“Why does she want the layout of our home?”

Ravencroft rubbed a strand of Noel’s hair between his fingers. “Because she plans to strike a heist during our wedding ceremony.”

Noel bit at her bottom lip. “What if there is no wedding ceremony?”

“To answer your next question, she plans to expose our stay in this beautiful cottage to the ton. I haven’t figured out how, but I am sure it will involve my mother somehow. Which leaves you as a ruined lady unless we wed.”

Noel gasped. “Why would your own mother be party to such a devious act against us?”

“On to your next set of questions. My mother only looks out for herself and no other. As far as how I am her child, I guess God wanted to play a cruel trick or teach me a lesson about human nature. I am still unsure of that. My offer of marriage will stand for an eternity. And if you decide to accept it, then you never have to claim her as your mother-in-law. I hope when your brother destroys Lady L, he also destroys my mother, too. Once they capture her and she is no longer part of our lives and Dracott’s, the better it will be.”

“Was her purpose for taking me to play into Lady L’s plan?” Noel asked.

“No. Since you dressed yourself in boy’s clothing, they assumed it was Maggie who Lady L had ordered kidnapped in the first place,” Ravencroft explained.

“Why were they so set on kidnapping Maggie?”

Ravencroft sighed. “Because Dracott’s desertion from the thievery ring infuriated Lady L more than mine. She wanted to make him suffer for leaving and for helping another person escape. She watched how attached Dracott was becoming to Maggie and knew if she kidnapped her, she would lure him into returning for Maggie’s freedom.”

“The lady is more complex than I thought.” A shudder racked Noel’s body, and Ravencroft drew her tighter against him. “I cannot imagine Reese with such a lady.”

“In your brother’s defense, it was during a time he was at his lowest and she charmed him into believing she was something she wasn’t.”

“Ugh. Either way, I am so thankful Evelyn came into his life. To imagine our lives saddled with that woman.”

Ravencroft chuckled. “I do not believe your brother would’ve ever offered for her. Which is the reason for her revenge against your family. She will find immense pleasure if she can ruin your good name.”

Noel toyed with the buttons on his shirt. “Have you ever been at your lowest with her?”

Ravencroft tipped Noel’s head up and gazed into her eyes. “No.” He spoke the one word with emphasis to make it clear to her. “I have never bedded that woman, nor have I ever desired to. I will not lie to you. Over the years, and even yesterday, she has attempted to seduce me. My answer has always been no. She only pretends to know what I prefer. She baits you with her words because she finds pleasure in upsetting you, while she has no clue what I desire in my bed. She is jealous of you, Noel. And it is pure jealousy that fuels her desire for revenge.” His explanation came out in a passionate denial, forcing Noel to understand how she was a threat to Lady Langdale.

Noel’s eyes widened. “Oh.”

“As to the type of lady I desire to warm my bed, I am quite selective.”

Noel gulped before squeaking out, “How so?”

“First of all, nothing strikes my interest more than a highly intelligent lady. Not a bluestocking who always has to prove her intelligence. But one who enjoys the simplicity of life while understanding the circumstances surrounding her. Who is always aware but has no need to flaunt herself.”

His hand ran through her tresses as he continued. “One whose beauty is simple but very understated because she is unaware of her sexuality and the power she yields over the gentleman she has captured under her spell.”

Ravencroft only meant to reassure Noel of his affections from the damage Lady L had inflected with her destructive taunts, not to stroke his own desires. But when Noel’s body melted into his and her soft little sighs escaped when he touched her, he ached to kiss her lips again and show her exactly what type of lady he desired and would only ever desire again. It was Noel. She was who he had searched for his entire life. The lady who fulfilled his every desire.

His thumb brushed across her bottom lip, and the tip of her tongue darted out in a responsive motion. Noel watched Ravencroft’s gaze darken with an emotion more explosive than mere desire. His look held the state of how he wanted to possess her heart and soul. She never imagined in all of her silly romantic dreams of a passion so intense. Since Ravencroft had displayed nothing but a doting nature to her before this, Noel was unprepared for how to react. Would Ravencroft think her too wanton if she acted out her desires or would he finish what he had started the previous day?

As much as she wanted to give in to her desire, she needed to hear the rest of his explanation. If they were to have any chance of happiness, then she needed to trust him. At one time, she would have defended his character to anyone who spoke otherwise. However, her capture had left her in doubt, and until he confessed his secrets, she refused to give him her heart.

With reluctance, she pulled back and pushed herself off his lap. If she were to keep her wits about her, then she must put distance between them. Not that she had the space to roam very far. But sitting on his lap was a temptation she must not indulge in. Not right now, anyway.

Ravencroft groaned at her departure from his lap. He was mere seconds away from tasting her delectable lips. He sensed her eagerness, too. Her eyes were clouded with desire, declaring her every thought. She wanted him to make love to her, of that he was certain. However, he understood her reluctance, too.

He pulled out the letters in his suit coat and held them out. “These should answer your questions regarding your family.”

Noel took the letters. “Thank you.”

Ravencroft’s gaze captured Noel. She saw how her withdrawal bothered him. She wished to ease his doubt, but it was impossible when she suffered from her own doubts. What caught her by surprise was the vulnerability in his eyes. It was then she realized Ravencroft was as much a victim in this situation as she was.

She took a step toward him. “Ravencroft?”