she pretended indifference to what he wished for, her body told a different story. She leaned toward him, eager to hear his response. Her tongue kept sliding out to lick across her bottom lip. He wondered what she would do if he picked her up and carried her to the bed in the corner. Would she object to his advances? Or would her soft sighs echo around the cottage while he ravished her lips, her luscious nipples poking through her shirt, the sweet nectar between her thighs? He longed to savor her sweetness again.

Ravencroft drew in a deep breath to bring himself under control. Her dreamy gaze had taken a hold of his senses. He must stop this line of questioning or else lose the last of his sanity.

Ravencroft started clearing the table. “To reasons I shall divulge at a more appropriate time. For now, we must rest. Tomorrow we can figure out how to get ourselves out of the mess we are in.”

Noel stood. “But we have not finished our discussion on what led us to this predicament.”

Ravencroft sighed. “I understand. May we continue tomorrow? I would like to give the guards the impression we have retired for the evening so I can spy on their movements.”

“That sounds reasonable.” She started toward the door.

“Where are you going?” Ravencroft barked.

Noel felt her cheeks warm. “I need to take care of my personal needs.”

Ravencroft fought to calm himself. She scared him by attempting to walk outdoors. His fear for her safety would be his downfall if he didn’t pull himself together. They had no privacy in this cottage, and once again, he failed to recognize her needs.

“Of course. Let me escort you outdoors.”

Noel’s cheeks grew redder. “I will be fine.”