
RAVENCROFT TUGGED AThis cravat. “Maggie only intended the letter for your eyes alone.”

Noel waved her hand. “Nonsense. Maggie’s only intention is to tease me.”

“Umm. I do not believe so. Here.” He thrust the note in her hands before striding to the kitchen area.

Noel watched Ravencroft digging through a picnic basket, pulling out food. He appeared uncomfortable with whatever Maggie had stated at the end of her letter. If she didn’t know any better, she would think her sister’s words flustered him. Which would explain the redness spreading across his cheeks. With curiosity, she lifted the letter to finish reading.


As for Ravencroft, he withheld information about your disappearance because he believed himself capable of returning you safely home on his own. Once he realized how impossible it was, he told us everything. Graham and Crispin insisted he play along with Lady L’s game because it was the only way to gather enough information on your location to make a rescue.

I shall be honest with you about how I never trusted Ravencroft throughout your engagement. I even asked Crispin to investigate him. Which now I realize was pointless since they are brothers. However, Crispin stands faithfully by Ravencroft’s side and trusts him with his life. I guess I plead with you to do the same. I have set my misgivings to the side and I urge you to trust him, too.

At one time, you idolized Ravencroft. You thought him the most divine gentleman to have ever graced the earth. When you met him, some unknown fate drew you to each other. You saw in him what no one else ever did. Draw on that faith now. Open your heart to him and forgive him for his dishonesty and misplaced trust. Learn about what shaped him to be who he is today. Once you do, you shall never doubt his character ever again.

Just a little advice from your little sister.

We all love you, Noel. Return home to us safely.


Oh my. That was quite a postscript her sister had added. Who knew her sister held such a perception of another soul? Maggie’s focus usually tended toward surrounding herself with nature while riding her horse. Now she wrote as a mature woman with life experience. Noel never held a clue about Maggie’s dislike for Ravencroft. Had he realized her sister disliked him? Another question to add to her long list.

The last paragraph of the letter held the most impact on Noel concerning the doubts she clung to about Ravencroft. Maggie wrote the truth when she described how Noel felt about Ravencroft. The first moment she laid eyes on him, her heart had declared he was the gentleman she would spend the rest of eternity with. Even as she stared at him now, that feeling never wavered. It might sway with uncertainty, but it remained the same. She couldn’t imagine her life without him. Her need to learn about his past, his actions concerning her disappearance, and his plans for the future prompted her to his side.

“May I help?” Noel asked.

Ravencroft nodded toward the shelves hung on the wall. “You can gather the plates and utensils.”

They worked quietly, setting the table for their meal. Once they sat down, Noel took over and filled their plates. Not once would Ravencroft meet her gaze. He still appeared embarrassed by her sister’s words. She didn’t understand why they bothered him, considering they were to his benefit.

“What meets us outside those doors?” Noel asked.

Ravencroft set his fork down. “Three men guard near the area. Two near the end of the drive and one by the cottage. Since I don’t recognize them, they must be Lady L’s new recruits. I tried to test the loyalty of the guard outside the door.”

Noel’s eyebrows lifted in doubt. “How did you fare?”

Ravencroft smirked. “The bloke was most insulting, but I surprised him with my response. I believe I can convince him to switch sides.”

“Do you not meanwecan convince him?”

While he didn’t want Noel to interact with the guards, he needed to show her they worked together as a team. “Yes.We.”

Noel nodded, then continued eating. “What else did you learn of the surroundings?”

She cringed at her question, and guilt nibbled at her conscience for deceiving him about her knowledge of their whereabouts. She would admit the truth as soon as he confessed his secrets.

“Trees surround the cottage on all sides, and I don’t see any other homes nearby. It isn’t possible to escape through the trees and remain unscathed. Our only hope is to persuade the guard to switch sides.”

Noel finished chewing on a bite of cheese. “We can always wait out Lady L and supply her with drawings of Reese’s townhome.”

Ravencroft growled. “I will not aid that witch in destroying anyone I care about any longer.”

Noel didn’t understand how Ravencroft’s annoyance stirred emotions in her so strongly. She ached to have him unleash his passionate fire on her soul. To take her with abandonment, leaving her with no doubt of his affections. She wanted to provoke him into that very act, but she would wait. Now wasn’t the time to explore her fantasies. She still needed him to confide in her.

“I understand. What if you draw a townhome similar to Reese’s but with modifications?”