“Reese, that is enough,” Maggie interjected.

“That is all right, my lady. Your brother is correct. I will be honest, I only sought Noel’s hand because of her dowry and how easily manageable she would be for a wife. However, after I have become better acquainted with your sister, my feelings have changed dramatically,” Ravencroft explained.

Maggie gazed at him shrewdly and then nodded, offering him a smile. “Yes, our Noel has that ability to change one’s mind.”

Ravencroft smiled back. “That she does.”

Worthington grunted, then led his sisters away. Worth slapped him on the back in a silent show of appreciation at his reply. He glanced over his shoulder and noticed Dracott leaning against the wall, waiting for him. He tilted his head at Worth, and Dracott shook his head in reply. Ravencroft closed the door after Worth and followed Dracott back into the study. He found his brother already pouring them a drink.

Dracott took a drink before he sat down. “At least they did not question us about what we did to entice Lady L’s wrath.”

Ravencroft settled next to him, stretching out his legs. “Do not think they won’t. Your employer will inquire when it is pertinent to do so.”

“You have a point. Now, what can you describe about your visit?” Dracott asked.

Ravencroft set the glass off to the side, not taking a sip. “The stench is strong, and I believe the house is located near the wharf. Also, look for a streetwalker by the name of Jane. She calls out to hackney drivers. I don’t believe I rode in a carriage of wealth but one for hire by the comfort of it.” He continued with the details of his trip and what he had overheard while trapped in the carriage.

Dracott finished his drink and stood up. “I’ll see what I can uncover before dinner this evening. In the meantime, prepare yourself for the unexpected. We both know Lady L won’t follow through with what she laid out. She will deviate from her plan when her men escort you back to Noel. I will warn Worth and have Kincaid’s men follow at a discreet distance.”

“I agree. Tomorrow cannot come soon enough. We both know what Noel might endure under their watch. Whatever we plan, we must do so with haste.”

Dracott pointed at Ravencroft’s drink. “Calm yourself. This will soon be over.”

After Dracott left, he stared at the drink. He refused to take a swallow. He could mark two occasions when he had overindulged in alcohol to settle his emotions, and they had both ended in disaster. The first was when he encountered his mother years after she abandoned him and drew him into her destruction with Lady Langdale. The second was the night Noel visited him. And because of that, she was now a victim of Lady L’s revenge. No. He refused to take another drink while they kept Noel captive.

Never again would he lose himself because of his inability to face his emotions.

Chapter Nine

While Noel finishedeating her lunch, Lady L strolled inside her cell. Her description was dramatic, but with the windows bordered and nothing to occupy her time, it felt like a prison. Not to mention the locked door and the guard standing outside. How else would one refer to her demise?

“Are you enjoying your stay?” Lady L sauntered around the room, picking up a trinket, then setting it back down.

Noel wiped her mouth. “Mmm. How should one feel when forced against their will to remain a prisoner?”

Lady L let out a devious chuckle. “You are cleverer than I thought. I must take that into consideration.”