“Change your clothes now,” he ordered and strode over to the door. “Give me two more minutes. The lady is getting dressed.”

The guard grunted his permission of the request. Ravencroft strode back over to Noel. She had already changed and was stuffing the gown back into the wardrobe. He had many questions concerning her state of dress, but they would wait until later. Now he must reassure her before they forced him to leave.

Ravencroft gripped Noel by her shoulders. “Are you well?”

Noel nodded.

“I must leave you here, but Lady L has granted her permission for my return tomorrow. In the meantime, I plan to rescue you from her clutches. Do not argue with her or my mother. Stay silent. Can you do that?”

Noel nodded again.

He pressed his forehead against hers. He didn’t know what to make of her silence. Did she regret their time together? Was she ashamed?

The guard banged on the door. “Now!”

“Just a minute more,” Ravencroft shouted back. “Damn. I wanted to explain everything to you. But I must leave. Here, take this.” He pressed a pocketknife into her hand. Then he kissed her forehead, stalked to the door, and removed the chair.

Noel watched Lady L drag Ravencroft from the room. She ran after him, but the guard locked the door. After pressing her ear to the panel, she only heard footsteps stomping away. She turned around, stomping her own feet in frustration. The boarded windows prevented Noel from seeing if Ravencroft left her to her own demise. Her gaze landed on the bed, and she pressed her hand on the wall to steady herself. Their time together came rushing back, and she couldn’t believe her scandalous behavior. Her cheeks warmed as she remembered the confession she had made to Ravencroft. Or Gregory, as he had teased her.

She moved to the bed and sat down. Her hand ran over the lacy cover, and she swore Ravencroft’s heat singed her fingertips. He had swept in like a whirlwind and departed just as swiftly, leaving Noel adrift in confusion. She didn’t understand what to think of his visit or his cryptic comments. As for his order not to provoke his mother or Lady L, it was unnecessary. She wasn’t a dimwit and understood the severity if she should. Yet, after her confinement in this bedchamber, she held on to her temper by a thin thread. It was in her nature to avoid conflict, and she preferred to see the positivity in every situation. However, there wasn’t anything positive about her kidnapping.

And why did Ravencroft want her to stay silent toward Lady Langdale? Did he fear the lady would reveal more of their relationship? Noel wasn’t naïve not to realize they shared something. She hadn’t noticed it when he swept her into a passionate embrace, but she’d caught the fragrance when he held her to him before he left. The musky scent had clung to his suit coat. And she wasn’t blind to see the face paint smeared on his collar. Which only left Noel to wonder if Ravencroft played a game with her affections?

And if so, for what prize?

Chapter Eight

Once again, Ravencroftsat blindfolded, oblivious to his surroundings on his return home. At least, his mother didn’t join him for the return trip, and the guard rode with the driver. He would attempt to jump from the carriage, but they had bound his wrists. Which left him to count the turns and listen for any sounds that would help him locate the hideout later.

He had to scratch his plan to sneak in through the windows to Noel’s room since they had boarded them. After he saw the house they sequestered her in, his need to rescue Noel became more urgent. At least he gave her a weapon to protect herself with, if she needed it. He hoped they never gave her a reason to.

The carriage started again, and Ravencroft swayed back and forth, trying to remain on the seat. It wasn’t much longer when the carriage stopped again and the door opened. The guard undid his hands but kept the shield in place.

“Wait until you no longer hear the carriage, then you can remove the mask,” the guard ordered.

Ravencroft bowed. “At your command.”