Ravencroft sat forward in the chair. “Then let us discuss the reason for my visit. What can I do to guarantee Lady Noel’s release?”

“You are here to fulfill your mother’s repayment of the debt she owes me. Also, you and your brother took my possession without my permission, and for that, you must repay me in kind. If you complete your task, I will clear the debt from your entire family.”

“A person is not a possession,” Ravencroft stated.

“Ahh, but Ren is mine. You and Dracott would be wise to remember that,” Lady L warned.

He sliced his hand through the air. Once again, they strayed from the topic that needed to be discussed. He could not care less about the girl they had stolen from Lady L. His concern was Noel and no one else.

“What is the task?” Ravencroft asked.

“The same as before. I need the blueprints to Worthington’s townhome.”

“I cannot find them,” Ravencroft reminded her.

“Then Lady Noel’s visit is perfect. I will allow you time with her every day to learn the layout of her home. Over a few days, you will provide me with the drawings to help set my plan into action.”

She confused Ravencroft. “Why can I not spend a whole day with her and draw them at my home?”

“Because you must learn to never cross me again. And to do that, I must teach you a lesson. I want the Worthington family to worry over their missing sister and for you to face them with the knowledge of her safety, yet be unable to tell them anything. You will commit another act of betrayal. They will never trust you after her return.” Lady L laughed over her brilliant idea.

Ravencroft pretended to ponder her offer over by not responding right away. He started tapping his foot in agitation. “You are sabotaging my plans for the future. Release the girl and I will give you my promise to secure the drawings in a week’s time.”

Lady L narrowed her gaze, attempting to determine if he spoke the truth. When her gaze drilled into him, he shifted in his chair. He understood what her expression meant and shuddered at what her counteroffer might be. When she sashayed over to him, swinging her hips seductively, he had his answer.

It was quite sad to watch her. The passage of time had been an unkind friend to Barbara Langdale. She kept the wrinkles hidden under layers of face paint. Her exile had advanced her age to a worn-out lady. Her attractiveness faded compared to someone as beautiful as Noel. During her prime, Lady Langdale had been one of the most sought-after widows of the ton. Now she was a middle-aged lady who survived on sheer wit and luck alone. However, since her return to England, she had grown careless, making mistakes that would cost her in the end.

Lost in his musings, Ravencroft was unprepared for her to plop down on his lap. She proceeded to drape across him, running her fingers through his hair. He tried untangling himself from her grasp, but she clung to him. Her attempt was either out of desperation or an attempt to entice him into her bed.

“I will release the girl if you join me in my bedchamber for a night of pleasure. My room is next to hers. After she listens to me cry out your name in passion throughout the night, I will send her on her way home. That is, after your mother leaves the door open to Lady Noel’s room and I forget to close mine. Nothing like shocking her innocence away while I get my revenge.” She finished her suggestion by palming his cock. However, her eyes widened when she found a man who held no desire at her suggestion.

Ravencroft growled at her boldness and stood, dropping her at his feet. “Show me the girl so I can verify her safety. Then your men can deliver me home, where I will wait for your summons again.”

Lady L glared at him but rose to her feet with an elegance he didn’t expect. “You are in no position to make demands.”

“Am I not? I could refuse your demands, and then what? You would have no way to gain access to Worthington’s home,” Ravencroft threatened.

“What about your precious fiancée? Do you not care about her welfare if you refuse my offer?”

Ravencroft shrugged. “At this point, not at all. I would like to be on my way since we haven’t agreed to any terms.”

“Fine,” Lady L snarled. She stomped to the door, threw it open, and ordered her guard, “Deliver him to the girl and wait outside.”

Ravencroft followed the guard to the second floor, noting the layout of the house as he went. There were only two floors and every door remained closed, so he couldn’t detect what rooms they were. The guard stopped at the end of the hallway. They would have an advantage from wherever they entered because of the location of Noel’s room. Once he stepped inside, he would get a better layout to stage a rescue.

The guard stepped to the side to allow Ravencroft to enter the bedchamber. He had hoped to slip inside without Noel noticing, but the brute shoved him inside and slammed the door. Once he recovered from the brutality, he searched for Noel, expecting her to defend herself. Instead, she lay on the bed, surrounded by blankets and pillows made from lace. When he moved closer, he came to a stop, shocked at the gown she adorned her body with. Where had she found such a garment?

Every sinful thought Ravencroft could imagine flashed before him, one after another. She was sin personified. A temptress luring him into her decadent paradise. Her breasts spilled from the gown, with her nipples peeking from the silk, offering their delights to him. Noel let out a soft moan and shifted on the bed. Her leg curled up toward her stomach, showing him every kissable inch of temptation. As his cock swelled with need, he groaned and reached down to ease the ache but only grew harder.

Ravencroft glanced over his shoulder and saw the chair propped against the wall. He retraced his steps, staying as quiet as possible, and hooked the chair under the doorknob. It should prevent the guard from entering until he covered Noel from his view. When he turned around, Noel had awakened. She stared at him with the same expression as when he had kissed her.

It spoke of her desires. Her need. Her curiosity. When her eyes lowered, heavy with desire, and she licked her lips, Ravencroft became a doomed man.

“Ah, hell,” he muttered.

He strode to the bed and drew her into his embrace. He dipped his head to her neck and sucked on her with greed. Ravencroft took a deep breath, trying to pull himself together before he stole her innocence in this tawdry place.

“Are you in my dream?” Noel whispered.