“Do you know why she wants them?” Eden asked.
“She planned a heist during Maggie’s debutante ball. Since Maggie will no longer have one because of her marriage, Lady L will strike during our wedding. She seeks her revenge by causing you misery when she attacks the ton. You will have to deal with the aftermath when the ton blames you for their losses.” Ravencroft directed his stare at Worthington.
“Why now?” Worthington asked.
“Because over the years, she has grown her force. She believes she can infiltrate England and seek her revenge. You became an enemy to her after you threw her over for Evelyn. She expected you to marry her. When Colebourne put a bounty on her head, she ran to the Continent and plotted her revenge,” Ravencroft explained.
“I never gave her any sign of a marriage proposal. She only suited one purpose, and it was foolish on my part to have ever gotten involved with her. Especially once I learned of her pastime. As for Colebourne, she picked the wrong peer to double-cross,” Worthington stated.
“How does she plan to secure the blueprints?” asked Worth.
Ravencroft rubbed a hand across his face to ease his stress from having to explain this next part. He knew the Worthington men would object, but it was crucial they play along with Lady L’s plans. “Each day going forth, they will force me back to their hideout. While I’m there, I am to earn Noel’s trust and coax her to tell me about any special nuances that only a member of your family would have knowledge of. Any broken locks, squeaky doors, secret passageways. Anything to help her cause. This routine will proceed every day until Lady L has what she requires.”
Dracott snarled in disgust. “Was part of the threat for you to pretend ignorance of Noel’s whereabouts to the Worthingtons?”
Ravencroft nodded. “Yes. She wants my relationship with Noel and her family to suffer for her revenge against us for what we did last year.”
Dracott humphed. “Her terror will never end, will it?”
His comment was more of an observation than a question. They both knew Lady L would forever seek her vindication as long as she remained free. Ravencroft finally understood why his brother wanted them to join forces with Worth and Ralston to bring Lady L to justice. They never held a chance at ending this on their own. They needed an arsenal of men to bring her down. Ravencroft exchanged a look with Dracott, telling him he accepted his demands.
Dracott nodded, then turned to Worth. “How do you want to handle this?”
Worth looked between the brothers, trying to decipher their exchange. “Do I have both of your cooperation to follow my demands?”
“Yes,” both men agreed.
Worth sighed. “As much as this should stay within our family, it cannot. We will need help from those we can trust to stop this lady from destroying those we love. We must confide in Ralston, Kincaid, and Falcone.”
“Are you sure we can trust Lord Falcone?” Eden bit out.
Everyone turned toward Eden at her objection. She tried to keep a serious expression on her face, so her family didn’t notice her discomfort at discussing the gentleman. She even fought to keep her gaze from Maggie after she heard her sister snicker.
Ravencroft frowned. “Is there a reason we should not? I don’t want anyone involved who will place Noel at more risk.”
“I only ask because Ralston and Kincaid are practically family, so I understand needing their guidance. However, Falcone is an outsider,” Eden explained.
“I can understand your hesitation. At first I did not trust Falcone when Ralston brought him on. However, over the years, he has proven himself a worthy ally. And right now, we need his help,” Worth tried to reassure Eden.
Eden pinched her lips. “Very well.”
“She will have men watching my every move,” Ravencroft said.
“Then we shall give them something to report back. We will host a small dinner party this evening, inviting the Ralstons, Kincaids, and Lord Falcone. Ravencroft, you will arrive as usual to keep up the pretense Lady L wishes for. During dinner, we will discuss how to rescue Noel and how we should proceed with the investigation.” Worth looked at each person before making his last statement. “Also, we will put aside our differences and work together to achieve Noel’s safe return.”
Everyone murmured their agreement.
“Dracott and I will go into the office and invite the gentlemen to dinner. Reese, you need to escort the ladies home, where both of you will remain.” Worth looked at his sisters. “Ravencroft, proceed about your day as usual. We must all appear that we are in great distress over Noel’s disappearance.”
Ravencroft nodded. He looked at Worthington and noted the earl appeared satisfied with his brother’s command. It was highly unusual for an older brother to take a step back and allow a younger sibling to lead. However, that wasn’t the case with the Worthingtons. They held trust and respect with one another, the same as he held with Dracott. However, his foolish pride had kept him from listening to his brother’s advice.
Ravencroft rose from behind his desk to escort his guests out since he had sent the servants off on a break. “I shall join your family at dinner.”
Worthington glanced around. “Where are your servants?”
“I sent them away for a week because I wished no harm to come upon them. It does not matter much because I only retain a few servants,” Ravencroft explained.
Worthington arched a brow. “Because of your financial difficulties?”