His insolence earned him a smack against the head. However, Ravencroft no longer cared. It was the last command he would obey from them. He must attempt to rescue Noel this evening because he refused to have her endure another minute in their capture.

After he no longer heard the carriage, he swept off the mask and strode into his house. He would need to send word to Dracott. Ravencroft hated to interrupt his honeymoon, but he needed his help. And all because he had failed to secure their freedom from his mother’s and Lady L’s clutches. He decided from this moment forth he would use Dracott’s resources. Even if it meant allowing the Worthingtons to take over.

When he held Noel in his embrace earlier, he had realized how selfish it was for him to attempt her rescue on his own. She didn’t deserve to suffer because of his pride. Sometimes a man must place the welfare of others before himself. And securing Noel’s safety was that moment for him.

“Meg, find me someone to run a message,” Ravencroft ordered once he strolled inside his home.

“Yes, my lord. You have . . . That is . . .” Meg stuttered.

Ravencroft paused, noting Meg’s discomfort. “What is the matter?” he asked calmly. He didn’t want to frighten off the few servants he had.

“I tried to stop them, but they insisted they would wait.” Meg pointed to his study.

Ravencroft sighed. He didn’t need to question who had invaded his home. Meg’s nervousness explained her behavior. “You did fine. I have decided to leave town for a few days. You may inform the other servants to take a week to themselves. There is no sense why any of you shouldn’t enjoy the time off during my absence. Please inform the other servants to return to work this time next week.”

“Oh, thank you, my lord. You are so kind. I would enjoy a visit with my family. Can we get you anything before we leave?” Meg gushed.

“No need.” He smiled at her as though he didn’t have a care in the world. The complete opposite of how he truly felt. However, it was brilliant of him to send them away. His home wasn’t safe, and he didn’t want to risk their innocent lives because of the danger he was involved in. Especially when he was about to double-cross Lady Langdale.

He waited for Meg to scamper off before he went to his study. Once there, he saw how everyone had made themselves comfortable, waiting for him. At least he didn’t have to locate Dracott. It appeared Worthington had already interrupted the newlyweds’ honeymoon.

Ravencroft strolled in and made his way to Maggie. He always sensed her dislike, and the frown on her face showed she felt no differently. He held out his hand. “May I offer my congratulations on your marriage to my brother and also my apology for pulling you away from your honeymoon?”

Maggie narrowed her gaze before taking his hand. “Thank you. There is no need to apologize for Noel’s disappearance unless you orchestrated it.”

After giving her hand a friendly squeeze, he dropped his hand. “No, I did not. However, it was my mother’s guards who stole her, and for that, I am responsible.”

“We both are,” Dracott spoke from behind him.

Ravencroft turned. “They thought they grabbed Maggie since Noel had adorned herself in breeches.”

Dracott nodded. “That makes sense.”

“Breeches!” Eden exclaimed. “Noel in breeches? You must be mistaken.”

Ravencroft shook his head. “No. I am not.”

Maggie laughed. “Now that I would love to see. Especially since she always nagged me about how proper it was to dress like a lady. What would prompt her to dress like a hoyden?”

Ravencroft winced. He knew the exact reason and must tell them if he wanted them to trust him. His natural reaction was to lie and send them on their way on a false hunt to find Noel. However, if he wanted any future with Noel, then he must admit every dishonest act he had committed since coming into their lives. And he wanted nothing more than a future with Noel, one spent exploring the passion they had only just begun to explore.

“My fault again. On the night of your wedding, she snuck over here.”

“And you neglected to mention this earlier, why?” Worthington growled.

Ravencroft sighed. “Because I thought I could handle this on my own.”

Worthington advanced on Ravencroft. “That was not your decision to make. As of this moment, I rescind my permission for you to marry Noel.”

“I agree. However, with all due respect, you will not decide the fate of our engagement. That is Noel’s decision only.” Ravencroft stood tall with his hands behind his back.

Worth stepped between the two gentlemen and pulled his brother back. “Instead of working against each other, let us work together to bring Noel home.”

Ravencroft nodded his agreement, at peace with Worthington if the other gentleman would agree to a truce. Worthington kept glaring at him but gave a slight nod to indicate he agreed. Ravencroft moved to sit behind his desk while the other gentlemen settled in a chair.

“Tell us what you know,” Worth urged.

“They are holding Noel in their hideout.” He held up his hand when Worthington opened his mouth to interrupt him. “I have no clue where because they blindfolded me for the ride. Once I reached the hideout, Lady L gave me the ultimatum of helping her secure the layout of your townhome or harming Noel. I agreed to help her in exchange for Noel’s freedom once I secured the documents she needed.”