His lips tugged upward. “I thought we agreed on Gregory.” He rose before she reached him. “I am stepping outdoors for a spell and will allow you privacy to read your letters.”

Noel held her hand out to touch him as he passed, but he avoided her touch and walked outside. She frowned over his departure, unsure about his sudden change of mood. She sighed, settling on the sofa. The letters lay in her lap as she tried to piece together the shift in his emotions.

After some reflection, Noel realized it wasn’t Ravencroft who kept changing moods. It was her. She lay in his arms, showing him how she longed for his kiss, and then she pulled away. When he opened himself up to her, it was she who kept distance between them. She was the fickle one in this relationship. But in her defense, the gentleman held no clue how he rattled her senses.

She held the letters up and noticed they were from Graham and Maggie. She would read Graham’s letter first. Because it probably held the explanation she fretted over and a plan on how to proceed. Then she would read Maggie’s letter, which was her sister’s means of teasing her.

Hello Pipsqueak,

Or should I call you trouble? Now I expected this type of behavior from Maggie, perhaps even Eden, but certainly not from you. I didn’t realize you felt neglected and in need of attention to get yourself kidnapped by the notorious Lady Langdale. If so, I would have teased you a bit more.

All humor aside, I hope you will forgive us for not coming to your rescue sooner. I will leave your fiancé to answer your questions about the delay. In his defense, if I were in his position, I would have reacted the same. Without knowing your location and the severity of Lady L’s unpredictable behavior, Dracott and Ravencroft advised us to plan an escape where you would come to no harm. And to do so, you must remain under her control. But fear not, we shall have you home soon.

But then again, with the amount of teasing you are sure to receive, you might wish we never rescued you. Trousers? ‘Tis so unlike you, my dear. I will warn you to prepare yourself because Maggie has made a list of teasing remarks for once you return home.

I hope this letter helps to reassure you. Chin up, my dear. You are a Worthington and you have the skills to survive someone as brutal as Lady Langdale. And if I can offer you a bit of advice? Go easy on the bloke. His actions to this point show proof of how he cares about you. While our brother would disagree, I believe Ravencroft is trustworthy and is worthy of your love. However you wish to proceed with the gentleman is entirely up to you. I will offer my support either way. But while you’re in this predicament, trust him as I would.

Your devoted brother (and soon-to-be rescuer),


Noel folded the letter in her lap and stared at the door. Should she trust the man who stood outside? He was a contradiction to the gentleman who had courted her over the past year. Her common sense told her to follow her brother’s advice, yet her heart urged her to keep up the walls of defense. That was the problem. She may appear like a lighthearted debutante without a care in the world. However, it was a façade she had perfected over the years to protect herself. The question she needed to answer was if she still wanted to protect herself from Ravencroft. Because of the situation they found themselves in, they either endured life’s hardships together or worked separately to overcome this tribulation.

Sometimes walls were meant to be torn down.

Chapter Eleven

Ravencroft stood outsidethe cottage, surveying his surroundings. He started along the drive and saw how close to the road they were, a detail to use to their advantage if they escaped. However, the closer he drew, he saw Lady L had stationed two men on both sides of the drive. Their presence alone should draw curiosity in the countryside. Unless this was a road never traveled. His gaze scanned the horizon, and to his disappointment, there wasn’t another home anywhere in the distance. Lady L had isolated them, and no one would question the reason for their presence at the cottage.

He turned back to the cottage and noted only one guard stood watch. Ravencroft didn’t recognize any of the guards and assumed Lady L had recruited them after he left the organization. He needed to learn if he could bribe them or if they had pledged their loyalty to Lady L’s cause. In the meantime, he needed to accustom himself to his surroundings, like Dracott had taught him years ago. Who knew a brief stint in crime would help him at a later date?

He motioned to the guard that he was stepping into the woods. “A moment of privacy, mate?”

The guard grunted his approval.

Ravencroft rounded the corner and realized why no one guarded behind the cottage. Nothing but a forest of trees surrounded it. Their only means of escape was past a guard who would prevent them from any attempt they made. He wouldn’t risk Noel’s safety. Not yet, anyway.